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How can I find out who has blocked me from Facebook Messenger?

How can I find out who has blocked me from Facebook Messenger?

There are a few ways to figure out if someone has blocked you on Facebook Messenger. Here are some signs that someone may have blocked you and tips for how to confirm it.

Signs Someone May Have Blocked You on Messenger

Here are some common signs that someone may have blocked you on Facebook Messenger:

  • Your messages to them are marked as “Sent” but never show as “Delivered” or “Read.”
  • You can’t see their profile picture or any updates they post.
  • You can’t start a new message thread with them.
  • You don’t see their active/online status.
  • Your video/voice calls to them never go through.

If you notice one or more of these issues when trying to contact someone, it’s possible they have blocked you. However, keep in mind there are also other reasons you may be experiencing messaging problems with someone on Messenger.

Ways to Confirm if You’re Blocked

To confirm for sure whether someone has blocked you on Messenger, here are a few methods you can try:

Check from a mutual friend’s account

Ask a mutual friend to check if they can still view the person’s profile/updates and message them as normal. If your mutual friend can interact with the person with no issues, it’s likely you have been blocked.

Check their active status

In Messenger, click on your calls tab and check if you can see the person’s active/online status. If you can’t see their status, there’s a good chance they’ve blocked you.

Use the Facebook Blocked List tool

Facebook provides a “Blocked Users” tool that shows you a list of all users who have blocked you on Facebook services. To access it:

  1. Go to the Facebook Settings menu
  2. Click “Blocking” in the left sidebar
  3. Click “See the people you’ve blocked”

This will show you a list of all users who have blocked you on Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram. If the person shows up here, it confirms they have blocked you.

Try messaging them from a different account

As a last resort, try sending the person a message using a secondary Facebook account. If they receive and can reply to your message sent from the other account, it confirms your main account has been blocked.

What To Do If You’re Blocked

If you confirm someone has blocked you on Messenger, here are some tips on what to do next:

  • Respect their privacy – Don’t try to contact them through other means or ask mutual friends about them. Continuing to contact someone who has blocked you will likely be unwanted.
  • Reflect on your past interactions – Think back on your conversations and behavior towards the person. Did you say or do something that may have offended or upset them to cause them to block you?
  • Move on – Ultimately you’ll have to accept that this person no longer wants to interact with you right now. Don’t take it personally, and move on.
  • Request to unblock in the future – After some time has passed, you can ask a mutual connection to request the person unblock you so you can apologize or clear the air. But respect their decision if they decline.

Why Would Someone Block Me on Messenger?

Here are some common reasons why someone might block your account on Facebook Messenger:

You said something offensive

If you made rude, insulting, or inappropriate remarks in your conversations, this understandably may have made them uncomfortable and prompted them to block you.

You were being too persistent

Constantly messaging them unsolicited or not taking the hint when they stopped replying could have come across as pestering behavior, leading them to block you.

You have an unhealthy connection

If your relationship was toxic, abusive, or emotionally draining for them, blocking you may have been necessary to cut contact.

You spreads rumors about them

Spreading lies, starting drama, sharing secrets, or gossiping about them to others could understandably make them not want to interact with you.

You had a falling out

A fight, disagreement or other issue in your friendship/relationship that was never resolved can sometimes lead to being blocked.

You were romantically interested and they weren’t

If you kept pursuing them romantically when they didn’t reciprocate interest, they may have felt harassed and blocked you.

You don’t actually know them

Messenger blocking can also happen accidentally or as a precaution towards strangers or people they don’t remember interacting with.

They wanted space after a breakup

Following a breakup or falling out, someone may block an ex partner on social media to get distance and move on.

You were contacting them too much

If you were messaging them constantly even when conversations had ended naturally, they may have felt overwhelmed and blocked you to create space.

When Is Blocking Justified on Messenger?

Blocking someone on Messenger is generally justified in these situations:

  • The person harassed, threatened, or made you feel unsafe.
  • They repeatedly contacted you in unwanted, disturbing ways.
  • They spread harmful rumors, secrets or lies about you.
  • The relationship was abusive or toxic.
  • You told them you didn’t want further contact but they wouldn’t stop messaging you.
  • You don’t personally know or remember them.
  • You find their repeated messages overwhelming, distracting or upsetting.

Essentially, if someone’s messages are negatively impacting you or making you uncomfortable, you have every right to block them. Your mental health and boundaries should be respected.

When Could Blocking Be Excessive?

However, blocking may be an excessive reaction in certain scenarios, such as:

  • After a single minor disagreement or misunderstanding.
  • Prematurely, without communicating your issues or telling them their behavior bothered you.
  • Blocking all of someone’s friends/family too, inadvertently cutting off your own connections.
  • Blocking someone you have an obligation to stay in contact with, like for work/school.

In these cases, openly communicating boundaries, muting conversations if needed, and unblocking once emotions have cooled down may be better approaches.

Can You Tell if Someone Unblocked You?

If someone decides to later unblock you on Messenger, here are some signs to look for:

  • You can suddenly view their profile and story updates again.
  • Your messages now show as “Delivered” instead of indefinitely “Sent.”
  • You can start a new message thread with them.
  • You can see when they were “Active” last in your calls list.
  • Their name disappears from your Blocked Users list (if you had checked there).

Once unblocked, it is usually recommended to apologize if relevant and be cautious not to repeat behavior that may have caused them to block you initially, as they can always re-block.

Can You Get Unblocked by Reporting the Block?

No, reporting someone for blocking you on Messenger will not lead to you getting unblocked. Facebook allows users to block anyone at their discretion to control their messaging experience. Trying to force access to someone who has blocked you could even potentially lead to termination of your own account for harassment.

Should You Block Someone Back Who Blocked You?

It’s not usually recommended to block someone back who has blocked you, as it can fuel negativity. However, if you find yourself tempted to keep viewing their profile or trying to contact them, blocking them could be helpful to resist the urge and move forward.

Can a Group Admin See Who You Blocked?

No, group admins do not have the ability to see who you have blocked. Your block list is always private and anonymous for all Facebook users.

Does Blocking Delete Messages?

Blocking someone on Messenger does not automatically delete or erase any previous messages exchanged between you. However, either person can manually delete past messages from a conversation by selecting “Delete Messages” under the menu in the chat thread.

Can Blocking Be One-Sided?

Yes, blocking only restricts the user who initiated it. For example, if you block someone, they can still message and view your profile. But you won’t see their messages or profile. Blocking is always one-directional.


Being blocked by someone on Facebook Messenger can be upsetting, but is often a sign that person felt uncomfortable and took steps to protect their boundaries online. While you may not always get closure on their specific reasons for blocking, the healthiest approach is respecting their decision and moving forward. With time and changed behavior, reconnection could potentially happen down the road.