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How can I find my FB account without phone number?

How can I find my FB account without phone number?

If you’ve lost access to your Facebook account and don’t have access to the phone number associated with it, there are still a few options you can try to recover your account. Here are some quick answers to common questions about recovering a Facebook account without a phone number:

Can I recover my Facebook account without a phone number?

Yes, it is possible to recover your Facebook account even if you don’t have access to the phone number on file. Facebook provides alternative options to verify your identity and regain access to your account.

What if I don’t have access to my email or phone number used for my Facebook account?

If you don’t have access to either the email or phone number associated with your Facebook account, you can still try to recover your account through the following methods:

  • Identifying friends – Facebook will prompt you to identify friends from your friends list to confirm your identity.
  • Providing proof of identity – Submitting an ID that matches the name on your Facebook account.
  • Answering security questions – If you had set up security questions previously, you can answer them to regain access.

How do I recover my account if I don’t have my phone number or email?

Follow these steps if you don’t have access to the phone number or email on your Facebook account:

  1. Go to and click “Forgotten account?” on the login page.
  2. Facebook will ask you to identify friends in photos. Select all the friends you recognize.
  3. If you cannot identify enough friends, Facebook will prompt you to submit a copy of your photo ID that matches the name on your account.
  4. Facebook will review your ID and if approved, prompt you to set a new password for your account.

What other options do I have to prove account ownership?

Some other ways you may be able to prove ownership of your account and recover it include:

  • Providing copies of previous passwords
  • Providing locations you’ve logged in from before
  • Providing email addresses you’ve previously used on the account
  • Providing copies of your communications with friends

How long does the Facebook account recovery process take?

The Facebook account recovery process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Factors that influence the timing include:

  • The verification method you used
  • How responsive you are to Facebook’s prompts
  • How much information Facebook needs to confirm your identity

The review process for submitted IDs can take up to 3-5 business days. Providing as much relevant information as possible can help speed up the process.

Can someone else take over my Facebook account if I can’t recover it?

It is very difficult for someone else to fully take over your Facebook account if you cannot recover it. When an account is unrecoverable by the original owner, Facebook will eventually flag the account as “memorialized.” In this state:

  • No one can log into the account
  • Profile and photos remain visible to the public
  • Friends can still post on the Timeline in remembrance

Facebook will preserve the account in this read-only state to prevent unauthorized access.

Should I create a new account if I can’t recover my old one?

Before creating a brand new Facebook account, it is best to exhaust all options to recover your original account. An unrecovered account still counts towards Facebook’s one account per person policy. Having multiple active accounts can get all of them disabled.

If you are certain your account is unrecoverable after trying all options, you can create a new account. Just be sure to use brand new login credentials and do not try to reuse anything from the lost account.

Is there anyone at Facebook I can contact for account recovery help?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not offer direct customer support to assist with account recovery. All account recovery is done through automated prompts on Some tips to get the most helpful prompts include:

  • Using a desktop browser instead of mobile
  • Trying the recovery flow multiple times
  • Providing as many details as possible when prompted

Facebook believes account recovery is best handled through automated methods to prevent unauthorized account access. But many users find the lack of direct support frustrating.

Can I take legal action to regain access to my Facebook account?

You cannot take traditional legal action like filing a lawsuit against Facebook to regain access to your account. According to Facebook’s Terms of Service, all users agree to settle disputes through binding arbitration on an individual basis.

That means you would have to resolve account disputes through an arbitrator rather than in court. The process for initiating arbitration with Facebook is detailed in their Terms of Service. But arbitration can be costly and there’s no guarantee you’ll get your account back.

Should I try contacting Facebook advertisers for help?

Contacting advertisers who may have spent money marketing to you on Facebook is not an effective tactic for account recovery. Advertisers have no ability to access or control user accounts.

Facebook has stringent policies prohibiting advertisers from using account recovery as a tactic to contact users who have interacted with their ads. You are also unlikely to get any personal account information from advertisers.

What precautions can I take to avoid losing access to my account in the future?

Here are some tips to avoid getting locked out of your Facebook account in the future:

  • Add and confirm a backup email and phone number
  • Set up trusted contacts – friends who can help restore access
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Frequently update your password and security questions
  • Log out of Facebook on shared devices


Losing access to your Facebook account can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you don’t have access to your phone number or email. Fortunately, Facebook provides alternative methods to verify your identity and recover your account.

The most important things are trying all available account recovery options, providing as many details as possible, and being patient throughout the process. With persistence, there is a good chance of regaining access to your account even without a phone number or email.