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How can I find a post I commented on on Facebook?

How can I find a post I commented on on Facebook?

Finding a post you’ve commented on can be tricky on Facebook, especially if it was a while ago. Here are some quick tips to help you track down posts you’ve commented on:

Check Your Activity Log

The easiest way to find comments you’ve left is to check your Activity Log. This shows all your interactions on Facebook over time. To access it:

  1. Click the three line menu in the top right
  2. Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose “Comments” from the sidebar

You’ll then see a list of all comments you’ve made. You can filter by date range to narrow it down. Clicking on a comment will take you to the post it was left on.

Search for Keywords

If you have a vague memory of what you commented on, try searching for keywords. For example, search for a word or phrase you think you used in the comment or post.

To search:

  1. Click in the search bar at the top of Facebook
  2. Type in your keywords, like “great photo!” or “congrats”
  3. Select “Comments” from the dropdown menu

This will show posts where your comment contains those words. Look through to see if you can find the one you’re after.

Check Notifications

If someone replied to your comment, it may still be in your notifications:

  1. Click the globe icon in the top right
  2. Open the “Notifications” tab
  3. Look for posts you commented on that have new replies

Clicking on these will take you back to the original post and your comment.

Go Through Your Feed History

If all else fails, scroll back through your feed to manually look for posts you commented on:

  1. Go to your homepage feed
  2. Scroll down to around the time you think you commented
  3. Slowly scan posts looking for your comments

This can be time consuming, but may be your only option if you can’t pinpoint the post any other way. Be patient and keep scrolling until you hopefully spot it.

Use Facebook Tools

Facebook also has some tools that can help you track down specific posts and comments:

Graph Search

Graph Search lets you construct detailed searches to filter through posts on Facebook. You may be able to locate your comment by searching for specifics like who you commented to and what you said.

Facebook Memories

Memories shows you posts from the same day in previous years. If you have an idea of roughly when you commented, you may be able to spot it in your memories.

Download Your Data

You can download an archive of your Facebook data, including a full history of your posts and comments. You’ll then be able to search this file for the comment.

Prevent It in the Future

To avoid hunting for comments again later, there are some habits you can get into:

  • Bookmark posts you comment on
  • Save your own comments by highlighting and copying the text
  • Use the “Comment History” extension to store your comments

Doing these will provide an easier way to retrieve your comments if you ever need to find them again.


Digging up an old Facebook comment can require some work, but using features like Activity Log, search, and your feed history can help track it down. If you strategically save and organize comments as you go, it’ll be much easier to find them again later.

The key is using all the tools Facebook provides to filter through your potentially thousands of posts and comments. With patience and a systematic approach, that needle-in-a-haystack comment will turn up.

Method How to do it When it’s useful
Check Activity Log Go to Activity Log > Comments You want to browse all your comments from newest to oldest
Search for keywords Type words into Facebook search bar and select “Comments” You remember specific words used in the post/comment
Look in notifications Open notifications tab and look for recent replies Someone has replied to your comment recently
Scroll feed history Manually go back through your timeline feed You have a general sense of when you commented
Use Facebook tools Graph Search, Memories, data download You can’t find the comment using other methods

This summarizes the key techniques covered in the article for finding a lost Facebook comment, along with when each one is most useful.

Searching for old posts and comments on Facebook can be a challenge, especially if it was a long time ago. Here are some tips to make sure you never lose a Facebook comment again:

Bookmark Important Posts

Facebook has a built-in bookmark feature that lets you save posts for later. When you come across a post you commented on that you may want to reference again, click the bookmark icon underneath it.

This adds it to your saved posts list on your profile. You can easily access all your bookmarked posts at any time from the menu.

Highlight Your Comments

Before you submit a comment, consider selecting and copying the text. Then you’ll be able to paste it somewhere safe like a Word doc or email draft.

This creates a handy record of your comment that you can search later if you need to find the post again.

Use the Comment History Extension

Browser extensions like Comment History for Chrome automatically save your Facebook comments for you. This stores every comment you make for easy searching and reference later.

And it lets you export your comments to a file, giving you an offline backup. Handy if you ever need to find a specific comment again.

Organize Your Saved Posts

Facebook lets you create custom lists to organize your saved posts and keep them tidy. For example, you could have lists like:

  • Recipes
  • Vacation Ideas
  • Gift Ideas
  • Posts I’ve Commented On

Grouping the posts you’ve commented on into categorized lists will help you find them much faster later on.

Follow Up on Comments

If you have an ongoing conversation in a post’s comment thread, make sure to follow up when you get replies. This will bump the post to the top of your notifications for easy access again.

Replying to replies also keeps the conversation active, giving you more opportunities to save or bookmark the post.

Using techniques like these can save you the headache of digging for Facebook comments in the future. Being organized as you go makes it much easier to find that brilliant comment later on when you need it.

Here are 5 key tips to avoid losing track of Facebook comments you’ve made, and to be able to find them easily again in the future:

1. Bookmark Important Posts

The bookmark feature lets you save posts to revisit later. Use it to keep track of any posts you’ve commented on that you might want to see again.

2. Copy Your Comment Text

Before submitting a comment, copy the text so you have it saved separately. Paste it somewhere easy to find like a Word document.

3. Use a Comment History Extension

Browser extensions will automatically save your comments for easy searching and exporting later on.

4. Organize Saved Posts into Lists

Sort your bookmarked posts into themed lists, like “Posts I’ve Commented On” to stay organized.

5. Keep Comment Conversations Active

Reply to any follow up comments so the post stays at the top of your notifications for quick access.

Implementing habits like these will ensure your brilliant Facebook comments are never truly lost in your feed. With the right tools and practices, you can save, organize and track your comment history for easy searching later.

Never lose one of your Facebook comments again with these 5 simple habits:

  1. Bookmark posts after commenting by clicking the bookmark icon.
  2. Highlight and copy the text of your comment before posting.
  3. Use browser extensions like Comment History to auto-save comments.
  4. Create Facebook Lists to categorize saved posts.
  5. Stay active in comment threads by replying to follow-ups.

Following these simple practices will make your comments far easier to locate in the future. You’ll never have to fruitlessly scroll for ages trying to track down that brilliant comment from last year.

Implementing just a few small habits can make a big difference in keeping your Facebook comment history organized. Here are 5 tips:

  1. Bookmark posts – Save important posts with comments using the bookmark feature.
  2. Copy comment text – Highlight and copy your comments before posting to have a backup.
  3. Use comment history extensions – These save your comments automatically for easy access.
  4. Organize saved post lists – Lists like “Comment History” keep things tidy.
  5. Stay active in threads – Keep the conversation going so the post stays at the top of your notifications.

Just taking a few seconds to bookmark, copy or categorize using tools like lists will save you from losing track of engaging conversations. Never futilely scroll for that one comment again.


Facebook comments can be difficult to find later if you don’t employ some tracking strategies as you go. But with the right habits, you can easily keep your comment history organized for quick searching when you need it.

Bookmarks, copying text, third-party extensions, post lists, and active notifications can prevent losing your place in an engaging discussion. Take the time to set up these practices now, so your comments will never be lost in the depths of your Facebook feed again.