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How can I file a complaint with Facebook?

How can I file a complaint with Facebook?

Facebook is one of the largest and most popular social media platforms in the world, with billions of users. While Facebook provides a platform for people to connect and share, sometimes users can encounter issues with content, privacy, or harassment on the platform. If you experience a problem on Facebook that violates their community standards or terms of service, you have the right to file a formal complaint and request that action be taken. Here is an overview of how to properly file a complaint with Facebook and get your issue resolved.

When Should I File a Complaint with Facebook?

Here are some common situations when filing a formal complaint with Facebook is appropriate:

  • Your privacy has been violated (someone accessed your account without consent)
  • You are being harassed or bullied on Facebook
  • You encountered abusive, hateful, or violent content
  • You found inappropriate content involving children
  • Your intellectual property was used without permission
  • A Facebook profile is impersonating you
  • You were scammed on Facebook

Facebook has detailed community standards that outline what is and isn’t allowed on their platform. If you encounter content or activity that clearly violates these standards, filing a report is the proper course of action to get the issue resolved.

How to File a Complaint with Facebook

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to file a complaint with Facebook:

Step 1: Gather Evidence

The first step is to gather evidence of the content, activity, or privacy violation you want to report. Here are some ways to collect relevant evidence:

  • Take screenshots of harassing messages, inappropriate posts, impersonating profiles, etc.
  • Note the exact web address (URL) where the violating content is located
  • Compile a list of the dates/times when the violation occurred
  • Save copies of emails, messages, or posts related to the issue

The more details and evidence you can provide, the easier it will be for Facebook to investigate and take action on your complaint.

Step 2: File a Report in the Facebook Help Center

Once you’ve gathered your evidence, you can file a report by going to the Facebook Help Center:

  • Go to on a web browser (you cannot file a complaint through the Facebook app)
  • Click “Report a Problem”
  • Select the issue category that best fits your complaint (harassment, intellectual property violation, privacy issue, etc)
  • Fill out the on-screen forms providing details about your complaint
  • Upload or link to any supporting evidence
  • Click submit

Be sure to provide as many specifics as possible – dates, profile names, page URLs, screenshots, etc. The more info you provide, the better.

Step 3: Check Your Email for Follow-Ups

After filing your report, Facebook will send a confirmation email. They may follow up via email if they need any other details from you.

Make sure to check your email over the next few days and respond if Facebook asks for any clarification. Adding details will help speed up their investigation.

Step 4: Check Back for Resolution

It can take Facebook up to 48 hours to look into most complaints. In some cases it may take longer if they have to conduct a more complex investigation.

Log back into the Help Center and check your reports a few days later for an update. Facebook will notify you once they’ve looked into your issue and taken any actions.

If it’s been more than a week and your complaint remains unresolved, you may want to file your report again and provide additional evidence. Continuously bring reports to their attention until your issue is properly addressed.

Other Ways to File a Complaint

In addition to filing a report through the official Help Center, here are some other options for reporting issues to Facebook:

Report Directly In the Facebook App

If you encounter inappropriate content or profiles while browsing Facebook on your mobile device, you can report them directly in the app:

  • Tap the three dots next to a post or comment
  • Select “Report” or “Give Feedback”
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to file your complaint

Reporting in-app gets your complaint directly into Facebook’s queues for faster resolution.

Use Facebook’s Contact Form

You can also file your complaint using Facebook’s general contact form located at This form allows you to explain your issue and attach files. Make sure to select the appropriate topic so your complaint goes to the right team.

Request Account Support

If your issue relates specifically to your account (compromised account, disabled profile, etc), you can get help through Facebook’s account support options located at

Contact Facebook on Social Media

Getting public visibility on your issue may prompt Facebook to look into it faster. Consider tweeting your complaint to @Facebook or @FacebookApp. You can also post publicly on Facebook’s official pages. While not an official reporting method, social media posts can help escalate urgent issues.

What Happens After I File a Complaint?

Here’s a quick overview of what happens after you file a complaint with Facebook:

  • You’ll receive an initial confirmation email when your report is filed
  • Your complaint goes into Facebook’s system to be reviewed by their community operations team
  • They may contact you for additional details or evidence
  • Within 48 hours, a Facebook rep will determine if your report warrants investigation
  • If investigated, it may take 1-2 weeks to make a final decision on your complaint
  • Facebook will notify you by email about the outcome and actions taken
  • If your complaint is dismissed, you can file an appeal within 7 days

Here are the general steps Facebook takes when reviewing complaints:

  1. Review the initial report and evidence
  2. Determine if a violation of standards or policies occurred
  3. Attempt to identify any individuals or parties responsible
  4. Take action such as removing content, disabling accounts, or notifying law enforcement
  5. Follow up with the reporter about actions taken

Keep in mind that due to privacy policies, Facebook cannot reveal specific details if actions are taken against another user or account. But they should notify you if they determine your complaint warrants action under their policies.

Tips for Filing a Successful Facebook Complaint

Here are some tips to ensure your Facebook complaint gets proper attention and resolution:

  • Provide as many details as possible – dates, names, links, evidence
  • Stick to factual descriptions of violations when detailing your complaint
  • Clearly explain how the issue is impacting you and violating Facebook policy
  • If possible, include links or screenshots as evidence
  • Check back regularly for updates on your report
  • Be responsive if Facebook requests clarification or additional details
  • If no action is taken, re-file your complaint and emphasize its urgency
  • Use official channels like the Help Center to file your report

The more organized, detailed, and evidence-based your complaint is, the more likely Facebook will be able to address your issue properly.

Common Facebook Complaints

Here are examples of common complaints users file with Facebook, and how to file them effectively:

Harassment or Bullying

  • Provide specific examples of harassing, threatening, or abusive content
  • Include screenshots, profile names, links of evidence
  • Explain how the behavior violates Facebook’s bullying and harassment policies

Hate Speech

  • Describe the problematic speech (threats, slurs, calls for violence, etc)
  • Explain why the content promotes hate and should be removed
  • Include links to or copies of the violating posts/pages

Fake Profiles or Impersonation

  • Provide the profile URL of the impersonating account
  • Describe how the account is designed to impersonate you
  • Request removal of the fake profile

Compromised or Disabled Account

  • Explain what happened – were you hacked, banned unfairly, etc?
  • Provide info such as email or password resets that led you to discover the issue
  • Request help regaining access to your disabled profile

Removed or Missing Content

  • Explain what content went missing – posts, photos, videos, etc
  • Provide URLs of the missing content if possible
  • Clarify why the removals were made in error

Privacy Violations

  • Explain how your privacy was violated – account accessed without consent, etc
  • Provide evidence such as login notifications from unrecognized locations
  • Request a security review of any compromises

Copyright Infringement

  • Identify the content that infringes on your copyrights
  • Explain that you want the unauthorized usage removed
  • Provide proof of ownership such as registered copyrights

Thoroughly documenting how the content or activity violates Facebook’s rules or harms you personally is key for these common complaints. The more evidence you can provide, the more compelling your case.

Appealing Rejected Complaints

If Facebook does not take action on your initial complaint, you have the option to appeal the decision:

  • File your appeal within 7 days of your report being rejected
  • Clearly state you are requesting an appeal in your message
  • Emphasize additional details not included in your original complaint
  • Explain again how the issue violates Facebook policies

Continuing to re-file your complaint draws attention to the problem and shows you will not let it go unaddressed. Be persistent advocating for yourself when necessary.

Getting Help from Facebook Support

If your complaints and appeals continue to go unresolved or you need help navigating the reporting process, you can request assistance directly from Facebook’s support team:

  • Visit the Help Community for your Facebook product (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, etc)
  • Post a message detailing your problem and history of unresolved reports
  • Explain clearly the assistance you need
  • Engage with any community moderators or supports reps that respond

Facebook employs dedicated support teams trained to handle account issues and complaints. While they may not be able to share details of actions taken, they can provide guidance on any next steps or additional info needed to review your reports. Don’t hesitate to ask them for help.

Reporting Severe Issues to Law Enforcement

For very serious complaints involving threats, exploitation, or other criminal violations, you should report the activity directly to law enforcement in addition to Facebook:

  • File a report with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center at
  • Contact your local police department if laws were broken in your jurisdiction
  • Preserve evidence in case it is needed for an investigation

Law enforcement has tools and legal authority that Facebook does not when it comes to pursuing charges and prosecuting criminal violations. Work with them in cases of severe online threats, stalking, child exploitation, fraud, or other dangerous misconduct.

Getting Legal Help with Facebook Complaints

If Facebook fails to reasonably resolve complaints involving harassment, privacy breaches, or other issues violating your legal rights, consulting a lawyer may be your next step:

  • Discuss options for holding Facebook accountable with an internet law attorney
  • Consider small claims court for minor issues involving damages under $5000
  • Explore class action lawsuits for widespread violations impacting many users
  • File complaints with organizations like the FTC and your state Attorney General

Legal advice can empower you to take action if Facebook’s internal process does not provide sufficient resolution. There are various legal avenues to compel companies like Facebook to properly address issues and comply with regulations protecting users.

Alternative Social Media Platforms

If Facebook refuses to resolve your complaints and you are dissatisfied with their handling of your issues, moving to alternative social media platforms is an option to consider:

  • Twitter – Popular for news, updates, events, and engagement
  • Tumblr – Known for sharing blogs, gifs, images, and multimedia
  • Reddit – Discussion forums organized into subreddits of common interests
  • Discord – Voice, video, and text chat popular with online gaming communities
  • Mastodon – Open source, decentralized social network with various hosted servers

While no platform is perfect, exploring social media alternatives can provide you with a fresh start and new community. There are niche sites tailored to specific interests as well like photography, travel, music, etc. Don’t feel locked in if Facebook is not meeting your needs.

Deactivating or Deleting Your Facebook Account

If you wish to leave Facebook altogether, you can either deactivate your account temporarily or delete it permanently:


  • Logging into Facebook and going to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deactivation
  • Choose a reason for deactivating from the drop-down menu
  • Click “Continue to Account Deactivation”
  • Enter password to confirm deactivation


  • Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deletion
  • Click “Permanently Delete Account”
  • Choose a reason from the drop-down menu
  • Enter your password to confirm permanent deletion

Deactivating removes your profile temporarily while deletion is permanent. With both options, Facebook can take up to 90 days to complete removal of data from their systems and backups.


Facebook provides an important platform for communication and community for its billions of users. However, when you encounter harassment, abuse, privacy violations, or other issues that compromise your safety and digital rights, you have options for recourse. Filing detailed, evidence-based complaints through Facebook’s official channels can prompt them to investigate and take action in line with their policies. If internal processes fail, appealing to outside authorities and legal support may compel Facebook to resolve difficult situations. While leaving Facebook may make sense in some cases, ideally your issues can be properly addressed allowing you to continue using the platform safely. With persistence and utilization of the right reporting tools, you can work to maintain your positive Facebook experience.