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How can I delete old tweets?

How can I delete old tweets?

Deleting old tweets can be a good way to curate your Twitter presence and protect your online reputation. With Twitter being a public platform, your old tweets are still accessible unless you take steps to remove them. There are a few different options for deleting tweets in bulk, but you need to be aware of Twitter’s data retention policies.

Why Would You Want To Delete Old Tweets?

There are several reasons why you may want to delete old tweets:

To Protect Your Reputation

Past tweets that are now embarrassing, inappropriate, or no longer reflect your views can pose a risk to your reputation. Deleting old tweets allows you to curate the public perception of your persona on Twitter. This is especially important for public figures, but a good practice for anyone using social media.

To Remove Controversial Opinions

If you posted opinions in the past that you no longer stand behind or that could be seen as offensive today, deleting those old tweets can prevent current backlash. This helps avoid having past mistakes resurface to cause issues.

To Improve Your Feed

Deleting irrelevant or low-value tweets from years ago that you wouldn’t want new followers to see right away can refine your Twitter feed to showcase higher quality content.

Due to Changes in Your Life

Major life events like starting a new career, entering a relationship, having children, etc. may make old tweets seem unimportant or inappropriate given your current situation. Deleting the old tweets allows your account to better match your present circumstances.

Factors to Consider Before Deleting Tweets

Before embarking on deleting your old tweets, keep these factors in mind:

Twitter’s Data Retention Policies

Twitter maintains deleted tweets and accounts in their database for up to 30 days before permanent deletion. Your old tweets may still be retrievable during this time.

Archives Outside Twitter

Google caches, Internet archives, and other third party services may retain copies of your old tweets beyond Twitter’s retention window. Total deletion is difficult.

Screenshots Shared by Others

Even after deleted, screenshots of your tweets could exist if other users captured them. There’s no way to control the external sharing of your old posts.

Lost Engagement and Metrics

Any likes, retweets, and other engagement on deleted tweets will be permanently erased. Your total tweet counts will be lowered.

FOMO on Your Past Thoughts

One day you may wish to reflect back on your old mindset and opinions. Deleting tweets can prevent accessing your past perspectives.

How to Bulk Delete Old Tweets

To start removing your old tweets in bulk, you have three options:

Use a Third Party Twitter Delete Service

Services like TweetDelete and TweetEraser let you connect your Twitter account and delete tweets older than a certain date or delete tweets selectively based on content. Often free for limited use with paid subscriptions for power users. Offers bulk deletion not available through Twitter itself.

Service Price Pros Cons
TweetDelete Free or $9/mo Bulk delete old tweets. Schedule future deletions. Must link account. Pay for advanced features.
TweetEraser Free or $3/mo Filter tweets by date, keywords, likes. Account link required. Frequent ads.

Use a Twitter Client App

Desktop and mobile apps like TweetDeck and Twitterrific provide robust Twitter account management including bulk deletion tools. Varies by app features with one time purchase fees or monthly subscriptions. More hands on deletion.

Manual Twitter Deletion

On and in the mobile app you can manually go through and delete tweets one by one. Very time consuming for large amounts of tweets. Easy for limited deletion.

How to Permanently Delete Your Twitter Account

If you wish to remove your entire Twitter presence, you can permanently deactivate your account:

  1. On Twitter click Settings and privacy > Your account > Deactivate your account
  2. Select “Deactivate” option and confirm
  3. Enter your password to proceed with deactivation
  4. Click “Deactivate” button to confirm and disable account
  5. After 30 days your account is permanently deleted

Be aware this will erase your entire Twitter presence and cannot be reversed. Consider downloading an archive of your data beforehand if desired.

Best Practices for Deleting Tweets

To effectively manage your Twitter reputation, optimize your feed, and delete old tweets with care, keep these best practices in mind:

Use Third Party Tools for Bulk Deletion

Services that allow mass tweet deletion beyond Twitter’s limits are best for major feed curation. Get the most bang for your buck.

Never Delete to Cover Up Controversy

Twitter is public, so try to own past mistakes transparently rather than hiding them. Deletion to save face often backfires.

Delete in Phases for Organic Feel

Wiping your entire Twitter history overnight can look suspicious. Take a gradual approach over time for a more natural clean up.

Review and Archive Before Deleting

Look through your tweets set for deletion. Save important, nostalgic or popular tweets externally before removing.

Always Adhere to Twitter’s Terms of Service

When cleaning your Twitter account, follow proper use guidelines and avoid automated deletion tools which can risk suspension.


Maintaining your Twitter presence requires occasional pruning and curation. With the right approach, deleting old tweets that no longer benefit your brand, reputation, and evolving personal views can provide a needed refresh. Just be mindful of Twitter’s data policies, retention of deleted content through archives and screenshots, and best practices for seeming authentic.

With Twitter being so entrenched in public discourse and professional networking today, it’s important to manage how you showcase yourself through careful tweeting and intentional feed curation over time. Establish habits to refine your Twitter feed as you grow and change as a person.