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How can I check my shadow ban status?

How can I check my shadow ban status?

Checking your shadow ban status is crucial for social media users, especially influencers and business owners who rely on social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or TikTok to reach their audience. Getting shadow banned means your content will stop showing up in searches and hashtags, severely limiting your visibility and reach.

The good news is there are several ways to check if your account is shadow banned on major platforms. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to test for a shadow ban on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.

What is a Shadow Ban?

A shadow ban refers to actions taken by a social media platform to restrict a user’s visibility and reach without outright suspending their account. Your posts, comments and likes will still appear to you when logged in, but they will not show up for your regular followers or in hashtag searches.

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter use shadow banning to curb spam, fake accounts and abusive behavior. However, legitimate users can also get caught in shadow bans due to algorithm errors or sudden spikes in engagement. Content that gets flagged as inappropriate can also lead to a shadow ban.

The effects of a shadow ban depend on the platform:

  • Instagram – Your posts have lower reach, don’t show up under relevant hashtags.
  • Facebook – Your posts rarely appear on newsfeeds, even for fans.
  • Twitter – Your tweets have less visibility, don’t show up in searches.
  • TikTok – Videos are not shown to followers, hashtags reach is lowered.

Persistent shadow banning can cripple your follower growth and engagement rates. That’s why it’s important to regularly check your shadow ban status and take prompt corrective action.

How to Check if You are Shadow Banned on Instagram

Here are some easy ways to test if your Instagram account has been shadow banned:

Check Post Insights

Pull up insights for your recent posts – if you see a dramatic drop in reach and impressions, it likely indicates a shadow ban. Normal accounts consistently reach 20-30% of their followers with each post. Reach dropping below 10% is a red flag.

Try Hashtags

Use some banned hashtags like #followforfollow or #likeforlikes in a post. If it is not filtered out and still shows up under those hashtags in searches, your account has not been shadowbanned.

Compare Against Other Accounts

Check if your posts are showing up under relevant hashtags and locations when searched logged out or from another account. If you can see others but not yours, it’s a sign of shadowban.

Use Third Party Ban Check Tools

There are some third party apps and sites like ShadowBan Test that let you enter your username and analyze multiple metrics to detect shadow bans.

Post from a Different Account

Try posting the same content from a different account and compare reach and impressions. If the other account gets higher visibility, your main is likely shadowbanned.

How to Check if You are Shadow Banned on Facebook

It can be tricky to confirm a Facebook shadow ban since you still see your posts as normal when logged in. Here are some ways to check:

Newsfeed Check

Log out and try viewing your Facebook page or personal profile as a non-follower. If your latest posts don’t show up, despite being public, it indicates a shadow ban.

Post Reach Analysis

View insights for your recent posts – reach and impressions dropping abnormally low means you have likely been shadow banned.

Ask Followers for Feedback

Message some regular followers and ask if your recent posts are showing up on their newsfeed or not. Several of them not seeing posts confirms you’ve been shadow banned.

Page Invites

Try sending invites or sharing your page – if even your existing friends/fans aren’t receiving invites, it’s due to a shadow ban.

Use Third Party Tools

Services like SocialBook Shadow Ban Tester can analyze your account and reveal if a shadow ban is active based on various metrics and checks.

How to Check if You are Shadow Banned on Twitter

Since Twitter functions differently than Instagram or Facebook, here are some specific ways to test for a Twitter shadow ban:

Search Your Tweets and @ Mentions

Log out and try searching for your recent tweets or @ mentions. If they don’t show up in results, your account is likely shadow banned.

Tweet Deletions Analysis

Services like Twiends and Twitter Ghost allows you to scan your account and reveals any tweets that may have been quietly deleted without your knowledge – this could indicate a partial shadow ban.

Quality Filter Check

From your profile, turn off “Quality Filter” under Settings > Privacy and Safety. If your mentions and engagement suddenly spike, that means the quality filter was restricting your visibility.

compare followers/following growth

Check your follower growth graphs – if following count growth is significantly higher than followers growth, it points to reach limitations from a shadow ban.

Analyze Tweet Impressions

Use the Twitter analytics tool built into TweetDeck to check your recent tweet impressions. Numbers dropping abnormally low indicates your tweets are not being shown to many users.

How to Check if You are Shadow Banned on TikTok

TikTok does not offer official insights into shadow bans, but here are some signs to watch out for:

Follower Activity Check

Engagement from followers dropping drastically hints at a shadow ban. Ask some regular followers if they are still seeing your latest videos in their feed.

Fewer follows/likes from non-followers also suggests shadow ban.

Video Views from Profile/Hashtags

Compare video views when accessed directly on your profile vs from hashtag or sounds pages. Views primarily from your profile indicates shadow ban limiting hashtag reach.

Watch Time Statistics

Average view duration dropping significantly points to a shadow ban limiting your videos to only loyal current followers, rather than reaching new users that may lose interest quicker.

Try Switching Accounts

Post the same video from a different account and compare view count/engagement. Better performance from the second account hints your main profile is potentially shadowbanned.

Use Third Party Tools

Sites like HypeAuditor provide TikTok analyzer tools that check for shadow ban signals based on follower demographics, impressions and other metrics.

Common Reasons for Shadow Bans on Social Media

Getting shadow banned can happen innocently, but is most often triggered by violations of platform guidelines. Here are some common reasons accounts get shadow banned:

  • Using banned hashtags or keywords
  • Spamming content, comments, follows or likes
  • Automated bots/services to inflate growth metrics
  • Using prohibited third party apps or services
  • Posting prohibited/controversial content
  • Abusing tagging or mentions for exposure
  • Coordinated engagement pods to artificially boost posts

Shadow bans are designed to throttle accounts that try to cheat the system and don’t play by the rules. If you participate in any of the above activities, that could trigger an algorithmic shadow ban by platforms.

How to Get Unshadowbanned on Social Media

The most effective way to recover from a shadow ban is to identify and address the root cause behind it. Here are some tips to get your account unshadowbanned across social platforms:

Stop Violating Platform Policies

First and foremost, stop doing anything that goes against the platform’s code of conduct like spam comments, using bots, buying fake followers etc. Such behavior will just sustain the ban.

Appeal the Ban

Twitter and Instagram allow appeals if you feel the shadow ban was unfair. Reach out to support highlighting how it harms your usage and request a review.

Temporarily Reduce Posting Frequency

Slowing down your posting rate for a few weeks can help lift a shadow ban triggered by over-posting. Try switching from 3 posts a day to just 1-2 posts.

Clean Up Your Following List

Unfollow any spam accounts, bots and users you don’t genuinely engage with. Having too many inorganic follows can be seen asmanipulation.

Avoid Controversial Content

Steer clear of content that can be construed as offensive, Clickbait-y or spreading misinformation as those often lead to shadow bans.

Focus on Engagement

Comment and interact authentically with other users in your niche rather than just spamming your links. Building connections helps lift shadow bans over time.

The specific remedy depends on the underlying reason for the shadow ban. An algorithm restriction triggered by spam behavior cannot be circumvented unless that behavior itself changes. But sticking to best practices, engaging organically and appealing bans can slowly lift unfair shadow bans.

How to Avoid Getting Shadow Banned in the First Place

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to dealing with social media shadow bans. Here are some tips to avoid getting shadow banned:

  • Don’t use any prohibited third party promotion services
  • Avoid buying fake followers or manipulation services
  • Don’t overdo hashtags, mentions or tagging
  • Engage with followers and others in your niche
  • Post HIGH QUALITY and original content
  • Don’t spam content or comments
  • Follow platform guidelines and Terms of Service
  • Don’t abuse the algorithm with follow/unfollow tactics
  • Schedule your posts to space out activity

The key is to implement organic growth strategies rather than looking for shortcuts. Building meaningful connections, posting engaging content and providing value to others will make your account resistant to shadow bans.


Checking regularly to see if you are shadow banned is important to stay on top of your social media growth. Tactics that artificially inflate vanity metrics eventually backfire when the platform algorithms detect manipulation and throttle your reach.

But the good news is shadow bans are reversible once you identify the problem activity and course correct. Authenticity is always rewarded by social media algorithms over the long run. So focus on building relationships, stick to posting great content and you will avoid the need to wonder “am I shadowbanned”?