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How can I change my name on Facebook without it getting rejected?

How can I change my name on Facebook without it getting rejected?

Quick Answer

To change your name on Facebook without it getting rejected, you’ll need to make sure your new name complies with Facebook’s Real Name Policy. Some tips:

  • Use your authentic full name as it would appear on your government ID or official documents
  • Avoid using symbols, unusual capitalization, or repetitive characters
  • Don’t use titles or descriptors before your name
  • You can include a middle name or initial
  • Nicknames are fine as long as your friends still recognize you

Also, change your name just 1-2 times per year. Frequent name changes could get flagged as suspicious activity. And be patient – it may take Facebook up to 24 hours to review your new name. As long as you’ve followed the rules, it should get approved.

What is Facebook’s Real Name Policy?

Facebook requires all users to provide their real first and last names on their profiles. This is to help create an authentic community where people use their real identities.

Specifically, Facebook’s Real Name Policy states:

  • Provide your real name as it would appear on your credit card, driver’s license or student ID
  • Provide the name your friends call you in real life
  • Avoid using symbols, unusual capitalization, repeating characters or punctuation
  • Don’t use offensive or suggestive words in your name

Facebook may ask you to verify your name if they think you aren’t using your real identity. You’ll need to provide proof of your name via a piece of ID.

The Real Name Policy is in place to discourage cyberbullying, hate speech, and other unwanted behavior from anonymous accounts. Requiring real names fosters accountability.

Why Would Facebook Reject a Name Change Request?

There are a few reasons why Facebook might reject your request to change your profile name:

  • Your new name doesn’t align with Facebook’s Real Name Policy (e.g. it includes unusual capitalization, symbols, etc.)
  • You changed your name too many times in a short period
  • Your new name matches a celebrity or public figure
  • Your name change seems suspicious or fake
  • You’ve gotten multiple name change requests flagged recently

Essentially, if Facebook thinks you are violating their rules or not providing your real identity, the name change will get rejected.

You may also run into issues if you request name changes too frequently. Facebook allows adjustments as your name changes, but frequent changes come across as suspicious behavior.

How to Change Your Name on Facebook

Here are step-by-step instructions for changing your name on Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on your name in the top left
  2. Select “Edit name” from the dropdown menu
  3. Enter your new name – this should be your authentic, real name
  4. Click “Review Change”
  5. Check the box confirming this aligns with Facebook’s policies
  6. Click “Save Changes”

Your new name will not update immediately. It goes into a review queue, where Facebook will evaluate whether it complies with their Real Name Policy.

You may see your new name on your profile right away. But it won’t update on posts or be visible to other users until it clears review.

The review process can take up to 24 hours. There’s a chance it will get rejected if Facebook deems it inauthentic. But if you followed the proper name format, you should get approved.

Tips for Getting Your Facebook Name Change Approved

Here are some tips to smooth the name change process and avoid rejections:

  • Use your real, full name – Include the first and last name you use in official documents and that friends know you by
  • Add your middle name (if applicable) – This helps confirm your identity
  • Leave out extra info – Don’t include prefixes like Ms., Dr., etc. or name suffixes
  • Avoid unusual formats – Symbols, ALL CAPS, odd punctuation, and repeating letters will get flagged
  • No inappropriate names – Make sure your name doesn’t include offensive words or meanings
  • Nicknames are OK – If your friends know you by a nickname, it will likely be approved
  • Only change once or twice a year – Frequent name changes are suspicious to Facebook

Stick to these guidelines, and your new name should get approved within a day. If it does get rejected, try simplifying your name before requesting the change again. And confirm you’re using the name shown on your official ID.

What to Do If Your Name Change Gets Rejected

If Facebook rejects your name change request, don’t panic. Here’s what to do next:

  1. Review Facebook’s policies – Read through their Real Name Policy to ensure you didn’t miss any rules.
  2. Check the reason for rejection – Facebook should send an email explaining why it got rejected.
  3. Simplify your name – If your name was very long or included special characters, shorten it or remove any non-standard formatting.
  4. Verify your identity – Facebook may request proof of your name via your ID document.
  5. Wait and try again – Give it a day or two before changing your name again to avoid further issues.
  6. Report a problem – If you think Facebook made a mistake, use their help forms to contest the rejection.

As long as your new name is formatted properly and follows the policies, you should be able to get it approved on the second try. Do not try to change your name over and over – that will just lead to more rejections.

Why You May Want to Change Your Name on Facebook

There are a few common reasons people update their name on Facebook:

  • Marriage or divorce – You took on a new surname after getting married or went back to your maiden name.
  • Legal name change – You changed your legal name and want it to match on Facebook.
  • Nickname preference – You prefer to use a nickname rather than your full first name.
  • Professional branding – Your full name is very common, so you want to stand out by adding a middle initial or name.
  • Avoid confusion – Distinguish yourself from other people with similar names by adding a middle name.
  • Reflect true identity – Transitioning your name to reflect your gender identity.

As long as you have a legitimate reason for the name change, and follow Facebook’s policies, it should get approved. Do some prep work ahead of time to set yourself up for success.

Preparing for a Smooth Facebook Name Change Process

Change your name seamlessly on Facebook by doing some prep work in advance:

  • Review Facebook’s current Real Name Policy and make sure your new name complies
  • Have your government ID ready in case Facebook asks you to verify your identity
  • Consider simplifying your name to avoid issues – use just first and last, leave out extra words
  • Tell close connections on Facebook about your name change to avoid confusion
  • Update your name on other social media platforms and accounts for consistency
  • Be patient and persistent if your name gets rejected at first

Also, spread out your requests. Don’t change your name 10 times in a month or you’ll run into problems.

Doing your homework will ensure your new moniker gets the green light.

Mistakes to Avoid When Changing Your Name on Facebook

Steer clear of these mistakes that could get your name change rejected:

  • Using a fake name or pseudonym
  • Including symbols or strange punctuation
  • Adding prefixes or suffixes like Mr., PhD, Jr.
  • Using all uppercase or all lowercase letters
  • Requesting name changes too frequently
  • Changing to a celebrity’s name or brand name
  • Including offensive language or slurs
  • Using someone else’s name or stolen identity
  • Changing from an obviously fake name to a real name

Basically, anything that seems suspicious or not aligned with representing your true identity will get flagged. Stick to your real first and last name and avoid strange formatting.

And don’t inundate Facebook with multiple requests. Be thoughtful and selective in when and why you change your name. Follow these guidelines for smooth sailing!

What to Do if Your Name Change is Stuck Pending

In most cases, name change requests on Facebook go through either approved or rejected within 24 hours. But sometimes they can get stuck pending review. Here’s what to do:

  • Wait 48 hours – Give Facebook some time to properly review
  • Check for emails from Facebook – They may ask for more info
  • Submit ID verification if prompted – Send in a copy of your driver’s license, passport, etc.
  • Make sure you’re using your account actively – Inactive accounts raise concerns
  • Ask friends to tag you in posts using your new name – To confirm it’s really you
  • Use the Help Center to request review if it’s been over 48 hours with no updates

Getting stuck pending typically means Facebook needs more confirmation of your identity before approving the change. Provide any info requested from them. Asking friends to corroborate your name can also help prompt Facebook to finish reviewing.

Be patient, but persistent. Most pending name changes will process within 72 hours at most. Don’t let it stay stuck indefinitely – follow up if you don’t hear back.

Does Changing Your Name on Facebook Also Change Messenger?

Yes, when you change your profile name on Facebook, it will automatically update your display name in Messenger as well. The name change syncs across Facebook platforms.

However, your unique Messenger ID will remain the same. People can still search for and message you via this ID, even after your main profile name changes.

So your Facebook friends can still recognize you in Messenger when your name changes. Your messaging history and conversations stay intact.

The change helps align your identity and profile name across Facebook’s apps. Just be aware your Messenger name will shift too and notify your frequent contacts on Messenger to avoid confusion.

Does Changing Your Name on Facebook Change Your URL?

No, changing your name on Facebook does not change or update your unique Facebook profile URL.

For example, if your URL is currently:

If you change your name to Mary Jones, your URL will still remain:

The URL is connected to your unique Facebook ID, not your name. Users are given a distinct URL when they create their account. It does not automatically adjust if you later change your name.

However, you can manually request a new custom URL after changing your name. Go to your profile, click the three dots in the upper right corner, choose “Username,” then “Edit Username.” Enter a new URL.

This will let you align your URL with your updated name (e.g. But you’ll have to manually claim the new URL – it doesn’t happen automatically.

Should I Notify Contacts When Changing My Name on Facebook?

Yes, it’s a good idea to give your Facebook friends and contacts a heads up when you change your name on your profile.

Even if they’re casual acquaintances, a name change may confuse them if they don’t know it’s the same person behind the profile.

To avoid mix-ups:

  • Post a status update about your new name
  • Send Messages to close connections announcing the change
  • Update your bio with your former name in parentheses
  • Remind people on Messenger you changed your Facebook name

The more you do to spread the word, the less likely people will be puzzled when they see your new moniker. Proactively notify people to smooth the transition.

And don’t worry about adding every Facebook friend individually. Just alert close friends and relatives. For acquaintances, a status update should suffice.

Should I Change My Name on Other Social Media Too?

For consistency across your online presence, you should update your name on other social media and online accounts after changing it on Facebook.

Some accounts to update include:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • Snapchat
  • Online gaming profiles
  • Professional networks and resumes
  • Email addresses and signatures

The more your name aligns across platforms, the less confusion you’ll have. Prioritize updating any professional networks or published profiles first.

Don’t worry about updating every website you have accounts on, but at least keep your core social media profiles consistent.

Should I Create a New Facebook Account Instead?

Rather than changing your name, some people consider deactivating their old Facebook account and starting fresh with a new account under their new name.

But this isn’t recommended, for a few reasons:

  • You’ll lose your friends list and have to start over.
  • Years of photos, posts, conversations, and memories will disappear.
  • Facebook may think you’re creating a fake account and ban you.
  • Creating multiple accounts goes against Facebook’s rules.

Overall, changing your name is much simpler than abandoning your account and starting from scratch. As long as you follow proper protocol, the name change process is straightforward. Stick with your existing account for easiest continuity.


Changing your name on Facebook is easy when you follow the proper steps. Use your authentic full name, avoid strange formatting, and don’t make excessive requests. Notify friends to reduce confusion, and update your name consistently across other accounts.

Stick to Facebook’s policies, provide any verification needed, and be patient. As long as you have a legitimate reason for the change and present your real identity, your new name should be approved smoothly within 1-2 days in most cases. Stay persistent if your request gets initially rejected, and you’ll be able to modify your profile to reflect your true name.