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How can I change my FB name in another language?

How can I change my FB name in another language?

Having your Facebook name in another language can allow you to connect with more people around the world. However, Facebook does have some restrictions on which languages you can use for your name. Here are some tips for changing your Facebook name to another language successfully.

Why Would You Want Your Name in Another Language?

There are a few key reasons why you may want to change your Facebook name to be in another language:

  • You speak multiple languages and want your name to reflect that.
  • You have friends or family abroad who know you by a different name.
  • You want your name to appear more approachable to international connections.
  • Your name doesn’t translate well into English letters.
  • You use different names in different contexts and want your Facebook to match.

Having your name in your native language allows you to express your multicultural identity. It also helps you connect more authentically with friends who know you by a different name.

Facebook’s Name Policies

While Facebook allows names from a variety of languages, there are some restrictions to be aware of:

  • Facebook only allows the use of letters from currently supported languages. This includes most major world languages.
  • Punctuation, symbols, and numbers are not allowed. Only letters from supported scripts can be used.
  • Your name must still be within Facebook’s length limit of 50 characters.
  • Facebook does not allow using your name to misrepresent your identity or impersonate others.
  • Names deemed offensive or abusive are prohibited.

As long as you follow these rules, you should be able to change your name successfully. Keep in mind Facebook may ask you for ID verification if you change your name too frequently.

Steps to Change Your Facebook Name

Here is the process for changing your Facebook name to another language:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on your name in the top left corner.
  2. In the popup box, click “Edit name.”
  3. Type your new name using letters from a supported language script.
  4. Click “Review Change.” Facebook will let you know if the name doesn’t meet their policies.
  5. If prompted, go through Facebook’s ID confirmation process.
  6. Click “Save Changes” and your new name will be updated on your profile!

It should only take a few minutes to update your name as long as it follows the guidelines. Keep in mind you can only change your name once every 60 days.

Adding Name Pronunciations

If your name is pronunced differently than its spelling suggests, you can also add a phonetic pronunciation to your profile:

  1. Go to your profile and click on your name.
  2. Select “Add pronunciation” under your name.
  3. Choose the language for the pronunciation.
  4. Type out the name phonetically in that language.
  5. Hit “Save Changes.”

This pronunciation will display next to your name on your profile. Adding it can help friends pronounce your name correctly.

Displaying Your Name in Multiple Languages

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow you to display your name in multiple languages at once. Your primary public name must be in one supported language.

However, you do have a few options to display other versions of your name:

  • Add the names in other languages in the “Also known as” section of your profile.
  • List the versions in the bio or description part of your profile.
  • Create a Cyrillic, Chinese, or other transliteration of your name to use.

While not perfect, these alternatives let people see the different versions of your name.

Troubleshooting Name Change Issues

In some cases, Facebook may not accept your name change request. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure all characters are from a supported language script. You can’t mix multiple scripts.
  • Check that punctuation, spaces, symbols, and numbers are not included.
  • Try shortening your name if it is close to the 50 character limit.
  • Ensure your name does not violate any of Facebook’s policies.
  • If prompted, complete the ID confirmation process fully.

If your name is still not accepted after troubleshooting, you may need to transliterate it or use a shortened version that follows the guidelines. Reach out to Facebook support if you need additional help.

Alternative Social Media Options

If Facebook does not allow the name you want to use, other social media sites may be more flexible options:

  • Twitter – Allows names up to 50 characters using multiple language scripts.
  • Instagram – Permits names up to 30 characters in length.
  • TikTok – Lets you use a 30 character name with diverse language scripts.
  • LinkedIn – Allows names with 100 or more characters.

These platforms provide less restrictive name policies that may work better for your multilingual identity.


Changing your Facebook name to reflect multiple languages or scripts takes a few easy steps. Make sure your new name follows Facebook’s guidelines and language support. Add pronunciations and secondary versions where you can. Seek help from Facebook if your name change gets rejected. With some flexibility, you can authentically represent your cross-cultural name on your profile.