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How can I change my FB email and number?

How can I change my FB email and number?

Changing the email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account can be done right from the Facebook website or mobile app. It’s a simple process that only takes a few minutes. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your Facebook email and phone number.

Requirements for Changing Facebook Email and Phone Number

Before changing your Facebook contact information, there are a few requirements you need to be aware of:

  • You must have access to the email address or phone number you want to add to your Facebook account.
  • The new email address cannot already be associated with another Facebook account.
  • If changing your email, you’ll need to confirm the new email address after making the change.
  • If changing your phone number, you’ll need access to your old number to confirm the change.

As long as you meet these requirements, you can change the email and phone number for your Facebook account as often as you like.

How to Change Facebook Email Address

Follow these steps to change the email address linked to your Facebook account:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”.
  3. On the left sidebar, click “General”.
  4. Under “Contact Info”, click “Edit” next to Email.
  5. Enter the new email address you want to use.
  6. Click “Save Changes”.
  7. Check the email account you are changing to and look for a confirmation code from Facebook.
  8. Enter the confirmation code Facebook sent you.
  9. Click “Confirm”.

Once you confirm your new email address, Facebook will change your account email. You can also choose to receive an alert via your old email letting you know that the account email has changed.

Troubleshooting Facebook Email Change

If you run into any issues changing your Facebook email, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you entered the new email correctly and have access to it.
  • Check your spam folder for the confirmation email if you didn’t receive it.
  • Try resending the confirmation code from Facebook.
  • Log out and log back into your Facebook account and try again.
  • Use Facebook’s help center to submit a support ticket if you cannot resolve it.

Changing Facebook Phone Number

To change the phone number linked to your Facebook account:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”.
  3. On the left sidebar, click “General”.
  4. Under “Contact Info”, click “Edit” next to Mobile Phone.
  5. Enter your new phone number.
  6. Click “Save Changes.”
  7. Enter the confirmation code Facebook texts to your old number.
  8. Click “Confirm.”

As soon as you confirm with the code sent to your old phone number, your new phone number will be linked to your account. You can also opt to get an alert on your old number when the change is made.

Troubleshooting Facebook Phone Number Change

Here are some tips for resolving any issues that come up when attempting to change your Facebook phone number:

  • Double check that you entered the new phone number correctly.
  • Make sure you have access to your old number to receive the confirmation code.
  • Try resending the confirmation text from Facebook.
  • Log out and back into Facebook before trying again.
  • Use Facebook’s help center to submit a support ticket if problems persist.

Why Change Facebook Email or Phone Number?

There are a few common reasons you may want to change the email or phone number associated with your Facebook account:

  • You got a new email account or phone number.
  • You can’t access your old email or don’t have that number anymore.
  • You want login alerts and notifications sent to a different email or phone number.
  • You’re concerned about security and want to update your contact info.
  • You want to disassociate your Facebook from an old work or school email.

Keeping your contact info current ensures you get all notifications from Facebook and can access your account via password reset if needed.

Does Changing Facebook Email or Phone Affect Account?

Changing your Facebook email address or phone number does not affect anything else in your account. Here are some key things to know:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, friends, and followers will remain the same.
  • You’ll still be logged into your account after changing contact info.
  • Any previous emails or texts from Facebook will no longer go to the old contact information.
  • Your Facebook ad preferences and interests do not change.
  • You can revert back to your old email or phone number if needed.

The only thing that changes is where Facebook sends alerts and notifications to confirm your identity. Everything else in your account remains as is.

How Often Can You Change Facebook Contact Info?

There is no limit on how often you can change the email or phone number for your Facebook account. You can change your contact information as frequently as you need to.

Each time you change your email or phone number, you just need to confirm it again with a new code sent to that contact method. As long as you can confirm each change, you can update your contact info on Facebook as often as you want.

Can You Have Multiple Emails or Numbers on Facebook?

Facebook only allows you to have one email address and phone number associated with your account at a time. However, there are a couple options if you need multiple contact points on your account:

  • Recovery Emails – You can add up to 3 recovery/backup email addresses to help reset your password if you get locked out.
  • Extra Security – Add trusted friends’ phone numbers to get login codes sent to them if you need account access.

While you can only have one primary email and phone number on your account, these backup contact options allow you to add multiples for account security and recovery.

Should You Notify Contacts When Changing Facebook Info?

It’s not necessary to inform all your Facebook contacts when you change your email address or phone number. Facebook will redirect communications seamlessly for you.

However, it can be a good idea to give a heads up to close connections like:

  • Close friends and family you interact with regularly.
  • Business or work contacts you communicate with via Facebook.
  • Any pages or groups you manage on Facebook.

Letting key contacts know ensures important communications won’t get lost if sent to your old information. But most of your Facebook friends and followers will not be affected by the change.


Changing your email address or phone number on Facebook is a fast and easy process. Just go to your account settings, edit the contact information, confirm the change, and you’re done. It does not affect anything else in your account.

Be sure you have access to the new contact details and your old information for confirmation. Notify important contacts of the change. Know that you can change your Facebook contact info as often as needed.

With this guide, you should be able to successfully change your Facebook email, phone number, or both with no issues. Just follow the steps outlined above.