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How are reels picked on Facebook?

How are reels picked on Facebook?

Facebook Reels are short, entertaining videos that users can create and share on Facebook. Reels last up to 60 seconds and can include audio, effects, and creative tools. Facebook launched Reels globally in 2021 to compete with other popular short-form video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.

When users post Reels on Facebook, the platform’s algorithm determines which Reels are shown to viewers in their feeds. Facebook considers many factors when picking which Reels to show users to optimize their experience. Here is an in-depth look at how the Facebook algorithm picks Reels to display in feeds.

Overview of How Facebook Picks Reels for Feeds

Facebook wants to show users Reels that are most interesting and relevant to them. To achieve this, Facebook’s ranking algorithm analyzes each Reel against hundreds of signals and metrics. Key factors that influence which Reels are picked include:

– User interests and profile information
– Reel content, hashtags, sounds, effects
– Popularity and engagement metrics for each Reel
– Recent Reel activity and connections between viewers and creators
– Freshness of the Reel
– Watch time, completion rates, and other quality metrics

By considering these types of factors holistically for each viewer’s feed, Facebook tries to pick the most engaging Reels that align with people’s tastes and interests. The algorithm is personalized to each viewer. Let’s explore some of the most important ranking factors in more detail.

User Interests and Profile Information

One of the top factors Facebook analyzes is each viewer’s personalized interests and profile information. This includes:

– Pages and accounts a user follows
– Groups and communities they are part of
– Videos and content they regularly engage with
– Likes, shares, and comments
– Demographic data like age, location, job, education
– Other personal info added to their profile

Facebook compiles this data to understand a viewer’s unique interests and preferences. Then, it can match Reels to people that align with their interests. For example, if a user often engages with football videos, the algorithm will show them more football Reels.

Reel Content Factors

Facebook also evaluates signals related to the actual content within each Reel to determine relevance. Key content factors include:

– Visual contents like objects, scenes, and text shown
– Audio tracks, sounds, or speech used
– Effects and filters added to the Reel
– Hashtags and captions overlaid on the Reel
– Any other text like location tags or account tags

Computer vision technology analyzes the pixels in Reels to detect what’s actually showing in each one. Audio recognition listens to sounds and speech. Natural language processing evaluates any text.

Based on this analysis, Facebook can categorize Reels into topics and understand context. It picks Reels for feeds that include visuals, audio, text, effects, and other content that matches a viewer’s interests.

Popularity and Engagement Metrics

How other users have interacted with each Reel is also very influential. Facebook analyzes performance data like:

– Number of views
– Number of likes, comments, and shares
– Watch time and completion rates
– Saved to favorites or watch later
– Visits to creator’s profile after viewing
– Shares or reshares by followers

Reels with strong engagement and popularity metrics tend to be picked more frequently. This helps surface trending Reels that many people have enjoyed. However, Facebook balances this with personal relevance.

Recent Reel Activity

Who posted the Reel and when also impacts picking. Signals related to recent Reel activity include:

– How recently the Reel was posted
– Whether the viewer follows or is connected to the creator
– Whether the viewer has engaged with the creator’s Reels before
– How many other Reels the creator has posted lately

For example, Reels from creators a user actively follows will be picked more than old Reels from random accounts. Timing also matters, with newer Reels favored over older ones.

Reel Quality Factors

Metrics related to the quality of each Reel also influence picking:

– Average watch time and completion rate
– Number of replays
– Quality of editing, stability, and flow
– Ratio of viewers dropping off during the Reel
– Reports of issues like nudity, violence, etc.

High-quality Reels that keep viewers watching tend to be shown over low-quality Reels people quickly click away from. Quality signals help surface engaging Reels likely to be watched.

Personalized Ranking Models

While the above covers some top factors, Facebook combines hundreds of signals using advanced machine learning models tailored to each viewer. The algorithm considers:

– Which ranking factors are most predictive for each person
– How important each signal should be weighted
– How signals should interact and influence each other
– How to balance personalization, variety, and relevance
– How to incorporate new signals and adjust ranking over time

The models adapt results to continually optimize and improve each viewer’s Reel feed. Ongoing training and refinement helps Facebook get better at showing people Reels they’ll enjoy watching.

Other Considerations in Picking Reels

Some other aspects that play a role in picking Reels include:

– Available inventory in different locales and languages
– Bandwidth and infrastructure constraints
– Rules, regulations, and privacy restrictions for areas
– Advertiser preferences for where/how Reels are shown
– Experiments and tests of different ranking models
– Various product, launch, and business goals and incentives

So while relevance is a top priority, many other practical factors also constrain which Reels get picked in different viewer feeds and contexts.

Summary of Key Factors for Picking Reels

To summarize, these are some of the main elements Facebook considers when picking Reels:

Category Signals
User interests Pages followed, groups joined, content engaged with, demographic info, profile info
Reel content Visuals, audio, text, hashtags, effects
Engagement Views, likes, comments, shares, watch time
Activity Age of Reel, creator connections, recent posts
Quality Watch time, completion rate, replay rate

By analyzing these factors using personalized machine learning models, Facebook tries to pick the most relevant, engaging Reels to show each user.

How Creators Can Make Their Reels More Discoverable

As a creator, you can take some steps to help your Reels appear more often to your target audience:

– Use strategic hashtags and sounds related to your niche
– Post at optimal times when your audience is most active
– Produce high-quality Reels with good editing and clarity
– Make entertaining, fun Reels that get high engagement
– Interact with other Reels from your niche to build connections
– Promote your Reels across other channels to drive initial views
– Stay consistent in posting great Reels that people want to watch

While you can’t fully control the algorithm, following best practices for creating captivating Reels can help get your Reels discovered more. Monitor your performance data to see what’s resonating most with your audience.

The Future of Facebook’s Reels Ranking Algorithm

Facebook will likely continue refining its Reels algorithm over time. Key areas of focus may include:

– Better semantic understanding of Reel contents and contexts
– More personalized ranking models tailored to each viewer
– Tighter integration with text posts, photos, stories, and other content
– Faster discovery of trending Reels and emerging creators
– New quality signals like feedback surveys to improve relevance
– More control for creators to boost their best Reels
– Options to prefer certain creators over others
– Expanded infrastructure to support more Reels globally

The algorithm will evolve to process more signals, learn from user behaviors, adapt to new content formats, and optimize engagement. Facebook needs to balance relevance, variety, and business incentives in picking Reels.


Facebook considers a wide range of factors when picking which Reels to show viewers in their feeds. Signals related to audience interests, Reel contents, engagement metrics, recent activity, and quality are analyzed to rank Reels. Advanced machine learning models combine these signals for each viewer to display the most relevant Reels to them. As Facebook gathers more data and the product evolves, the ranking algorithm will be updated to optimize engagement. While creators can’t control the algorithm directly, producing compelling Reels that resonate with their audience can help reach more people.