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How are Facebook reels different from videos?

How are Facebook reels different from videos?

Facebook reels and videos are two popular ways for people and businesses to share video content on the platform. However, there are some key differences between the two formats.

What are Facebook reels?

Facebook reels are short, entertaining videos that last up to 60 seconds. They are designed for mobile viewing and can be recorded and edited directly within the Facebook app. Reels are a new video format that Facebook introduced in 2020, initially launching in India, and later expanding to other countries.

Some of the key features of Facebook reels include:

  • Length: Reels can be up to 60 seconds long.
  • Vertical orientation: Reels are designed for mobile viewing and have a 9:16 aspect ratio.
  • Creative tools: Reels have various creative editing tools such as audio, effects, timers, and countdowns.
  • Music: Users can add music to reels from Facebook’s music library.
  • Shareability: Reels can be shared to Facebook Stories, News Feed, or Groups.

Reels are designed to be easy, entertaining short videos that capture users’ attention quickly while scrolling on mobile. They are ideal for trends, challenges, comedy, DIY, and more.

What are Facebook videos?

Facebook videos are a more traditional video format that has been around since Facebook first introduced video sharing in 2007. Some key aspects of Facebook videos include:

  • Length: Videos can range from just a few seconds up to several hours long.
  • Orientation: Videos are uploaded in either horizontal or vertical formats.
  • Upload: Users upload pre-recorded videos rather than creating them directly within the app.
  • Editing: Advanced editing happens outside of Facebook before uploading.
  • Shareability: Videos can be shared to News Feed, Stories, Groups, Pages, or set as ads.

Facebook videos accommodate a diverse range of content ranging from short clips to live streams, news reports, sports highlights, film trailers, educational videos, and much more. They offer flexibility but generally require more effort for creation before uploading.

Differences between reels and videos

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s look at some of the key differences between Facebook reels and Facebook videos:


The biggest difference comes down to how reels and videos are created:

  • Reels: Created directly within the Facebook app using the reels creator tools such as filters, effects, timers, audio, etc. Designed for quick and easy creation.
  • Videos: Created externally using editing software and tools, then uploaded in final form to Facebook. Offer more flexibility and control during creation.


Reels have a maximum length while videos can be much longer:

  • Reels: Up to 60 seconds long.
  • Videos: Range from just a few seconds up to several hours long such as live streams.


Reels are vertical but videos can be either horizontal or vertical:

  • Reels: Vertical 9:16 aspect ratio designed for mobile.
  • Videos: Can be horizontal 16:9 or vertical 9:16 orientation.


Editing also happens in different places:

  • Reels: Editing happens directly within Facebook using creative tools.
  • Videos: Main editing process happens externally before uploading video to Facebook.


There are some differences in how audio can be used:

  • Reels: Users can sample audio from Facebook’s music library and add it directly.
  • Videos: Audio options are more flexible including original audio, music libraries, sound effects, voiceovers, etc.


Reels offer more interactive creative tools:

  • Reels: Tools like timers, polling stickers, AR effects, filters, and more allow creativity and interactivity.
  • Videos: Less native interactivity since main creative process happens externally.

Use cases

Given the differences in creation, length, orientation, editing, audio, and interactivity, here are some of the ideal use cases for reels vs. videos:

Reels use cases

  • Short entertaining videos like comedy, dances, stunts
  • Creative content like DIY, cooking, art
  • Trends and challenges
  • Short-form educational or informative content
  • Behind-the-scenes clips
  • Capturing spontaneous moments
  • Product promotion

Video use cases

  • Longer educational or documentary content
  • Live streams
  • Podcasts and interviews
  • News reports
  • Sports highlights and game footage
  • Movie, TV, and music video clips
  • Compilations and montages
  • Promotional videos like commercials, trailers, etc.

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between reels and videos:

Factor Reels Videos
Length Up to 60 seconds A few seconds to hours
Aspect ratio Vertical 9:16 Horizontal or vertical
Creation In-app creation tools Created externally, then uploaded
Editing Built-in editing tools External editing software
Audio Music from Facebook library Many audio options
Use cases Short entertainment, trends, DIY, etc. Longer content, live streams, compilations, etc.


In summary, while reels and videos both offer ways to share video content on Facebook, they are designed to serve different use cases:

  • Reels are best for creating quick, engaging short videos using fun creative tools.
  • Videos accommodate a wider range of content and use cases with flexible lengths and orientations.

Understanding the differences allows you to leverage both formats effectively based on your goals and audience. Reels meet the demand for mobile-friendly short video content while videos serve diverse needs like live streaming, long-form content, and more.

No matter which format you choose, creating compelling video content optimized for how people watch and interact on Facebook is key to effectively engaging your audience.