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How are Facebook Live views counted?

How are Facebook Live views counted?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their followers on Facebook. It has become an extremely popular feature since launching in 2016, with millions of users streaming live videos every day. But how exactly does Facebook count views on these live videos? Here is an in-depth look at how Facebook Live view counts work.

What counts as a view on Facebook Live?

Facebook considers a view on a Live video to be when someone spends at least 3 seconds watching the video. This is to prevent false views from inflating the view count, such as from bots or people accidentally opening a video and closing it immediately.

So for a view to be counted, someone has to deliberately watch the Live video for at least 3 consecutive seconds. This applies to both the live broadcast and the archived video after the broadcast ends.

Unique vs total views

Facebook actually tracks two different view counts:

  • Unique views – The number of distinct people who viewed the video.
  • Total views – The total number of times the video was viewed, including repeat views.

So if 100 people watched your Live video, your unique views would be 100. But if 30 of those people watched the video twice, your total views would be 130.

Where are Facebook Live views counted?

Views are counted in two main places on Facebook:

During the live broadcast

As people tune into your live broadcast and watch for at least 3 seconds, their views will be added to the live view counter on your video. This lets you see in real-time how many people are watching.

After the broadcast ends

Once your Live video ends, it gets converted to a archived video on your Timeline. Views continue to accumulate on this archived version as people watch the recorded video.

The view count on the archived video will include views from during the original live broadcast and new views of the recording after the fact.

What happens when viewers drop off?

Often during a Facebook Live, the view count will increase rapidly at first as viewers join, but then gradually go back down as some viewers leave or stop watching.

So what happens when a viewer drops off? There are two scenarios:

  1. If a viewer watches for less than 3 seconds, their view is not counted at all.
  2. If a viewer watches for more than 3 seconds, their view is counted and remains in the view total even after they leave.

In other words, once a view is registered after 3 seconds it will not be subtracted if the person stops watching. The view total can only go up, not down.

Do views freeze after a Live video ends?

No, view counts do not freeze immediately when a Live broadcast finishes. The view total will continue climbing for a short period as the video processes behind the scenes.

According to Facebook, it can take around 15-20 minutes for the view total to completely finalize after a Live video ends. Anything already in the process of being counted will be added during this time.

Can you buy Facebook Live views?

While it is possible to buy views for prerecorded Facebook videos, buying views does not work for Facebook Live.

That’s because the live view counter only tallies legitimate viewers actively watching the stream in real-time. There is no way to fake or inflate this count artificially.

Any company claiming they can boost your Facebook Live view count is falsely advertising.

5 tips to get more Facebook Live views

While you can’t buy views, there are legitimate ways to get more eyes on your Facebook Live streams. Here are 5 tips:

1. Share the video beforehand

Promote your upcoming Facebook Live in posts and Stories ahead of time so followers are aware and get notified when you go live.

2. Go live consistently

Schedule your live streams at consistent times so followers know when to expect you and make a habit of tuning in.

3. Engage with viewers in real time

Interact with viewers as they comment to keep them engaged and less likely to click away.

4. Share the video after you finish

Don’t let the video disappear once you finish live. Share the archived video on your Timeline so more people see it.

5. Analyze your data

Use Facebook analytics to see when you get the most viewers and what type of content performs best.

Facebook Live view count FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about how views work on Facebook Live:

How long does it take for Facebook Live views to show up?

Live view counts appear instantly as people start watching your stream. There is virtually no delay in view totals.

Why is my Facebook Live view count stuck?

If your view total seems frozen after you finish broadcasting, it just means the count is still being finalized behind the scenes. Give it 15-20 minutes to complete.

Can you replay a Facebook Live video?

Yes, once your Live video ends it is saved as a replayable video on your Timeline. You can re-watch it or allow others to view the archived version.

Do Facebook Live views expire?

No, views on Facebook Live videos do not have an expiration date. The view count remains visible on your archived broadcasts indefinitely.


Tracking views for your Facebook Live videos can be confusing due to the real-time nature of the platform. But essentially a view is counted after 3 seconds, continues tallying after viewers leave, and takes about 15 minutes to finalize once you end the broadcast.

Focus less on the exact view count and more on creating compelling content people want to watch from start to finish. Good luck with your next Facebook Live stream!