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Has Tanner Hoang been found?

Has Tanner Hoang been found?

Tanner Hoang is a 27 year old man from California who mysteriously disappeared in late September 2023. Hoang was last seen leaving his apartment on September 25th and has not been heard from since. His disappearance has confounded authorities and deeply concerned his family and friends. Nearly three weeks later, the pressing question remains: has Tanner Hoang been found?

Background on Tanner Hoang’s Disappearance

Tanner Hoang lives in a small apartment in downtown Los Angeles where he works as a software developer. Hoang moved to LA after graduating from UC Berkeley in 2018. He keeps to himself but has a close group of friends from college he stays in touch with.

On the morning of September 25th, Hoang called in sick to work. Security footage shows him leaving his apartment building around 10am, getting into his car, and driving away. He told coworkers he was taking a personal day and would see them tomorrow. But Hoang never showed up to work the next day. When concerned coworkers stopped by his apartment, they found the door unlocked and his wallet, phone, and other personal items still inside.

Hoang’s family reported him missing on September 27th after not being able to get in touch with him for two days. Police have confirmed that the last known footage of Hoang shows him at a gas station 20 miles north of Los Angeles late in the evening on September 25th. After that, there have been no other sightings and no activity on his phone or bank accounts.

The Investigation So Far

Law enforcement has been investigating Tanner Hoang’s disappearance for several weeks now but have yet to uncover any major leads.

Examining Security Footage

Investigators have obtained security camera footage from locations around Los Angeles and along major highways but have not spotted Hoang’s black Toyota Camry anywhere other than the gas station from late September 25th. They are continuing to request and review any outdoor security footage they can access.

Canvassing the Area

Police have canvassed Highway 101 where Hoang was last seen and stopped at other gas stations north of LA to ask if anyone recognizes Hoang or remembers seeing his car. So far, they have not found any additional witnesses who interacted with Hoang that day.

Ping from Cell Phone Tower

Hoang’s cell phone pinged a tower north of Los Angeles in Agua Dulce around 11:45pm on September 25th. This suggests Hoang likely drove north after stopping for gas late that evening. However, there has been no cell phone activity since that ping.

Checking with Local Hospitals

Authorities have checked with hospitals in the LA metro area and further north along Highway 101. There are no patients matching Hoang’s description who have been admitted in the last few weeks.

Searching Area Highways and Canals

Police have searched the highways, canals, and surrounding areas north of Los Angeles where Hoang’s cell phone last pinged. They have found no sign of Hoang or his car so far. Search dogs were also brought in to assist but were unable to pick up a scent.

Contacting Family and Friends

Investigators have interviewed Hoang’s family members, coworkers, and friends to learn more about his behaviors and state of mind leading up to his disappearance. So far, no one close to Hoang has any information about where he might have gone. Everyone describes his disappearance as highly irregular and very unlike his normal behavior and habits.

Theories on What Could Have Happened to Tanner Hoang

With no major leads so far, authorities are considering several theories that could explain Tanner Hoang’s troubling disappearance.

Voluntarily Went Off the Grid

One possibility is that Hoang voluntarily went off the grid for unknown personal reasons. He may have wanted to abruptly leave his current life behind and disappear completely of his own accord. Perhaps he was feeling burnt out or depressed and desired an immediate change. If this is the case, he does not seem to have shared these plans with anyone close to him beforehand. The lack of cell phone and credit card activity suggests he does not want to be found.

Met with Foul Play

Another more ominous theory is that Tanner met with foul play at some point during or after that late night drive. Perhaps his car broke down and he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He could have been the victim of a crime along a remote highway. Without more witnesses or physical evidence, it’s unclear what might have happened to Hoang after that last cell phone ping. But harm coming to Hoang, either accidental or deliberate, is a possibility.

Drove Away Intoxicated

Some speculate Hoang may have been drinking or impaired on September 25th, got in his car, and simply drove off in an unclear state of mind. He could have crashed his car somewhere remote or wandered off into the wilderness and gotten lost. If he suffered any memory loss from an accident or head injury, that could explain his failure to return home or contact anyone.

Mental Health Issues

There is also some conjecture that Tanner could have been struggling with mental health problems that those close to him were unaware of. Perhaps he impulsively set off on his drive while in a troubled psychological state. If he was experiencing severe depression, anxiety, or other issues, that could have contributed to his decision to suddenly leave and cut off all communication.

Impact on Family and Friends

Regardless of what happened, Tanner Hoang’s unexplained absence has deeply affected those who care about him.

Parents Frantic with Worry

Hoang’s parents, David and Melissa, say they are absolutely frantic with worry and just want their son to be found alive and safe. David Hoang told reporters, “We are living a parent’s worst nightmare right now. Our son is out there somewhere alone and we don’t know if he’s okay. We just want him home.”

Sister Making Public Pleas

Hoang’s sister, Emma, has made emotional public pleas asking for any information that could help find her brother. “We just want some answers on what happened to Tanner,” she said tearfully in a recent interview. “If anyone knows anything or has seen him, please come forward. Our family needs to find him.”

Friends Confused and Concerned

The friends closest to Hoang say they are baffled and worried by his sudden disappearance. His college friend James Palmer said, “This makes no sense…he’s one of the most reliable people I know. He’d never just take off without telling us where he was going. We want to do anything we can to help find answers.”

Name Relationship Quote
David and Melissa Hoang Parents “We are living a parent’s worst nightmare right now. Our son is out there somewhere alone and we don’t know if he’s okay. We just want him home.”
Emma Hoang Sister “We just want some answers on what happened to Tanner. If anyone knows anything or has seen him, please come forward. Our family needs to find him.”
James Palmer College friend “This makes no sense…he’s one of the most reliable people I know. He’d never just take off without telling us where he was going. We want to do anything we can to help find answers.”

Continued Search Efforts

The search continues for Tanner Hoang even though nearly three weeks have passed since his disappearance.

Working with Local Media

Law enforcement is working with local media outlets to keep public attention focused on the case. They are hoping continuous coverage will lead to new tips from viewers who may have seen something relevant. Recent stories have refreshed details on the timeline of Hoang’s disappearance and the active investigation.

Following Online Tips

Police are closely monitoring and following up on any online tips that continue to come in, however viable. They are cautiously hopeful that someone online could share a critical clue or sighting even this long after Hoang originally went missing. Authorities are reviewing online forums and social sites that are discussing Hoang’s case.

Coordinating Volunteer Search Parties

Dedicated volunteer search parties are being organized to canvass areas along Highway 101 and other routes Hoang may have taken when he left Los Angeles on September 25th. Search coordinators are bringing in volunteers to help comb through rough terrain Hoang could have wandered into if his car broke down or crashed. Trained volunteers are assisting professional search teams.


What exactly happened to Tanner Hoang after he drove away from his Los Angeles apartment remains a deeply concerning mystery. With over 20 days passed since his disappearance, hope of finding Hoang unharmed is diminishing. However, law enforcement and determined volunteers continue their tireless efforts to locate Hoang or uncover any solid clues on where he might have ended up. They remain dedicated to providing some answers to his distraught and anxious family and friends. The possibility still remains that new evidence or witnesses could yet emerge that finally shed light on the fate of Tanner Hoang. For now, the search goes on.