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Has Facebook pages changed?

Has Facebook pages changed?

Facebook pages have undergone many changes over the years as Facebook continues to evolve its platform and services. Some of the key ways Facebook pages have changed include:

Page Layout and Design

The layout and design of Facebook pages has changed dramatically since Pages were first introduced in 2007. In the early days, customization options were very limited. Pages had a basic wall and info section. Over the years, Facebook has added more options for customizing the look and layout of Pages such as cover photos, profile pictures, call-to-action buttons, tabs for different content sections, and more. This allows Page owners to create a unique brand identity and showcase different elements like products, videos, photos, events and more.

Page Management

Facebook has continually updated and improved the tools for managing Pages. Page admins now have access to Pages Manager apps on mobile and desktop to stay on top of notifications, messages, and analytics. There are also tools for collaborating with other admins and team members. Facebook has added options for creating automated reply templates, welcome messages for new followers, scheduled posts and more. This makes it easier for brands to keep their Pages engaging and responsive.

Insights and Analytics

The analytics and Insights Facebook provides for Pages have grown much more detailed over time. Page owners can track data like demographic info on their followers, engagement metrics for individual posts, traffic sources and referral sites driving people to their Page, and more. These insights help Pages understand their audience and performance to inform content and engagement strategies.

Advertising and Promotion

Facebook has developed an extensive ad platform for Pages to promote themselves both on and off Facebook. Pages can createads to target specific demographics and interests, boost their posts to reach more people, and embed ads on external websites through Facebook’s Audience Network. There are also tools for sending email newsletters to followers. Facebook advertising provides advanced options for Pages to grow their following and traffic beyond just organic reach.

Messaging and Communication

Facebook has made messaging and communicating with Pages much easier over time. In the early days, Pages had basic walls where followers could post comments. Facebook then introduced features to message Pages privately, and Pages could set up autoreply messages. Recently, Facebook incorporated its Messenger platform directly into Pages so followers can now instantly send messages and get replies. Facebook also offers chatbots through Messenger to automate communication.

Posting Features and Options

The types of content Pages can share and how posts appear have expanded greatly. In addition to text updates and links, Pages can now post photos, videos, live videos, 360 photos, and more. Posts can be scheduled and presaved as drafts. Pages have access to post formatting options like text styling, hashtags, tagging other Pages, check-ins, and call-to-action buttons. Facebook also added the ability for Pages to create Stories in 2019.

Mobile Experience

The mobile experience for managing and viewing Facebook Pages has improved as mobile usage has grown. Admins can now use all the same Page management tools through Facebook’s mobile apps. The Page layout adapts for the smaller screen space. Mobile users can easily message Pages, get directions, call, and access online store catalogs directly from the mobile Page experience.

Algorithms and Reach

Facebook’s algorithms for determining what content to show users and followers of Pages has changed over time. In general, Facebook has shifted to favor posts that generate meaningful engagement and discussion. Pages now have to work harder to get reach organically on followers’ News Feeds. Many Pages now rely on paid advertising to reach larger audiences. Facebook is also tweaking the ranking factors continually in an effort to show more relevant content.

Groups and Community Building

Facebook has added options for Pages to build communities and subgroups around their brand. Pages can create private groups where members can hold discussions. There are also options to host customer groups and loyalty groups. Building micro-communities helps strengthen engagement and loyalty. Fans also end up promoting and sharing a Page’s content to their own networks organically.

Shopping and Commerce

Facebook Commerce has become a major focus for Pages recently. There are dedicated tabs and features for Pages to showcase and sell products directly on Facebook. Shops allow Pages to build online catalogs of their inventory. Instagram Shopping and shoppable posts also make it easy to tag and sell products directly from posts. Facebook is rapidly optimizing commerce on its platforms, which benefits retail, ecommerce, and consumer brand Pages.

Page Roles

Facebook originally only allowed a single admin for each Page. Now there are options for having multiple admins, editors, moderators, advertisers, and analysts under the Page Roles structure. This allows larger brands and teams to collaborate on running a Page efficiently. Page roles enable division of labor and prevent any one person from having to handle all the responsibilities.

Facebook Stars

Facebook Stars was a short-lived program that allowed public figures, celebrities, and bands to run Pages aimed at fans. It launched in 2012 but was discontinued in 2013. During that time, Pages could apply for Star status which gave them access to special content formatting and promotion options. However, the main Page structure eventually incorporated many of these same capabilities natively over time.

Verified Pages

Facebook now allows Pages to get verified with a blue checkmark badge to confirm their authenticity. This helps distinguish official brand Pages from impersonators or fake pages. Page verification requires submitting IDs, business documents, and other proofs to demonstrate the Page legitimately represents the brand, entity, or public figure.

Integration with Instagram

Since Facebook acquired Instagram, the two platforms have become more integrated. Now Pages can easily set up Instagram accounts associated with their Facebook Page. This allows managing both presences from the same Page admin tools. Cross-posting content takes just one click. And Instagram posts feed directly into the Facebook Page’s content stream.

Focus on Video

Video has become a major emphasis for Facebook Pages recently. Native video posts see much higher reach and engagement compared to static posts. Facebook has added features like Live broadcasting and Premieres to encourage Pages to share more video. The separate Video tab also provides analytics on video performance specifically. Video ads are now also a major way for Pages to gain new followers.

Local Business Features

Facebook has added more features tailored to local brick-and-mortar businesses. Pages can now include their physical address, location map, operating hours, phone number and more. This makes it easy for people to find, contact and visit local businesses. There are also tools for creating ads targeting local customers by location and sending email newsletters to loyal followers.

Page Publishing Tools

Facebook now provides additional publishing and analytics tools for Pages through third-party partners. For example, Pages can connect to Hootsuite, Sprout Social, SEMrush and others to enhance their content publishing, social listening, and performance tracking capabilities. Integrating expanded third-party tools helps larger brands and agencies manage Pages more efficiently.

Facebook News Feed Algorithms

The main news feed ranking algorithm that determines which Page posts users see has gone through many iterations. Facebook is continually tweaking it to improve relevance and quality. Some key factors are engagement, timeliness, relationships between the person and Page, video preference, clickbait avoidance, ad payments, and more. Pages now need compelling creative and smart promotion strategy to cut through the noise.

Page Content Recommendations

Facebook provides Pages with recommendations to improve content performance and get more reach. For example, the News Feed Content Suggestions tool gives tips like using more video, optimizing captions, and encouraging engagement. Listening to Facebook’s expert advice can help Pages create higher-converting posts.

Automated Post Review

Facebook now utilizes AI to automatically review all Page posts in real-time for policy compliance before publishing live. This prevents violations like hate speech, nudity, dangerous claims, and spam from reaching users. While beneficial for safety, the automated review can sometimes block or slow down legitimate posts that require human appeals to correct.

Paid Promotion Requirements

Organic unpaid distribution of Page posts has declined over the years due to algorithm changes. Now most Pages rely heavily on paid advertising for reach and growth. Facebook offers sophisticated targeting and budget tools to expand audiences. But the increasing need for ad investment makes it harder for independent Pages and startups to gain traction.

Page Optimization Factors

Many factors now go into optimizing Facebook Pages beyond just posting regularly. Customizing the Page layout, engaging followers, generating clicks to website, positive community sentiment and reviews, clear branding and messaging, great content quality, and ad testing all contribute to Page success. Proper optimization requires research and commitment.

Engagement Metrics

The core metrics Pages track have expanded beyond just likes, shares and comments. Pages now look closely at clicks, link clicks, photo views, video views, post saves, shares of shares, profile visits, ad recall lifts, cost per click, return on ad spend, conversion pixels, and much more. Tracking this data enables optimizing content and ad strategies.

Demographic and Audience Data

Facebook provides Pages with incredibly detailed demographic data on who their followers are. Pages see metrics on age, gender, location, interests, behaviors, device usage, buying intent signals, and much more about their fans. This info powers advanced ad targeting and content personalization tactics.

Automation Rules

Facebook enables Pages to set up sophisticated automation rules to manage communication, moderation, publishing, advertising, and messaging. This saves time for admins and creates a hands-off way to keep Pages running smoothly. Some key automations include automatically responding to new messages, hiding unwanted comments, scheduling posts, starting and stopping ads, and sending automated funnels.

Page Content Sorting Options

Followers can sort Page content different ways, giving them more control over what they see in their feed. The options include chronological, most relevant, and most recent interactions. Followers can also browse content just from the Page or its advertisements. Content preferences provide transparency and configurability for users.

Algorithmic Feed Curration

Facebook’s machine learning algorithms curate each user’s feed of Page content automatically based on their perceived preferences and interests. This provides a personalized feed experience. However, it means Pages can’t always expect their posts to reach every follower, requiring broader strategies beyond one-off viral posts.

Facebook Events

Facebook Events allow Pages to publicize events like concerts, conferences, meetups, and more. Pages can manage RSVPs, guest lists, ticketing, and promote the Event to local followers. Events have become a core part of how many entertainment, cultural, and media Pages drive real-world engagement.

Messenger Bots

Pages can build AI-powered chatbots on Messenger to automatically communicate with followers. The bots can handle common questions, provide information, send notifications, and connect users with humans as needed. Bots provide fast conversational messaging that enhances the Page experience.

Augmented Reality Effects

Facebook opened its Spark AR platform so Pages can create custom augmented reality effects and filters for people to use. This provides interactive brand experiences that followers can try for fun. AR effects support extended reality commerce as an emerging engagement method.

Ephemeral Content

Facebook added support for ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours like Instagram and Snapchat Stories. Pages can post Stories to the Stories feed shown at the top of News Feed. Stories provide a more casual sharing format for behind-the-scenes and time-sensitive content.

Facebook News Tab

Some Pages focused on news and journalism may get selected to be featured in Facebook’s dedicated News Tab. This provides greater visibility to reputable news publishers, though the approval criteria is selective. Being featured in News Tab helps broaden reach to different audiences.

Gaming Video Features

For Pages focused on gaming and video game livestreaming, Facebook incorporated features to engage viewers. Gamers can go Live, viewers can subscribe, gift Bits, and Stars as virtual goods. Gaming creators can monetize through ad revenue shares and Facebook’s Level Up program.

Oculus Integration

Facebook integrated Oculus for Pages to post 360-degree photos and videos viewable through Oculus VR headsets. This provides more immersive experiences from travel and entertainment Pages. As virtual reality expands, Facebook’s platforms will likely incorporate more 3D, VR and AR content.

Crisis Response Features

Facebook developed features for Pages to keep followers informed in crisis events like natural disasters, public health emergencies, and community disruptions. Pages can activate a crisis notification, provide verified updates, launch fundraisers, and offer virtual support. Keeping people connected is crucial.

Page Content Distribution

Originally Pages could post content only to their main Page timeline. Now content options include sharing to the Page feed, stories, groups, events, ads, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Oculus, embedding on external sites, and more. Multi-channel content distribution is key.

Reviews and Ratings

Facebook incorporated review features so users can leave star ratings and comments about businesses, restaurants, brands, and public services. Positive reviews help drive credibility and SEO. Pages can respond privately to reviews as well.

Live Shopping Features

Live shopping lets Pages host live video broadcasts where followers can browse products shown on video and make purchases instantly. Viewers can comment and ask questions in real-time. Facebook is making ecommerce directly integrated into video.

Appointment Scheduling

Facebook enables Pages to offer online appointment booking so customers can schedule service appointments instantly. This helps local businesses coordinate bookings via Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. Frictionless scheduling provides convenience.

Support for Social Commerce

Pages focused on ecommerce and selling products can tag shoppable items in organic posts and ads. Customers can then click to view products and transaction without leaving Facebook. Payments happen securely via Facebook Pay. Social commerce streamlines buying.

Facebook Reels

Similar to TikTok and Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels allow Pages to create short-form videos that can go viral and gain distribution on Facebook Watch. Reels represent the rise of video memes and viral vertical videos on public feeds.

Integrated Payments

Through Facebook Pay, users can now send money or donate to Pages directly through Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. Facebook also waives fees on donations and non-profit fundraisers. This makes transactions and fundraising seamless.


Facebook Pages remain vital profiles for businesses, creators, community causes and personal brands to reach broad audiences. While the core purpose has stayed the same, Facebook has expanded Pages from simple walls to full-fledged multimedia hubs with deep analytics and automation capabilities. Looking ahead, Pages will likely become even more feature-filled as virtual worlds, AI, messaging, commerce, and video consumption continue evolving on Facebook’s family of apps.