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Facebook Shortcut Settings

Using keyboard shortcuts can help you navigate Facebook quicker and more efficiently on desktop. Facebook has a number of built-in shortcut keys that allow you to perform common actions like liking posts, opening menus, and more. Here’s an overview of some of the most useful Facebook keyboard shortcuts to know.

Global Shortcuts

These shortcuts work from anywhere within Facebook:

  • L – Like a post or page
  • C – Comment on a post
  • S – Share a post
  • P – Picture thumbnail opens the picture viewer
  • Left/Right Arrows – Navigate between posts in News Feed or profile timeline
  • Up/Down Arrows – Scroll up and down the page
  • M – Open messenger in sidebar
  • / – Focus search bar
  • ? – Open keyboard shortcut menu

News Feed Shortcuts

When browsing your News Feed, these shortcuts are available:

  • J/K – Move between stories in feed
  • O – Expand photo
  • R – Toggle commenting on post
  • T – Toggle reacting to post

Profile Page Shortcuts

On profile pages, you can use these shortcuts:

  • P – Open photos
  • V – View family and relationships
  • A – View About info
  • F – Open Friends section

Menu Shortcuts

These shortcuts open the various menus:

  • B – Open Bookmarks menu
  • E – Open Events menu
  • G – Open Groups menu
  • I – Open Messenger Inbox
  • N – Open Notifications menu

Page Manager Shortcuts

For managing Facebook Pages, use these shortcuts:

  • J – Jump to Publishing Tools
  • M – Access Page Manager menu
  • P – View Page Posts
  • F – Open Page Inbox
  • N – View Page Notifications

Marketplace Shortcuts

In Facebook Marketplace, these shortcuts are available:

  • C – Create new listing
  • S – Open saved searches
  • O – View orders
  • I – Open inbox
  • H – Open purchase history

Groups Shortcuts

When viewing Facebook Groups, use these shortcuts:

  • A – Open About section
  • P – View group Photos
  • V – View group Videos
  • F – Open Files section
  • E – View group Events

Photos Shortcuts

For navigating and viewing photos, use these shortcuts:

  • Left/Right – Previous or next photo
  • Enter – Open photo in lightbox view
  • F – Toggle fullscreen
  • I – View photo information

Videos Shortcuts

When watching videos, these shortcuts are available:

  • Spacebar/K – Play/Pause video
  • Left/Right Arrow – Rewind/Fast forward video
  • Up/Down Arrow – Increase/Decrease volume
  • M – Mute/Unmute video
  • F – Enter/Exit fullscreen

So those are some of the handy keyboard shortcuts that can help you swiftly navigate Facebook on desktop. The full list of shortcuts is available by pressing “?” on any page. Getting familiar with these shortcuts can save you time and mouse clicks while browsing Facebook.