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Does Zapier work with Facebook?

Does Zapier work with Facebook?

In short, yes Zapier does work with Facebook. Zapier is an automation and integration tool that connects various web services and apps together, allowing you to automatically pass data between them and create workflows and processes without coding. Facebook is one of the many services that Zapier supports and connects with.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is a software company founded in 2011 that offers a web-based automation and integration platform. It allows users to connect various web services, SaaS apps, APIs, databases and more together with workflows called “Zaps.”

Zaps allow you to automate repetitive tasks and workflows between the connected apps and services. For example, you could set up a Zap that automatically logs new Facebook leads in your CRM, or posts your latest tweets to Facebook. Zaps can save you time by automating processes and can also move and transform data between services without you needing to manually export, reformat and import data.

Some key things to know about Zapier:

  • Connects over 3,000 different apps and services like Facebook, Gmail, Slack, Shopify, Dropbox, MailChimp, Google Sheets and more.
  • Uses triggers and actions to build workflows between apps. A trigger is an event like “new Facebook lead” that kicks off the Zap. An action is what happens next like “log lead in CRM.”
  • Over 5 million people use Zapier at businesses like Amazon, Microsoft, Uber and ESPN.
  • Offers pre-made templates called Task Recipes that allow you to instantly connect apps without building from scratch.
  • Has a freemium model with a free plan for basic use and paid plans for more advanced features.

Does Zapier Integrate with Facebook?

Yes, Zapier integrates seamlessly with Facebook in a number of different ways through its Facebook app and triggers. This lets you connect Facebook to other apps and create automated workflows and processes involving your Facebook account data.

Here are some of the ways Zapier can integrate with Facebook:

  • New Facebook Page Likes – Trigger a Zap when someone new likes your Facebook Page.
  • New Facebook Group Post – Trigger a Zap when a new post is published in a Facebook Group you specify.
  • New Facebook Photo/Video Post – Trigger a Zap when new photo or video is posted on your Facebook Page.
  • New Facebook Comment – Trigger a Zap when someone comments on your Facebook posts.
  • New Facebook Lead Ads Lead – Trigger a Zap when you get a new lead ad lead.
  • New Facebook Message – Trigger a Zap when someone sends your Facebook Page a new message.
  • Facebook Search – Action to search for posts on Facebook based on keywords, location, dates and more.
  • Create Facebook Post – Action to automatically post status updates on your Facebook Page.
  • Create Facebook Photo/Video Post – Action to post images or videos on your Facebook Page.
  • Tag Facebook Post – Action to tag people in a specific Facebook post by ID.
  • Facebook Comment on Post – Action to comment on a Facebook post in your account.
  • Send Facebook Message – Action to directly message a Facebook user from your account.

These are just some of the main Facebook triggers and actions available. There are also Zaps specifically tailored for Facebook Lead Ads, Facebook Groups, managing Facebook Events, uploading Facebook Videos and more.

Example Zapier App Integrations with Facebook

Because Zapier connects with thousands of different apps and services, the integrations and workflows you can build with Facebook are nearly endless. Here are some examples of how you could use Zapier to integrate Facebook with other apps:

Facebook and Email

  • Send an automatic thank you email to new Facebook Page Likes.
  • Forward new Facebook Messages to your email automatically.
  • Add Facebook lead contact info to MailChimp list.

Facebook and CRM / Sales

  • Log new Facebook leads into HubSpot CRM automatically.
  • Create new Nimble contact when someone comments on your Page.
  • Sync Facebook lead ad info into Salesforce leads.

Facebook and Social Media

  • Cross-post Facebook Page updates to Twitter.
  • Automatically post new Instagram posts to your Facebook Page.
  • Share new YouTube videos to your Facebook profile.

Facebook and Customer Support

  • Forward new Facebook Messages into Zendesk support ticketing system.
  • Create Help Scout support ticket from new Facebook lead.
  • Add new Facebook comments to Intercom for agent to respond to.

Getting Started with Facebook and Zapier

Ready to get started connecting Facebook and other apps with Zapier? Here is a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign up for a free Zapier account at if you don’t already have one.
  2. Connect Facebook by clicking “+ Add App” when creating a new Zap and searching for Facebook.
  3. Select a Facebook trigger like “New Facebook Page Like” that will kick off your Zap.
  4. Choose an action app like Gmail and select what will happen next like sending an email.
  5. Customize and test your Zap using Zapier’s easy builder and turn on your Zap.

Your Zap will now automate this entire workflow for you automatically so you don’t have to do these repetitive tasks manually!

Pros and Cons of Zapier for Facebook Integration

Zapier is a powerful tool for connecting Facebook data and features to other apps, but it isn’t perfect. Here are some of the key pros and cons to consider:


  • Easy to connect Facebook without coding.
  • Pre-made templates make setting up common Zaps fast.
  • Wide range of Facebook triggers to kick off workflows.
  • Can transform and move Facebook data to other apps.
  • affordable plans starting with a free option.
  • Support for webhooks and code for advanced customization.


  • Can only connect public Facebook Page data, not personal profiles.
  • Delay of up to 15 minutes for Facebook triggers to activate Zaps.
  • Facebook doesn’t allow automated posting via third-parties.
  • Limitations on how much historical Facebook data you can import.


Zapier does provide an easy way to integrate Facebook with other top business apps thanks to its wide variety of Facebook triggers and actions. This lets you automate many repetitive tasks around your Facebook marketing and engagement. While there are some limits in working with Facebook’s API through a third-party, Zapier still gives you plenty of options to improve your Facebook workflows.