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Does the green dot on Messenger mean they are chatting?

Does the green dot on Messenger mean they are chatting?

The green dot indicator on Facebook Messenger has become a source of curiosity and confusion for many users. Some wonder if it really means that a person is actively using Messenger at that moment. Others want to know if they can turn off the green dot so that they can use Messenger privately. Here is a detailed look at what the green dot on Messenger means and how you can control it.

What Does the Green Dot on Messenger Mean?

The green dot simply indicates that the person is currently active on the Facebook Messenger app. It does not necessarily mean that they are actively chatting with someone. Here are some key things to know about the green dot:

  • It appears when the person opens the Messenger app on their phone or computer.
  • It remains visible as long as the app is open in the background, foreground, or while they are actively using it.
  • It disappears after a few minutes if the person closes the Messenger app entirely.
  • It does not indicate that the person is typing a message, just that the app is currently open.

So in summary, the green dot simply means the Messenger app is currently running on that person’s device. It does not confirm if they are chatting with someone, typing, or just have the app open in the background.

Does the Green Dot Mean They Are Chatting with Someone?

The green dot alone does not necessarily mean that the person is currently chatting with someone else. Here are some scenarios when a green dot may show, but not indicate active chatting:

  • The person has opened Messenger but is just browsing their social feed or contacts list, not in an active chat.
  • They are composing a new message to someone, but have not sent it yet.
  • They are multi-tasking with Messenger open but are focusing on something else.
  • The app is running in the background but they are using another app or have locked their phone.

The green dot will remain as long as Messenger is running, even if they are not actively chatting. You cannot conclude that they are messaging someone unless the chat bubble indicator is also visible.

When Does the Green Dot Not Appear?

There are a few instances when a green dot will not appear next to someone’s name, even if they have the Messenger app open:

  • They have turned off the “Active Status” feature, which disables the green dot for everyone.
  • They have blocked you specifically, so you cannot see their active status.
  • They have closed the chat window with you, even if Messenger is still running.
  • A technical glitch or bug is preventing the green dot from updating status.

So the absence of a green dot next to a contact does not necessarily mean they are offline. They may have intentionally disabled active status sharing with you.

Can Someone See When I Have the Messenger App Open?

Yes, other people will see a green dot next to your name when you have the Messenger app open. This includes times when you are actively chatting with someone or just have the app open in the background. The green dot appears by default whenever you open Messenger on your phone, computer, or other devices. If you do not want others to see when you are on Messenger, you can turn off this feature.

How to Turn Off Active Status and Green Dot

If you want more privacy and do not want your Messenger contacts to see when you are online, you can disable the active status indicator. Here is how:

  1. Open the Menu in the Messenger app.
  2. Go to your profile’s Active Status.
  3. Tap on the toggle next to Active Status to disable it. This removes the green dot for all contacts.

Once disabled, you can still use Messenger as normal, but the green dot will never show up for your contacts. You will also not be able to see other people’s active status. Keep in mind that disabling this applies to all contacts – you cannot hide it from select people only.

Can I Hide My Active Status From Specific People?

Unfortunately, you cannot selectively hide your active status from just certain people on your contact list. Messenger only allows you to toggle it on or off for all contacts. If you turn it off, every single person will stop seeing your active status and green dot. The only other option is to block a person, which will hide your online presence from them only.

What Does It Mean When Someone Turns Off Their Active Status?

If you notice that one of your contacts no longer displays a green dot, it likely means they have disabled their Messenger active status completely. When someone turns off this feature you will never see a green dot next to their name – even when they are actively chatting with you or have the app open.

Reasons someone may turn off their active status include:

  • Wanting more privacy when using Messenger.
  • Not wanting certain people to see when they are online.
  • Finding the green dot distracting or annoying.
  • To appear offline or unavailable during busy times.

It does not necessarily mean they are ignoring you or no longer use Messenger. They have simply disabled the status indicator across the board for all contacts.

Can I Tell if Someone Read My Message Without the Green Dot?

When someone has disabled their active status, it can be harder to tell if they have read your message. However, there are a couple ways to check if your message has been seen:

  • Read receipts – If enabled, these will show when your message has been opened.
  • Chat heads – The small profile photo that pops up when the person is actively chatting with you.
  • Typing indicator – The animated dots that show the person is typing a reply.

So even without the active status green dot, Messenger provides other indicators to show if the person has read or is responding to your messages. But it does require more attention to these visual cues.

Should I Be Concerned if Someone Disables Their Status?

In most cases, someone disabling their Messenger status is not a cause for concern. Here are some reasons it’s usually nothing personal:

  • They want more privacy and do not like others seeing when they are online.
  • They find it distracting and want to focus without notifications.
  • Too many contacts were trying to chat when they saw the green dot.
  • Their partner was uncomfortable with them having it turned on.
  • They are testing it out and may re-enable it later.

It’s quite common for people to try disabling their active status to see if they prefer having more privacy on Messenger. Don’t assume it’s specifically aimed at you unless they have actually blocked you. If you are concerned, politely ask them about it.

Pros of the Active Status and Green Dot

While the active status indicator can sometimes be annoying, it also has some useful benefits:

  • Lets you see when contacts are around to chat in real-time.
  • Can convey if someone is trying to avoid you if they turn it off.
  • Creates a sense of presence when chatting with friends.
  • Quickly see when people are available to call on Messenger.
  • Helps avoid messaging someone who is offline or away.

For many Messenger users, the pros of active status outweigh the downsides, so they leave the feature enabled. It provides helpful context clues while messaging and chatting.

Cons of the Active Status and Green Dot

Some drawbacks and complaints around the active status indicator include:

  • Can feel like an invasion of privacy or make some people anxious.
  • People may expect immediate responses when they see you are online.
  • Distracting to see contacts constantly coming online and offline.
  • Prevents discretely browsing Messenger without others knowing.
  • May reveal times you are typically on your phone.

For these reasons, many users decide to disable active status and gain back more privacy over when they access Messenger. It’s a personal preference based on your priorities.

Comparison to Other Chat Apps

Here is how Messenger’s approach to active status compares to other major chat apps:

App Active Status Indicator Can It Be Disabled?
Messenger Green dot Yes
WhatsApp Green dot and “Online” text No
Telegram Green dot Yes
Signal No active status indicator No option to enable

As you can see, Messenger is fairly flexible compared to apps like WhatsApp when it comes to controlling your active status visibility. Users have the option to hide the green dot or not use Messenger privately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone see when I was last active on Messenger?

No, Messenger does not display a time stamp for when someone was last active. The green dot only indicates if they are currently online.

Can I appear offline while still using Messenger?

No, there is no true “invisible mode” for Messenger. Disabling active status is the only way to hide your online presence.

Does turning off active status also apply to calls?

Yes, disabling the green dot will also prevent contacts from seeing when you are on a Messenger call or Room.

Can I prevent specific people from seeing when I’m typing?

No, the typing indicator cannot be disabled for select contacts. Everyone sees it or no one sees it.

The Green Dot Simply Means Messenger Is Open

To summarize, the green dot indicator next to a contact’s name only means that they currently have the Messenger app open. It does not necessarily confirm they are chatting with someone or fully active on the app. While sometimes a source of confusion, it is intended to show Messenger availability in real-time.

If you prefer more privacy, disabling your active status prevents the green dot from appearing when you use Messenger. Just know that you also won’t be able to view this status for your own contacts. As with any social media feature, it comes down to your own preferences and priorities for connecting with people.