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Does sent on Messenger mean blocked?

Does sent on Messenger mean blocked?

Being left on “sent” or having messages marked as “sent” rather than “delivered” on Facebook Messenger can be frustrating and confusing. There are a few possible reasons why this happens, and it doesn’t always mean you’ve been blocked.

What does “sent” mean on Messenger?

On Messenger, when you send a message to someone, it will initially show as “sent.” This means that the message has left your device and been sent to the Facebook servers. The next status update should be “delivered,” indicating that the message has reached the recipient’s device. Finally, it will show as “read” when the recipient opens the Messenger app and views the message.

So if a message stays on “sent” and never changes to “delivered” or “read,” it typically means that the message for some reason failed to reach the recipient’s device. There are a few potential reasons for this:

  • The recipient has you blocked – With blocking, messages will appear as “sent” but will not be delivered.
  • The recipient has deactivated their account – If they’ve deactivated but not fully deleted their account, messages will remain undelivered.
  • The recipient has bad internet connection – Poor internet or cell service can prevent delivered confirmations.
  • The recipient’s account is glitching – Sometimes glitches happen and the status fails to update.
  • The recipient has their active status turned off – If they hide their active status, messages may never show as “delivered.”

Does “sent” definitely mean you’re blocked?

Being stuck on “sent” does not necessarily mean you’ve been blocked by the recipient. While blocking is one possibility, there are other reasons that could be preventing your message status from updating.

The only way to know for sure if you’ve been blocked on Messenger is if you receive an error message saying something like “You can’t reply to this conversation” when trying to send additional messages.

Some signs that you may not be blocked include:

  • You can still see the recipient’s profile and posts
  • You can call the recipient on Messenger
  • Your existing messages with the person are still visible in your chat history

As long as none of the above indications of blocking are present, there’s a good chance your “sent” message simply failed to deliver due to tech issues or user settings rather than blocking.

Why your messages may stay on “sent”

There are a few common reasons why your messages may remain stuck on “sent” and never change to “delivered” on Messenger:

1. Poor internet connection

One of the most common reasons is simply poor internet connection, either on your end or the recipient’s. If they are in an area with bad service or have turned on airplane mode, this can prevent delivered and read confirmations.

You can try sending a test message to another friend to check whether your messages are going through in general. If those are getting delivered, then the issue is likely on the recipient’s end.

2. Recipient has active status off

Another possibility is that the recipient has their active status turned off in Messenger settings. This prevents messages from being marked as “delivered” or “read.” However, it doesn’t mean you’re blocked.

3. Temporary glitch or bug

It’s also possible that it’s just a temporary glitch. Messenger bugs are not uncommon, and the status failing to update could resolve itself in time. Try restarting the app or your phone to see if it fixes things.

4. Recipient deactivated their account

If the recipient deactivated their Facebook account, your messages will remain undelivered indefinitely unless they reactivate it. You won’t be notified about their deactivation.

5. You’ve been blocked

Finally, yes, remaining permanently stuck on “sent” can be an indication that you have been blocked. However, keep in mind that you would see an error if you tried sending new messages.

How to tell if you’re blocked on Messenger

The main way to confirm that you’ve been blocked on Messenger is if you receive an error notification when trying to send a new message, such as:

  • “Couldn’t send”
  • “Message couldn’t be sent”
  • “You can’t reply to this conversation”

If you don’t see an error message, being left on “sent” may just be temporary. Some other signs that suggest you have likely been blocked include:

  • Disappearing profile photo
  • Disappearing chat history
  • Inability to view recipient’s profile or posts
  • Inability to call the recipient

If you think you may have been blocked, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Close and reopen the Messenger app
  • Force quit Messenger and try again
  • Log out and back into your Facebook account
  • Use Messenger from a desktop computer

If you still cannot send new messages or call the recipient after the above steps, they have likely blocked you.

What to do if you’re left on “sent”

If your messages are stuck on “sent,” here are some things you can try:

  • Check for error message – See if you receive a block notification when trying to send a new message.
  • Look for signs of blocking – Are their profile and posts still visible? Can you still call them?
  • Restart the app – Force quit and relaunch Messenger to troubleshoot.
  • Turn your phone off and on – Restarting your device can solve temporary glitches.
  • Check your internet – Make sure you have a strong WiFi or cellular connection.
  • Try from a computer – Log into Messenger on a desktop to see if messages go through.
  • Test with a friend – Check if your messages to other friends are marked as delivered.
  • Wait it out – Give it a few hours or a day in case it’s a temporary issue.

If none of those steps work, the recipient may have blocked you, deactivated their account, or has some type of technical issue preventing message delivery. At that point, there is unfortunately not much you can do besides reaching out through another method if available.

When to move on from an undelivered message

It can be frustrating to be left on read or have your messages stuck in limbo with no delivered or read confirmation. Here are some signs it may be time to move on:

  • You’ve re-sent the message 2+ times with no response
  • It’s been over 24 hours with no change in status
  • You see an error message indicating you can’t reply
  • The recipient has blocked you on other platforms
  • Your multiple messages, calls, etc. remain unreturned

Continually reaching out if the above signs are present will come across as aggressive or invasive. If someone isn’t responding, it’s best to take the hint and move on.


Being left on “sent” can be ambiguous, but does not definitively mean you’re blocked. Tech glitches, poor internet connection, deactivated accounts, and settings like active status disabled can all prevent message status from updating. However, if you receive errors when messaging or can no longer see the recipient’s profile, blocking is likely the cause.

To resolve an unknown “sent” status, restart the app, check your internet, give it time, and reach out via other methods if possible. If there’s still no change after 24 hours, the recipient likely cannot or does not wish to receive your messages. At that point, moving on is the healthiest option, even if it’s confusing or disappointing.