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Does permanent deactivation also mean deleting my Facebook?

Does permanent deactivation also mean deleting my Facebook?

No, permanently deactivating your Facebook account does not automatically mean deleting it. When you permanently deactivate your Facebook account, it is hidden and made inaccessible to other users. However, Facebook still retains all of your data on their servers in case you decide to reactivate your account in the future. Deleting your Facebook account is a separate process that completely removes all of your data from Facebook’s systems.

What happens when you permanently deactivate your Facebook account?

Here’s an overview of what happens when you permanently deactivate your Facebook account:

  • Your profile and photos will no longer be visible to other people on Facebook
  • You will no longer be able to login and access your account
  • You will stop showing up in your friends’ News Feeds and search results
  • Messages and notifications sent to you on Facebook will no longer go through
  • Your future posts and information will no longer appear on Facebook
  • Facebook will save your account data in case you want to reactivate your account in the future

So in summary, permanent deactivation removes your profile and content from public view on Facebook, but does not delete any of your data. Your information remains in Facebook’s systems, but your account is essentially deactivated.

What happens when you delete your Facebook account?

Deleting your Facebook account takes the deactivation process one step further by completely removing all of your information from Facebook’s systems:

  • All your posts, photos, videos, and any other data will be permanently erased
  • Your account will no longer exist or be recoverable in any way
  • You won’t be able to reactivate or access your account ever again
  • Facebook will attempt to scrub any traces of your account from their systems
  • There is no going back once your account has been completely deleted

So in summary, account deletion wipes your information completely and there is no way to restore it. Deactivation simply hides your account without erasing data.

How do I permanently deactivate my Facebook account?

Here are the steps to permanently deactivate your Facebook account:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right corner of any Facebook page and select “Settings”
  2. In the left sidebar menu, click “Your Facebook Information”
  3. Click “Deactivation and Deletion”
  4. Choose “Permanently Disable Account” and click “Continue”
  5. Select “Permanently disable my account” again to confirm
  6. Enter your password and click “Permanently disable account”

Once you complete these steps, your account will be permanently deactivated. This process hides your profile and removes your account from Facebook, but does not delete any data.

How do I delete my Facebook account permanently?

To completely delete your Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Click the down arrow and go to “Settings”
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar
  3. Select “Deactivation and Deletion”
  4. Choose “Delete Account” and click “Continue”
  5. Select “Delete Account” again to confirm
  6. Enter your password and click “Continue”
  7. Click “Delete Account” to complete the deletion process

Once your account has been deleted, your information is completely removed from Facebook’s systems and cannot be recovered. Unlike deactivation, deletion erases all your data permanently.

What’s the difference between deactivating and deleting?

Here is a comparison of deactivating vs. deleting your Facebook account:

Deactivating Deleting
Hides your profile and content Permanently erases all your data
Prevents access to your account Completely removes your account
Data remains on Facebook’s servers No ability to recover account or data
Can reactivate account later Process is permanent and irreversible

In summary, deactivation retains your data but hides your account, while deletion completely scrubs your account and information from Facebook.

What happens to my Facebook data if I don’t deactivate or delete?

If you decide not to deactivate or delete your Facebook account, here is what happens to your data:

  • Your profile, posts, photos, videos, and all other data will remain public and active on Facebook
  • Your information will continue being collected and used by Facebook subject to your privacy settings
  • Friends, advertisers, apps, and others will still be able to search and access your account
  • Your account remains open indefinitely as long as you periodically login
  • If your account is considered “inactive” for a prolonged time it may get memorialized

So your data remains fully accessible on Facebook unless you choose to either deactivate or delete your account. It does not get removed by simply leaving your profile unused for a long time.

Can I download my Facebook data before deactivating/deleting?

Yes, before deactivating or deleting your account you have the option to download your Facebook data including:

  • Posts, photos, videos you’ve shared
  • Your messages and chat conversations
  • Your profile information and settings
  • Your activity log and search history
  • The advertising data associated with your account

To download your Facebook data:

  1. Go to “Settings” then click “Your Facebook Information”
  2. Select “Download Your Information”
  3. Choose date range and media types to download
  4. Click “Create File” to request your archive
  5. Once ready, your download link will be emailed to you

Downloading this data lets you retain a copy before closing your Facebook account.

What happens to my Oculus content if I delete Facebook?

If you delete your Facebook account, you will also lose access to any Oculus content linked to that account. This includes:

  • Games and apps purchased through Oculus Store
  • Your Oculus friends list and social features
  • User generated content like maps, worlds, etc.

You will have to factory reset your Oculus device and create a new Oculus/Facebook account to use it after deleting your account. Your prior Oculus purchases and data cannot be recovered.

Can I use Instagram or WhatsApp if I delete Facebook?

Deleting your Facebook account also deletes any Instagram or WhatsApp account associated with that same account. However, if you created separate or unlinked accounts it may be possible to continue using them.

  • Instagram – If created independently you can keep using it
  • WhatsApp – You can keep using with your phone number, but will lose linked chats

For accounts that were linked to your deleted Facebook profile, the safest option is to delete them as well and start over with new accounts to avoid problems.

What about my Facebook Business Page and Ads?

When you permanently delete your personal Facebook profile it does not automatically delete any business pages or ad accounts associated with you. These assets remain active and can be transferred to another Facebook user if needed. However, you will lose administrator access once your profile is removed.

Should I notify contacts before deactivating or deleting?

It’s a good idea to notify your Facebook contacts that you intend to deactivate or delete your account. This allows them time to connect with you through other methods, and preserves your relationships.

Ways to notify contacts include:

  • Posting a message explaining your intent to deactivate/delete
  • Private messaging close connections individually
  • Exporting your contacts list and emailing users
  • Explaining in-person you are leaving Facebook

Give sufficient notice before you deactivate or delete so people have time to adjust and get your new contact information.

What happens to Facebook Memories after deleting my account?

When you delete your Facebook account, any Facebook Memories associated with your profile will be permanently deleted as well. This includes:

  • On This Day reminders highlighting your old posts & events
  • Year in Review summaries of your yearly activity
  • Posts you shared to your feed in past years
  • Birthday notifications and friendversary reminders
  • Memories shared with you by other users

All memories will be wiped from Facebook servers when your account is deleted. Friends will no longer be able to tag you in their memories either.

Can I delete just some of my Facebook data?

Yes, you can delete specific posts, photos, videos and other data from your Facebook account without fully deactivating or deleting it.

  • Go to your profile and click “View Activity Log”
  • Filter by date range and type of content
  • Click the trash icon to delete individual pieces of content
  • Alternatively, click “Create File” to download then purge data

This lets you selectively remove old or embarrassing content while keeping your profile active. However, traces of deleted content may still remain in Facebook’s systems.


In summary:

  • Deactivating your Facebook account simply hides it from view temporarily
  • Completely deleting your account erases all your Facebook data permanently
  • Deactivation keeps your information in Facebook’s system, deletion removes it entirely
  • You can download your data before deleting your account
  • Notify your friends before leaving to maintain relationships

Permanently deleting your account closes your Facebook membership completely. Deactivation is reversible if you change your mind later. Be sure your understand the implications before making a decision.