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Does my real name show on Facebook?

Does my real name show on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to go by a name other than their legal name if they choose. When you first create your Facebook account, you are prompted to provide your real or legal name. However, you can later change your name to anything you want it to be. So your real or legal name does not have to show up on your Facebook profile.

Can I use a fake name on Facebook?

Yes, you can use a fake or alternate name on Facebook instead of your real name. When you create your account, Facebook requires you to provide your real name. But after your account is set up, you can change your name to anything you want by going to your Facebook profile settings.

Facebook does have a “real name” policy that requires users to provide their real identities. However, this policy is not strictly enforced. As long as your alternate name does not impersonate someone else or contain offensive terms, you should be fine using a fake name on Facebook.

Does Facebook know my real name?

Even if you use a fake name on your profile, Facebook likely has a record of the real name you provided when you first opened your account. They may also have access to your real identity through any credit cards or phone numbers provided.

When you sign up for Facebook, you have to verify your identity by providing details like your phone number or email address. This gives Facebook a way to identify your real identity even if you use an alternate name as your public profile name.

Can I completely hide my real name from Facebook?

It is very difficult to completely hide your real identity from Facebook. Even if you use a fake name on your profile, Facebook has records of the personal information you provided when you first signed up, like your phone number, email, address or credit card details. They may use this information behind the scenes to link your account to your real identity.

To maximize privacy, you can take steps like:

  • Using an alternate email address and phone number you can’t be identified with
  • Not adding personal details to your profile
  • Being careful about what information you share in posts and messages

But there is likely some information Facebook has access to that could reveal your true identity if they chose to link it to your account.

Can someone find my real name through Facebook search?

If you use an alternate name on your Facebook profile, someone searching for you on Facebook will not be able to see your real name. Your chosen display name is the only name visible on your profile, timeline posts, and in search results.

However, it is possible you may reveal your real name inadvertently through activity on Facebook. For example, if you tag yourself in a photo using your real name or connect with friends and family who may refer to you by your real name in posts and comments.

Does Facebook require ID to confirm your real name?

Facebook does not require any kind of ID or documentation to confirm your real name. When you first create an account, you simply enter your first and last name along with some other details like your email address and date of birth.

Facebook may sometimes prompt users to confirm their name if it appears fake or is reported by others. In some cases, they may ask for ID verification. But this is not a universal requirement for all users to provide ID to confirm their identities.

Can Facebook ban me for using a fake name?

It is against Facebook’s policies to use a fake or misleading identity on your profile. If Facebook discovers you are using an alternate name in violation of their rules, they can suspend or permanently disable your account.

That said, many Facebook users go by names other than their legal names without consequence. Facebook seems to focus its fake name enforcement on accounts truly pretending to be someone else for malicious purposes.

To avoid problems, make sure your alternate name does not impersonate someone else, contain vulgarities, or intentionally mislead people. Using a common nickname or alternate spelling is generally fine.

What name shows up when I comment?

When you comment on posts made by others, your chosen display name will show up, not your real name. For example, if your profile name is “Jane Smith” but your real name is “Mary Johnson”, other users will see “Jane Smith” when you comment.

The only way your real name would show up is if you have intentionally tagged yourself using your real name in comments or posts on Facebook.

Can someone tag me using my real name?

Yes, it is possible for someone else to tag you on Facebook using your real name even if you use an alternate name on your profile.

For example, if you comment on a friend’s post, they could tag you in a reply or photo using your real first and last name if they know it and have you in their friends list.

To prevent this, you can adjust your tag review settings. Go to Facebook Settings > Timeline and Tagging and disable tag review approvals. This will prevent anyone from tagging you until you approve it.

Does Messenger show my real name?

Your chosen display name will show up in Facebook Messenger chats, not your real name. When you set up your Facebook profile using an alternate moniker, that becomes your name on Messenger as well.

The only scenario where your real name might show up is if you have added your real name as a nickname on Messenger. You can remove any unwanted nicknames in your Messenger settings.

Can I hide my name on Marketplace?

When you create a Facebook Marketplace account, it automatically uses the same name as your Facebook profile. So if you use an alternate name on your profile, that’s what will show on Marketplace.

There is no setting to manually change or hide your name on Marketplace. Anyone viewing your Marketplace account or listings will see the name currently set on your Facebook profile.

If you want to hide your real name on Marketplace, you would need to change your name on your overall Facebook profile first. Keep in mind Facebook’s rules prohibiting fake or misleading names.

Does Facebook Pay show my real name?

When you send or receive payments through Facebook Pay, your chosen display name will appear in transaction histories and receipts, not your real name.

However, the bank account or debit/credit card linked to your Facebook Pay account will have your real identity. When reviewing your statement outside of Facebook, Pay transactions will show your real name.

Within Facebook Pay itself, only your profile name is visible. But your real details are still connected behind the scenes via your bank account.

Can I use a fake name on Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating does require you to use your real first name as it appears on your Facebook profile. However, you can choose to display an alternate surname if preferred.

When setting up your Dating profile, you will be prompted to enter your real first name which must match your existing Facebook name. But you can customize your last name if you want to show something different from your Facebook profile.

This allows some anonymity, but your matches will still see your real first name. Keep in mind Facebook’s rules against fake identities apply to Dating as well.

Does Facebook allow stage names?

If you are an entertainer, artist or public figure who uses a stage name, Facebook does allow you to use your established stage name on your profile instead of your legal name.

To do this without violating Facebook’s real name policy, you must verify your stage name by submitting a copy of one of the following to Facebook:

  • Professional article mentioning you by your stage name
  • IMDb or website profile using your stage name
  • Photo ID matching your stage name

Once verified, Facebook will allow you to use your bona fide stage name as your profile name without issues.

Can I use a nickname?

Facebook does allow using common nicknames, alternate spellings or abbreviations of your real name. For example, “Will” instead of William, “Jen” instead of Jennifer, or “Steph” instead of Stephanie.

As long as your nickname represents your real identity in some clear way, it should be fine to use according to Facebook’s policies. Avoid entirely made up names or pseudonyms that don’t resemble your real name.

Is it safe to use my real name on Facebook?

Using your real name on Facebook does carry some privacy and safety risks. However, the risks are likely low for most average users.

Pros of using real name:

  • Easier to connect with friends and family
  • Don’t have to remember a separate fake identity
  • Can fully represent yourself and your accomplishments

Cons of using real name:

  • Risk of identity theft if account is hacked
  • Could be located or contacted by dangerous people from your past
  • Employers, dates, scammers can lookup your profile

You can use your real name but maximize privacy by locking down settings, being selective about friends, and limiting personal details shared publicly.

Should I use my real name on Facebook?

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to use your real name or not:

  • Are you concerned about employers, acquaintances or dates looking you up? Fake name adds anonymity.
  • Do you want to fully represent yourself with accomplishments, work history, etc? Real name allows this.
  • Are there risks of stalkers locating you or stealing your identity? Fake name better for safety.
  • Will you mostly interact with close friends and family? Real name useful for connecting.

There are good arguments on both sides. Evaluate your own priorities and comfort level. You can always change your mind later.


Facebook does require you to provide your real identity when creating an account. However, the name shown on your profile can be changed to anything you want after the fact.

It is possible to use a fake or alternate name on Facebook without too much risk of being banned, though Facebook discourages it. There are ways to maximize privacy, but Facebook likely still has records of your real identity.

Consider carefully whether using your real name or not best serves your goals and privacy needs on Facebook.