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Does liking a Facebook page follow it?

Does liking a Facebook page follow it?

This is a common question for many Facebook users. When you like a Facebook page, you are expressing interest in that page’s content and updates. However, liking a page does not automatically make you a follower of that page. There are a few key differences between liking and following on Facebook.

What happens when you like a Facebook page?

When you like a Facebook page, a few things happen:

  • The page gets added to your interests in your profile
  • You may see updates from that page in your News Feed
  • You help the page get more visibility, since your friends may see that you like the page

Liking a page makes it easier to see updates from that page, but it does not guarantee you will see all updates in your News Feed. Facebook uses an algorithm to determine which updates appear in your News Feed based on relevance and your interactions with pages.

What happens when you follow a Facebook page?

Following a Facebook page works differently than liking it. When you follow a page:

  • You are guaranteed to see all posts from that page in your News Feed
  • Updates have a subscribe button that allows you to receive notifications when the page posts
  • The page gets added to a “Following” section on your profile

Following ensures you see every post in real-time and gives you more control over notifications. It creates a stronger connection between you and the page.

Can you like and follow a Facebook page?

Yes, you can both like and follow a Facebook page. Here is what happens when you do both:

  • Liking the page adds it to your interests and increases visibility
  • Following the page makes sure you see all updates in your News Feed
  • You help the page get reach through your like and guarantee you get updates by following

Many social media managers recommend people both like and follow important pages to fully connect. The like helps the page while the follow benefits you as the user.

How do you follow a Facebook page?

Following a Facebook page is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the page you want to follow
  2. Click the “Follow” button near the top right
  3. Choose to receive notifications (optional)
  4. The page is now followed! You will see a “Following” indicator

The follow button may also say “Get Notifications” or “Subscribe” depending on the type of page. This process lets you opt-in to all updates from that page.

Can you unfollow a Facebook page?

Yes, you can unfollow a Facebook page at any time. Here is how:

  1. Go to the page you want to unfollow
  2. Click the “Following” or “Subscribed” indicator
  3. Choose to unfollow or turn off notifications

The page will still be liked, but you will no longer see updates unless you go directly to the page. This lets you mute updates from pages you followed in the past but no longer wish to see.

What’s the difference between friends and followers?

There is an important difference between friends and followers on Facebook:

  • Friends – Reciprocal two-way relationship, both of you see updates from each other
  • Followers – One-way relationship, followers see your posts but you don’t see theirs

You become friends with people you know personally. Followers are for public figures, businesses, artists, influencers, and other entities posting publicly.

Can businesses see who follows their Facebook page?

Yes, Facebook provides Page admins with analytics on their followers. Page owners can see:

  • Total number of followers
  • Demographics of followers (age, gender, location)
  • When followers subscribed
  • How followers interact with the page (clicks, comments, shares)

These analytics help Pages understand their audience and see how followers respond to different types of content.

Should individuals make Facebook profiles followable?

Facebook allows personal profiles to be followable, but most experts recommend against it. Reasons making a personal profile followable may not be ideal include:

  • Can attract unwanted followers like spammers or bots
  • Followers can only see your public posts, limiting connections
  • Friends and family may be confused by the “follow” terminology
  • You lose control over who sees your updates

Individuals are usually better off keeping a two-way friend connection on their personal profiles. Followable profiles work better for creators, businesses, and public figures.

Can you see who follows you on Facebook?

Yes, you can see a list of your Facebook followers in your profile settings:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click “Friends” in the left menu
  3. Select “Followers” to see your list of followers

This shows all the profiles and Pages following your public updates. You can visit follower profiles or unfollow them.


In summary:

  • Liking a Facebook page does not automatically follow it
  • Following a page gets you all updates in real-time
  • You can like and follow pages to fully connect
  • Businesses can see analytics on their page followers
  • Individuals should be cautious about making profiles followable

Liking and following allow different types of connections with Facebook pages. Understand the differences to control your News Feed and connect with pages properly.

Action What Happens
Like a Page
  • Added to interests
  • May see updates
  • Increases visibility
Follow a Page
  • Guaranteed to see updates
  • Get notifications
  • Added to “Following” list
Like and Follow
  • Increases visibility through like
  • Ensures you get updates by following

Page Owners Can See

  • Number of followers
  • Follower demographics
  • When followers subscribed
  • Follower interactions

Friends vs. Followers

Friends Followers
Two-way relationship One-way relationship
See each other’s updates Only see your updates
People you know Public figures, businesses, etc.