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Does it cost to do Facebook Live?

Does it cost to do Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their Facebook followers. It has become an incredibly popular feature on the platform, with millions of people and pages using it to connect with their audiences in real time. But one common question people have is – does it cost anything to use Facebook Live?

The Short Answer

The short answer is no, Facebook does not charge users or pages to use Facebook Live. It is free to broadcast live videos on Facebook, whether you are an individual user or a business/creator page. So you can go live as much as you want without worrying about any fees from Facebook.

Facebook Live is Free for All Users

When Facebook first introduced Live in 2016, it was available only to public figures, celebrities, and verified pages. But within a few months, Facebook opened up Live to all users globally. This was part of their initiative to make video, especially live video, a central part of the Facebook experience.

So currently, any Facebook user can go live from their profile, as long as they meet a few basic requirements:

  • Your account must be in “good standing” – meaning you haven’t violated Facebook’s terms of service.
  • Your profile must be public.
  • You may need to enable certain settings like allowing public sharing.

As long as your account meets these conditions, you can start broadcasting live to your followers at any time, with no costs involved.

Facebook Pages Can Also Go Live for Free

The same free access applies to Facebook Pages. Any public Facebook Page, whether it’s for a business, creator, influencer, organization, or community, can go live for free. You don’t have to pay Facebook anything extra or get any sort of verification to use Live.

Facebook does this because they want Pages to take advantage of Live to engage their followers. The more creators broadcast live video, the more time users spend on Facebook consuming that content. This ultimately benefits the company’s bottom line.

So Facebook has a vested interest in making live video as frictionless and accessible as possible for Pages. While they may introduce more advanced paid tools for live broadcasts down the line, the core Facebook Live product will remain free for Pages.

You May Need Other Paid Tools

While Facebook itself does not charge for Live, you may need to invest in some additional tools if you want to maximize the quality and production value of your live broadcasts.

For example, you’ll probably want an HD camera and a laptop or streaming device to broadcast professional-looking streams. You may also need microphones, lighting equipment, editing software, graphics, etc. These production costs add up, especially if you go live frequently.

Some other tools that could require paid subscriptions or licenses include:

  • Streaming encoder software like OBS or Wirecast
  • Switchers and other live production hardware
  • External encoders to connect professional cameras
  • Broadcasting software for multi-camera setups
  • Cloud-based video production suites like Restream

While you can go live on Facebook using just your phone’s camera, your production quality will be limited. So you’ll need to invest in the right tools if you want to create a polished, professional broadcast.

Paid Promotions Can Boost Your Reach

One other cost associated with Facebook Live is if you want to promote your videos to reach more viewers. While organic reach on Live video can be high, you may choose to put some money behind your streams.

Facebook offers various advertising and promotion options to amplify your live videos, including:

  • Boosting a live video or past broadcast
  • Promoting your Page’s Facebook Live broadcasts
  • Running a Live advertisement during your broadcast
  • Sponsoring your video to appear higher in feeds

This paid promotion can help you extend your reach beyond just your current followers. The amount you have to spend will depend on factors like your target audience, positioning, and video quality.

Steps to Go Live on Facebook

Once you have all the necessary equipment, accounts, and settings in place, the actual process of broadcasting live on Facebook is very straightforward.

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone or the Facebook website.
  2. Go to your Profile or Page that you want to broadcast from.
  3. Tap on the “Live Video” option – it looks like a video camera icon.
  4. You’ll be prompted to enable some permissions if it’s your first time going live.
  5. Give your live video a title and description.
  6. Tap “Go Live” – your video will now be broadcasting to your followers!
  7. Interact with viewers and add comments as you broadcast.
  8. When finished, end the live video.
  9. The video will automatically be saved to your Timeline as a new post.

It’s a very quick and intuitive process. You can easily go from opening the Facebook app to broadcasting live in less than a minute.

Extra Features for Enhancing Your Broadcasts

Facebook has added some cool features over the years to make live videos more interactive and engaging:

  • Bringing guests onscreen: Add friends or followers to your live video through Facebook’s multi-guest streaming.
  • Live filters & effects: Augment your broadcast with AR effects, filters, stickers, and more.
  • Polls & Q&As: Get instant feedback and questions from viewers mid-broadcast.
  • Fundraisers: Add donation buttons to your video to raise money for causes.
  • Location tagging: Tag locations to help viewers find live videos nearby.

Leveraging features like these during your broadcasts can create a more immersive, interactive experience for your audience.

Facebook Live Video Requirements

To ensure quality and accessibility, Facebook does have some requirements for live videos:

  • Minimum resolution is 720p HD video.
  • Bitrate should be between 1.5-4.5 Mbps for smooth streaming.
  • Aspect ratio should be 9:16 for mobile and 16:9 for desktop.
  • Supported formats include MP4, MOV, and MKV.
  • Audio must be encoded as AAC at 96kbps.

As long as your setup and internet connection meet these technical specifications, your viewers should get a high-quality watching experience.

Pros of Using Facebook Live

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s look at some of the key benefits of using Facebook Live:

  • It’s free! This makes it one of the most cost-effective live streaming options.
  • Leverages Facebook’s reach – instantly access your existing followers plus potential new ones.
  • High engagement – live video drives lots of comments, reactions, and shares.
  • Flexible and portable – just need a phone to broadcast from anywhere.
  • Builds authenticity – show your real self and make deeper connections.

Facebook Live essentially lets you run your own TV station backed by the power of Facebook’s platform. The potential to engage fans and drive business impact is massive, at no cost.

Potential Drawbacks to Be Aware Of

However, there are some downsides or limitations to keep in mind as well:

  • Technical difficulties – live video is unforgiving, and internet issues cause disruptions.
  • Time commitment – requires dedicating resources to be “always on” for viewers.
  • Pressure to be “on” – being live can be stressful for introverts.
  • Hard to reuse content – live videos have a short shelf life.
  • Less production control – you don’t get the editing flexibility of pre-recorded video.

The spontaneity of live video presents unique challenges. But you can take steps to minimize potential downsides and capitalize on the upsides.

Tips for Creating Great Facebook Live Content

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your Facebook Live broadcasts:

  1. Find the right streaming software and hardware setup for your needs.
  2. Test your tech thoroughly before going live to avoid glitches.
  3. Promote your live videos ahead of time to build anticipation.
  4. Engage viewers through comments, Q&As, polls, etc. Keep them participating.
  5. Have a plan and structure for your broadcast, but stay loose and improvise too.
  6. Stay authentic and let your personality shine through.
  7. React to comments and feedback from viewers in real-time.
  8. Keep videos short and concise when possible.
  9. Save your live broadcasts to reuse as additional content.
  10. Analyze metrics after to see what content resonates best.

Experiment to see what works for your brand. The more you go live, the more comfortable you’ll get!


Facebook Live provides an extremely valuable, cost-effective tool for engaging your target audience. While you may need to invest in production equipment and tools, the core live streaming functionality is 100% free.

Taking the time to create great real-time content that resonates with viewers is key to getting results. But the benefits of increased engagement, authenticity, and connection with your community make it well worth the effort.

So don’t be afraid to start broadcasting live on Facebook today! With the right strategy, it can take your brand engagement to the next level.