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Does Instagram send text messages to verify account?

Does Instagram send text messages to verify account?

Instagram does use text messages as one method to verify accounts in certain situations. When setting up a new account or resetting an existing account, Instagram may send a text message with a verification code to confirm the user has access to the associated phone number.

When Does Instagram Send Texts for Verification?

There are several common situations when Instagram will text users a verification code:

  • Creating a new Instagram account – After entering a phone number when setting up a new account, Instagram will text a 6-digit code to verify access to that number.
  • Resetting an existing account – If a user tries to reset or recover their password for their Instagram account, a verification code may be texted to the associated phone number.
  • Changing the phone number on an account – When updating the phone number linked to an Instagram account, the user will be sent a text with a verification code to confirm access to the new phone number.
  • Suspicious activity on an account – If Instagram detects suspicious activity on an account, such as an unrecognized login, it may require the account holder to verify their identity through a texted code.

So in summary, any major changes to an Instagram account, like registering a new account, resetting the password, or updating account information will prompt Instagram to text a verification code. This helps confirm the activity is legitimate and authorized by the proper account holder.

What Does the Instagram Verification Text Look Like?

The verification text message sent from Instagram provides a 6-digit numerical code. The message will identify that the code is from Instagram and provide instructions to enter it into the app.

For example, a typical Instagram verification text may look like:

“Instagram Code: 123456. Enter this code in the Instagram app to verify your account.”

The message will be sent from the phone number 405-523-8837. Users can check for a text from this number to identify legitimate Instagram verification messages.

Where Should the Code be Entered in the App?

When Instagram sends the text code, the user just needs to open up the Instagram app and enter the 6-digit number on the verification screen. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to the account verification screen. This may occur when:
    • Setting up a new account
    • Accessing an existing account after resetting password
    • Updating account information such as phone number
    • Unrecognized login attempt
  3. Enter the 6-digit verification code received in the text message.
  4. Click submit to finish verifying your account.

The app should automatically take users to the verification screen when needed. But if not, users can typically find it in the profile settings next to the phone number associated with their account.

How Long are Instagram Verification Codes Valid?

Instagram verification codes sent via text message expire after a short period of time. According to Instagram’s documentation, the verification codes are generally valid for 10 minutes before expiring.

If the code expires before being used, Instagram will generate a new 6-digit code and automatically send another text with the new verification number. This ensures users are able to conveniently get back into their account even if some time has passed.

Does Instagram Notify When Sending a Verification Text?

Instagram does not explicitly notify users that a verification code is being sent via text. The text message will arrive automatically when required for account verification.

However, in most cases that require verification, the Instagram app will indicate that a text is being sent. For example, when registering a new account, Instagram states it is “Texting a login code” before sending the SMS verification message.

Why Verify Through Text Instead of Email?

Instagram opts to use text message verification codes rather than email in most situations. There are some key reasons for this:

  • Texting is more convenient – Phone numbers provide a fast and convenient way to reach users directly when immediate verification is needed, as opposed to waiting for an email.
  • Texting has higher reliability – Text messages see higher overall rates of successful delivery and user engagement compared to emails.
  • Mobile users – With Instagram being a predominantly mobile app, text verification aligns closely with typical mobile user behaviors.
  • Security – Associating accounts with a phone number and text verification adds an extra layer of security beyond just a username and password.

Can You Use Instagram Without a Phone Number?

Instagram requires users to provide a valid mobile phone number when setting up a new account. Without a phone number, Instagram won’t allow creating an account.

The phone number requirement helps Instagram verify identities, secure accounts from abuse, and provide user support if needed. Users must enter a phone number associated with a mobile device capable of receiving standard SMS text messages.

However, once an Instagram account has been registered, it is possible to later remove the linked phone number from the account settings. But disabling or removing the phone number can limit certain account features:

  • Can’t reset/recover password through text verification
  • Restrictions for some ads targeting and measurement
  • Limits on following and liking activities
  • Less ability to appeal disabled accounts

So while not strictly required after account creation, most Instagram experts recommend keeping a valid phone number connected to your Instagram account for maximum security and usability.

Managing Phone Number on Instagram Account

Users can add, change, or remove the phone number associated with their Instagram account through the app settings:

  • Add Number – Go to profile > Edit Profile > Phone Number. Enter a valid mobile number to link to your account.
  • Change Number – Go to profile > Edit Profile > Phone Number. Enter the new number here which will prompt verification via text code.
  • Remove Number – Go to profile > Edit Profile > Phone Number > Remove Phone Number. Note this limits certain account functions.

It’s recommended to always keep an up-to-date phone number connected to your Instagram account when possible. Linked phone numbers can be updated at any time if you get a new mobile device or phone number.

Troubleshooting Issues with Instagram Text Verification

In most cases the text verification process works seamlessly. But here are some troubleshooting tips for common issues users may encounter:

Not receiving the text message

  • Check for typos when entering your phone number in the app
  • Verify your mobile signal strength and cellular data connectivity
  • Double check your phone has SMS/text messaging enabled
  • Try toggling airplane mode off and on to reset your mobile connection
  • Contact your mobile carrier to confirm your service supports text messaging

Code expired before using

  • Instagram automatically sends a new code, so just wait 1-2 minutes for the new text to arrive
  • Avoid delays by entering the code immediately once received
  • If issues persist, try resending the verification request in Instagram

Incorrect verification code

  • Double check the code entered matches the text message number exactly
  • Copy-paste the code from the text to avoid manual errors
  • If copy-paste doesn’t work, the new code should arrive within a few minutes

Already used up all verification attempts

  • Wait for the specified time period to try again (usually around 24 hours)
  • Submit an appeal through Instagram’s help process if you’re locked out of your account
  • If appealing, be sure to provide valid information proving you own the account

Following Instagram’s recommended steps, being patient, and contacting their support team if needed typically resolves most text verification issues. Automated verification via text provides an important security layer for Instagram accounts.


Text messaging is commonly used by Instagram as part of the account verification process. Users may receive verification codes via text when creating new accounts, resetting passwords, changing account details, and in response to suspicious login attempts.

The text will come from the number 405-523-8837 and provide a 6-digit numerical code to enter into the Instagram app. Keeping an up-to-date mobile phone number associated with your account can help maintain secure access and full use of Instagram features.

While text verification may occasionally encounter issues, overall it provides a quick and convenient method for Instagram to confirm users’ identities and account ownership. Following Instagram’s troubleshooting tips and support resources can help resolve most problems that arise.