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Does instagram reels pay money

Instagram Reels is a feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short videos. Many people wonder if they can earn money by creating Reels. The short answer is yes, Instagram does pay certain users through its Reels Play Bonus program.

How Does Instagram Reels Pay Money?

Instagram introduced the Reels Play Bonus program as an incentive for creators to make engaging Reels. If your reel performs well and meets Instagram’s eligibility criteria, you may earn a bonus from Instagram.

Here’s how it works:

  • When your reel receives a certain number of plays, Instagram will tell you that you’ve unlocked a bonus.
  • The bonus amount depends on the total number of plays your reel received during the bonus period.
  • If you meet the bonus criteria multiple times in a month, your earnings will accumulate.
  • At the end of the month, Instagram will pay out your total bonus earnings.

Instagram deposits the bonus directly into your bank account or PayPal account associated with your Instagram account.

Who Is Eligible for Reels Play Bonus?

To be eligible for the Reels Play Bonus, your Instagram account must:

  • Be public.
  • Have at least 10,000 followers.
  • Receive at least 30,000 plays in the last 30 days.
  • Abide by Instagram’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.

In addition, your reel must:

  • Be original content that follows Instagram’s recommended specifications and best practices.
  • Adhere to Instagram’s content monetization policies.
  • Receive a certain amount of engagement and views within 30 days of posting to become bonus eligible. Instagram does not disclose the exact thresholds.

Business and creator accounts have the potential to earn bonuses. However, personal accounts are not eligible at this time.

How Much Money Does Instagram Reels Pay?

Instagram does not disclose the exact Reels Play Bonus amounts. Payouts are based on the performance of individual reels. In general, bonuses range from a few cents to a few dollars per reel.

Top creators report earning the following bonus amounts:

  • $80 for a reel with 4 million views
  • $150 for a reel with 7 million views
  • $250 for a reel with 10 million views

So the more views your reel gets, the higher your potential bonus. Instagram determines bonus amounts based on region and currency. Creators outside the US may see different bonus amounts.

Tips to Earn More Money from Instagram Reels

Here are some tips to help you maximize your earning potential with Instagram Reels:

  • Optimize your reel for discovery. Use relevant hashtags and songs to help Instagram’s algorithm recommend your reel to viewers who will enjoy it.
  • Engage your existing audience. Cross-promote new reels to your followers on Instagram feed and stories.
  • Reuse top-performing content. Repurpose sections of high-view reels into new reels to build on previous success.
  • Analyze your metrics. See which reel types, topics, music, etc. perform best for your audience.
  • Post consistently. The more reels you make, the more chances for bonuses. Aim to post at least 1 reel per day.
  • Check notifications. Instagram will notify you in-app when you qualify for a bonus. Claim it within 7 days.

Other Instagram Monetization Opportunities

In addition to Reels bonuses, creators can earn money on Instagram through:

  • Instagram Shop: Tag products in your posts so followers can shop your listings.
  • Paid partnerships: Get sponsored by brands to promote their products and services.
  • Affiliate links: Share affiliate links to products and earn commission on sales.
  • Instagram badges: Let followers pay to show support during live videos.
  • IGTV ads: Monetize your IGTV videos by showing ads.

Diversifying your monetization strategy across multiple Instagram features can help maximize your earning potential as a creator.

Other Short-Form Video Apps That Pay

If you want to earn money from short videos, Instagram Reels isn’t the only option. Here are some other popular short video apps that offer monetization programs:

  • YouTube Shorts – Earn a share of ad revenue from YouTube Shorts based on their performance.
  • TikTok Creator Fund – Receive monthly payouts for quality videos that perform well.
  • Snapchat Spotlight – Get a share of over $1 million Snapchat distributes daily to top Snaps.
  • Facebook Watch – Monetize your Facebook Watch videos with ads placed by Facebook.
  • Triller Funds – Earn money when your Triller videos get views and engagement.

The eligibility requirements, payout mechanisms, and amounts vary across each platform. So research which option best matches your audience and content goals as a creator.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often does Instagram pay out bonuses?

Instagram pays out accumulated bonuses around the 15th of each month. You must claim the bonus within 7 days to receive payment.

Can I earn money on Instagram reels on a personal profile?

At this time, only business accounts and creator accounts are eligible for the Reels Play Bonus program. Personal accounts cannot earn bonuses.

How many views do I need on Instagram reels to earn money?

Instagram does not disclose the minimum view thresholds needed to qualify for bonuses. However, top creators report needing millions of views per reel to earn significant payouts. The more views you accumulate, the higher your bonus potential.

How long do I need to wait to get paid from Instagram reels?

After you claim your bonus in the Instagram app, you will receive payment around the 15th of the following month. So there is around a 1 month delay between earning a bonus and receiving the payout.

Can I earn money from Instagram reels outside the US?

Yes, Instagram Reels Play Bonuses are available in many countries globally. However, specific requirements and payout amounts vary by country based on factors like audience size and currency.

Do all Instagram reels get monetized?

No, you only earn bonuses on reels that meet Instagram’s eligibility criteria for originality, quality, engagement, account standing, etc. Also, not all plays are monetized. Focus on creating high-quality reels that resonate with your audience.

The Bottom Line

Instagram Reels Play Bonuses offer a way for qualifying creators to earn money directly from Instagram based on their short video content. While specific requirements must be met, bonuses provide a solid monetization incentive for those able to consistently produce engaging reels.

Combining reels bonuses with other Instagram monetization features can help maximize earning potential for brands and influencers on the platform. As Instagram continues evolving its offerings, the opportunities for creators to profit from their content will likely grow.