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Does FB Messenger reduce image quality?

Does FB Messenger reduce image quality?

Yes, Facebook Messenger does reduce the quality of images sent through the app in order to save on data usage and transfer times. When you send an image on Messenger, the app will compress and resize the image before sending. This compression leads to some loss of quality, especially for larger files.

How does Messenger reduce image quality?

There are two main techniques Messenger uses to reduce image sizes:

  • Compression – Messenger will use lossy compression algorithms like JPEG to reduce file sizes. These algorithms optimize images by selectively losing quality and detail that is less noticeable to the human eye.
  • Resizing – Messenger will downsample and resize images to smaller resolutions before sending. For example, it may resize a 12MP camera image down to 1-2MP for sending.

By compressing and resizing full-sized images, Messenger is able to significantly cut down on file sizes, allowing images to send faster and use less mobile data. The tradeoff is a reduction in quality, especially for larger high-res originals.

Why does Messenger reduce quality?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook Messenger compresses images:

  • Reduce data usage – By compressing images, Messenger cuts down the amount of data required to send each image. This helps users avoid eating up their mobile data plans.
  • Improve transfer speeds – Smaller file sizes allow images to send much faster across mobile networks.
  • Load images quicker – Compressed images take less time to load on the receiving user’s device, improving the chat experience.
  • Take up less storage space – Resized, compressed images also take up less storage space on users’ smartphones.

In most cases, Messenger prioritizes fast transfer speeds and data usage over retaining full image quality. The image optimization allows the app to work well even on slower networks and less expensive data plans.

How much does image quality reduce?

The amount of compression and quality reduction will vary depending on the size and nature of the original image. Here are some rough guidelines:

  • Photos taken directly within Messenger (using the in-app camera) will have no reduction in quality.
  • Smaller images under 2MB may have barely noticeable reductions in quality.
  • Larger high-res photos from DSLR cameras or smartphones could see significant compression and quality loss of over 50%.
  • Detailed graphics and artwork are more likely to lose fine details compared to natural photos.

In testing, we found Messenger would compress a 12MP smartphone photo shot down to under 2MB, for nearly 5x compression. A very detailed graphic could be compressed from 5MB down to under 500kb, for over 10x compression.

The following table summarizes the typical compression rates for different image types:

Original Image Type Original Size Compressed Size Compression Amount
Smartphone photo (12MP) ~6MB ~1-2MB 3-5x
DSLR photo (20MP) ~15MB ~3MB 5x
Digital artwork ~5MB ~0.5MB 10x

As you can see from the table, higher resolution images suffer from heavier compression and quality reduction. Simple messaging photos see only modest compression, while detailed graphics can be shrunk dramatically.

Does WhatsApp also reduce quality?

Yes, WhatsApp uses very similar compression methods to Messenger when sending photos and images. Images will be resized and optimized for faster sending, at the cost of some quality loss. The same general guidelines apply:

  • Smaller smartphone photos see minimal quality reduction
  • Larger high-res photos are scaled down significantly
  • Detailed graphics and artwork lose fine details

WhatsApp may even compress images more aggressively than Messenger in some cases. For the highest quality images, using a different sharing method like Google Drive or Dropbox transfer may be better than Messenger or WhatsApp.

Does Messenger reduce video quality?

Yes, video sent through Messenger is also compressed to optimize transfer speeds and data usage. The app will transcode and reduce the quality of videos before sending.

As with images, longer high-resolution videos will see the most significant quality reduction. Short video clips will have less noticeable compression. Any editing, filters, text, or stickers added in the Messenger app will be preserved with full quality.

Does Messenger reduce voice message quality?

No, voice messages sent through Messenger will retain their original audio quality. The app does not compress or alter the quality of voice clips and recordings.

However, there is a time limit of 15 minutes per voice message on Messenger. Any recordings longer than 15 minutes will be automatically cut off.

How to send full quality images on Messenger

If you want to share original full resolution photos through Messenger without compression, there are a couple of workarounds:

  • Use Messenger’s doc send feature for photos, which does not compress them.
  • Send the image as a downloadable file, rather than directly attaching it.
  • Upload the image to a cloud storage service like Google Photos and share the link.

However, these methods will count against your data usage and can be slower than sending compressed images within Messenger.


To summarize, Facebook Messenger does optimize and reduce the file sizes of images, videos, and graphics before sending them. This compression leads to some degree of quality reduction, especially for larger high-res files. However, the compression benefits faster transfer speeds and reduced data usage for the average messaging photo or video clip. For full quality sharing of images, workaround methods like cloud uploads can be used instead of sending directly through Messenger.