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Does FB Marketplace have an algorithm?

Does FB Marketplace have an algorithm?

Facebook Marketplace is a feature within Facebook that allows users to buy and sell items locally. Since its launch in 2016, Marketplace has grown to over 1 billion monthly active users. With its huge user base, Marketplace has become a popular platform for individuals and small businesses to list their products.

But does Facebook control what you see in Marketplace through an algorithm like it does for the News Feed? The short answer is yes, Facebook Marketplace does use an algorithm to determine the listings you see. However, the Marketplace algorithm works differently than the News Feed algorithm.

How Does the Facebook Marketplace Algorithm Work?

The Facebook Marketplace algorithm takes into account several factors to determine which listings you see and their order:


Location is the most important factor in the Marketplace algorithm. Listings from sellers closest to your location are prioritized. Facebook gets your location from the location services you have enabled on your device or from your profile location.

Category preferences

The algorithm pays attention to the categories you frequently click on and show interest in. Over time, you’ll see more listings from those preferred categories.

Past activity

Your activity in Marketplace like searches, clicks, and engagement with listings gives signals to the algorithm about your preferences. Listings similar to what you’ve interacted with in the past will be shown higher.


Newly listed items get a boost and are more likely to be seen compared to older listings. This incentive helps keep Marketplace stocked with new items.


While Facebook does not publicly state this, price seems to be a factor too. More affordably priced listings seem to be favored over expensive items. This likely helps sell inventory faster.

Seller activity

Active sellers who frequently update and renew their listings appear to be favored by the algorithm. Inactive accounts see their listings sink. This behavior incentivizes sellers to keep their listings current.

Why Facebook Uses an Algorithm

Facebook has a few reasons for using an algorithm to control what you see on Marketplace:


Ranking by relevancy ensures users see the most related listings first according to their location and preferences. This saves users from having to browse through irrelevant listings.

New items

Prioritizing new listings gives sellers a reason to continuously post new inventory to Marketplace. This keeps the selection fresh for buyers.


An algorithm provides all sellers a fair shot at getting their listings seen rather than favor specific users. Active sellers still rise to the top.


Facebook makes money when purchases happen through Marketplace. An algorithm helps match buyers with relevant listings quickly to drive more transactions. This makes the feature more profitable for Facebook.

Pros of the Marketplace Algorithm

There are a few positives to how Facebook’s algorithm curates Marketplace:

Relevant listings

You are more likely to see listings for items you want to buy in your local area vs irrelevant listings. This makes buying and selling faster.

Finds deals

The algorithm spots listings in your area selling popular items at low prices. This makes it easier to find great deals.

No manual sorting

Sellers don’t have to waste time manually bumping their listings. The algorithm does the sorting automatically.

Benefits newcomers

New sellers and listings get a boost so they have a fairer chance at being seen. The playing field is more level.

Rewards good sellers

Active sellers who play by Facebook’s rules get promoted by the algorithm so they benefit the most long-term.

Cons of the Marketplace Algorithm

However, Facebook’s algorithm approach poses some downsides as well:

Lack of transparency

The exact ranking factors and weightings are not publicly known. Sellers don’t know how to fully optimize their listings.

Changes without notice

Facebook frequently tweaks the algorithm without warning. Sudden changes can negatively impact organic reach.

Hurts inactive sellers

Listings from inactive or infrequent sellers can quickly sink to the bottom. Their existing inventory becomes harder to sell.

Encourages spammy tactics

The algorithm favors frequent reposts and listing refreshes. This can motivate black hat sellers to employ spammy tactics to boost their rankings.

Biased to cheap listings

The bias for lower priced listings means higher quality but more expensive items get suppressed. Cheap junk rises to the top.

How to Optimize Listings for the Algorithm

Sellers are not completely at the mercy of Facebook’s algorithm. Here are some tips sellers can use to improve their Marketplace listing’s ranking:

Refresh frequently

Renewing and bumping listings to the top seems to help boost rankings so do this regularly.

Good photos

Use high-quality photos showing the item accurately and its key details. More photos are better.

Detailed titles

Add keywords like brand, color, size, model etc to listing titles so they better match searches.

Respond to inquiries

Reply promptly to buyer messages and questions to maintain high seller rating.

Clean up sold listings

Be sure to delete listings after sale so they don’t clutter your profile.

Price competitively

Research comparable listings and price your items competitively within the market range.

List in relevant groups

Join Facebook groups related to your items and post listings there too.

The Future of Marketplace Rankings

We can expect Facebook to continue evolving its Marketplace algorithm over time. A few potential changes include:

More ranking factors

Additional metrics like reviews, shipping speed, return policy, etc may get incorporated into rankings.

Personalized rankings

Use of AI could enable more personalized rankings customized to each user’s unique preferences.

Tighter spam control

Stricter limits on listing refreshes and harsher penalties for policy violations to cut down on spam.

Paid ads introduction

Facebook may let sellers pay to promote listings through ads for more guaranteed exposure.

Off-platform factors

On-site actions may no longer be enough as external signals like a seller’s online reputation could become ranking factors.


In summary, the answer is yes – Facebook does use an algorithm to rank and determine what listings you see on Marketplace. Location and your personal activity drive relevance, but frequent seller listing refreshing seems critical too. While not perfect, the algorithm does benefit both buyers and serious sellers overall. Sellers need to play by Facebook’s rules to maximize their visibility. Looking ahead, we can expect Facebook to iterate on the algorithm to improve relevance, fairness, and profitability.

Pros Cons
Relevant listings Lack of transparency
Finds deals Changes without notice
No manual sorting Hurts inactive sellers
Benefits newcomers Encourages spammy tactics
Rewards good sellers Biased to cheap listings