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Does FB delete friends by itself?

Does FB delete friends by itself?

This is a common question that many Facebook users have – does Facebook automatically delete friends from your friends list without you doing it yourself? The short answer is no, Facebook does not delete friends from your account without your action. However, there are some rare cases where it may appear like Facebook has deleted some of your friends. Let’s take a deeper look at whether and why Facebook might remove friends from your account.

Does Facebook Automatically Unfriend People?

Facebook does not actively monitor your friends list and remove people without your knowledge. The only way friends get removed from your account is if either you unfriend them, they unfriend you, or their account gets deleted. So unless one of those three actions happens, your Facebook friends will remain in your friends list indefinitely.

Some key things to understand:

  • Facebook has no algorithm or bot that automatically cleans up and prunes your friends list by deleting people.
  • Facebook does not delete inactive or unused accounts, so old friends from years ago remain even if you’ve fallen out of touch.
  • The only auto-unfriending Facebook does is if an account gets permanently deleted – then that person would vanish from your friends.

So you can rest assured knowing Facebook is not stealthily culling your friends list behind the scenes. Every removed friend is the result of an explicit action taken by you, that person, or Facebook (account deletion).

Why Does it Sometimes Appear Friends Were Deleted?

Even though Facebook doesn’t automatically delete friends, some users occasionally report seeing their friends list shrink or go missing. There are a few reasons why this can happen:

  • You accidentally unfriended people – It’s easy to remove a friend while bulk deleting or pruning your list.
  • They unfriended you – Friends may remove you without you realizing.
  • They deactivated their account – Deactivated accounts temporarily disappear.
  • They permanently deleted their account – Deletes make the person vanish.
  • It’s a bug or glitch – Facebook bugs could also make friends temporarily disappear.

So in most cases, it’s user-driven changes causing friends to go missing from your list. Mistaken unfriendings, people removing or deleting you, and technical bugs can all make it seem like Facebook is directly responsible.

How to Tell if Facebook Deleted Your Friends

If you notice you’re suddenly missing some friends, here are some steps to get to the bottom of it:

  1. Check they didn’t block you – You won’t see blocked friends in your list.
  2. Search for them – See if they show up in Facebook search results.
  3. Check other mutual friends – See if those friends still have them in their lists.
  4. Check your unfriends list – See if you accidentally removed them.
  5. Check their profile – See if they deactivated their account.

If you can still find the person via search or mutual friends, or see you unfriended them, you’ll know Facebook isn’t directly involved. But if the person seems to have vanished, it’s likely an account deletion.

How to Prevent Accidental Unfriendings

Since most mistaken friend removals are done by you, here are some tips to avoid accidentally unfriending people:

  • Be careful when bulk deleting friends – Double check who you’re removing.
  • Make use of your “Restricted” list – Rather than unfriend, you can hide people’s posts.
  • Watch out for accidental clicks – Don’t click links or icons too fast.
  • Review your unfriends list – Check it to see if mistakes occurred.

Exercising some caution when managing your friends list can prevent most unintended deletions.

Recovering Deleted Facebook Friends

If you realize you mistakenly unfriended someone, here are some options to restore them:

  • Send them a new friend request – This is the simplest way to re-add them.
  • Search your unfriends list – You may be able to undo a recent unfriend from here.
  • Contact Facebook support – If other options fail, you can report the issue.

Reconnecting with accidentally deleted friends is usually straightforward. Act quickly though, before they realize you removed them!

When Facebook Removes Friends for You

There are a couple rare cases where Facebook will itself remove friends from your account:

  • Deleted accounts – If a friend permanently deletes their account, Facebook automatically deletes them from all friends lists.
  • Fake or compromised accounts – Facebook works to detect and remove accounts used for spam/scams.

So while most changes to your friends come from direct actions by you or your friends, Facebook may occasionally step in to do limited removals related to account integrity.


In summary:

  • Facebook does not regularly or automatically delete or unfriend people from your account.
  • Nearly all missing friends cases are caused by you, your friends, bugs, or deactivated accounts.
  • Be careful when managing your list to avoid unfriending by mistake.
  • Act quickly if you find you removed someone unintentionally.
  • The only automated friend removals Facebook does is for deleted accounts or spam.

So while your Facebook friends list may shrink over time as people come and go, you can rest easy knowing Facebook isn’t directly sabotaging or culling your friendships behind the scenes. With care and some detective work, you can usually get to the bottom of any mistakenly disappeared friends.