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Does Facebook Watch have an app?

Does Facebook Watch have an app?

Facebook Watch is a video service by Facebook where users can watch videos posted by individuals, media companies and creators. While Facebook Watch is accessible through the Facebook mobile app and website, there is no standalone Facebook Watch app available for download.

Does Facebook Watch have its own mobile app?

No, Facebook Watch does not currently have its own mobile app that can be downloaded from app stores like the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. Facebook Watch is integrated into the main Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android.

To access Facebook Watch on mobile, users simply need to open the Facebook mobile app, go to the Watch tab on the bottom menu bar, and start watching videos. There is no need to download a separate app just for Facebook Watch.

Why doesn’t Facebook Watch have a standalone app?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook has not released a standalone mobile app for Watch:

Integration with main Facebook app

Facebook likely wants to keep Watch integrated with their main Facebook app to make it easily accessible to the billions of existing Facebook users. Requiring a separate app download creates extra friction versus just having it available in the already ubiquitous Facebook app.

Focus on monetization over standalone experience

Facebook’s main priority with Watch appears to be providing a new avenue for creators, publishers and brands to monetize videos through ad revenue sharing. Having Watch directly in the main app allows Facebook to focus on monetization over creating the best standalone video app experience.

Mobile web usage over native apps

In general, Facebook seems to be deprioritizing native mobile apps in favor of improving mobile browser experiences. Their strategy has shifted towards getting users to access services directly via the mobile web rather than downloading more standalone apps.

Slow rollout and testing

Facebook often does slow rollouts of new products to test them before broader launches. The lack of a standalone Watch app may be because Facebook is still testing the product and easing it out before investing in a dedicated app.

How to access Facebook Watch on mobile

While there is no dedicated app, Facebook Watch can be accessed and used through the Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android devices:

On iPhone or iPad

1. Download or open the Facebook app from the iOS App Store

2. Tap the Menu tab in the bottom right corner

3. Scroll down and tap on the Watch icon

4. Browse and watch videos on Watch

On Android

1. Download or open the Facebook app from the Google Play Store

2. Tap the Hamburger menu icon in the top right corner

3. Scroll down and tap on Watch

4. Browse available videos and start watching

Features of Facebook Watch

Despite not having its own dedicated app, the Facebook Watch experience offers several features:

Video categories

– Watch sorts videos into categories like News, Sports, TV & Movies, Gaming, Animals and more. Makes it easier to discover videos you’re interested in.

Personalized recommendations

– Watch recommends videos based on your interests and what your friends are watching. Helps users discover new content.


– Original episodic “shows” from creators and publishers. Covers genres like news, sports, comedy, reality and more.

Live streams

– Live broadcasts from individuals, media companies, organizations. Everything from concerts to news coverage.

Interactive elements

– Some Watch videos have polls, quizzes and other interactive elements to engage viewers while watching.


– Users can post Watch videos to their own or friends’ News Feeds to increase visibility.

Benefits of not having a separate Facebook Watch app

While some users may prefer to have a standalone Facebook Watch app, there are some benefits to Facebook’s strategy of keeping it integrated into their main app:

Easier access

– No need to download another app, reducing friction to start watching videos.

Increased exposure

– Watch gets greater visibility to Facebook’s over 2 billion monthly active users.

More notifications

– Users get Watch notifications combined with all other Facebook notifications in one place.

Shared community

– Watchers and video creators exist within the larger Facebook community.

Unified profiles

– Video creators on Watch use their existing Facebook profiles rather than separate accounts.

Less resource intensive

– Facebook avoids diverting resources to develop and maintain a separate app.

Disadvantages of Facebook Watch not having its own app

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to Facebook Watch being confined within the main Facebook mobile app:

No standalone brand identity

– Watch doesn’t have its own unique brand and identity without a dedicated app icon.

Feature limitations

– Watch’s features are restricted by what can be integrated into the broader Facebook app.

Less optimized experience

– The video watching experience is not customized for the medium versus an app built just for that purpose.

Less discoverability

– Users browsing app stores can’t find or download a Watch app, limiting new user acquisition.

Cluttered experience

– Facebook is known for cluttered navigation – accessing Watch requires digging through menus.

Data/privacy concerns

– Some users may prefer Watch not share data and privacy settings with the broader Facebook app.

The future possibilities for a Facebook Watch app

While Facebook Watch currently doesn’t have a dedicated mobile app, here are some possibilities that may happen in the future:

Spin-off once established

Facebook may eventually spin off Watch into its own app once the brand is more established and video content library has expanded. They could then optimize features for the video medium.

Merged video app

Facebook might merge Watch into an integrated “Facebook Videos” app that also incorporates live streams, Stories, Reels and its other video properties in one place.

Part of Facebook app redesign

The lack of a Watch app could be temporary as Facebook eventually overhauls and streamlines navigation within the broader Facebook app.

Acquisition or partnership

Facebook could partner with an existing video app or launch a completely rebranded video app through an acquisition. For example, they could acquire Twitch and rebrand it as Facebook Gaming.


If Watch fails to gain traction, Facebook may scrap plans for a standalone app and discontinue or merge the property into an existing service.


In summary, while Facebook Watch currently does not have its own mobile app, it is accessible through the Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android. Facebook may eventually launch a dedicated Watch app, but for now seems focused on keeping it integrated with their main platform. The lack of standalone app simplifies access for Facebook users but may limit features and brand identity. However, it aligns with Facebook’s broader mobile strategy and allows them to leverage their existing user base. If Watch proves successful, the chances of it eventually getting its own optimized app would increase over time.