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Does Facebook suggest people who look at your account?

Does Facebook suggest people who look at your account?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2021. With so many people using Facebook, a common question that comes up is whether Facebook shows you or suggests profiles of people who have viewed your profile.

Does Facebook Show You Who Views Your Profile?

The short answer is no, Facebook does not show you who views your profile. Facebook does not have any feature that shows you exactly who has viewed your profile recently. This means that you cannot see a list of people who have visited your profile.

Some key things to know:

  • Facebook does not have a viewer tracking feature for profiles. They do have viewer counts for Pages and public videos, but not personal profiles.
  • Facebook does not send notifications when someone views your profile. You will not get any alert that someone has looked at your profile.
  • There are no apps or third party tools that can accurately show you who views your Facebook profile. Some claim to do this but it is not possible.

So in summary, there is no way to see who views your Facebook profile. Facebook intentionally does not provide tools for this, likely for user privacy reasons.

Does Facebook Suggest Profiles of People Who Have Viewed You?

Now this brings up the question – even if you can’t see exactly who views your profile, does Facebook suggest the profiles of people who have recently looked at your profile? Will Facebook recommend friends or connections based on who has looked at your profile?

The answer is no. Facebook has confirmed multiple times that their algorithms do not work this way.

Here are some key facts on how Facebook’s suggestions work:

  • Facebook does not track individuals viewing your profile to make suggestions.
  • The People You May Know and Suggested Friends features use different signals like mutual friends, work and education networks, location, groups and interests. Viewing someone’s profile is not one of the signals.
  • Facebook suggestions are based on connections between people on the platform, not passive profile viewing.

So in summary, Facebook does not use profile views to recommend connections to you. The suggestions are based on active interactions and connections, not passive viewing data.

Does Facebook Recommend People You Have Viewed?

A related question is – does Facebook recommend your profile to people who have viewed your profile? Will someone who has looked at your profile then get suggested to connect with you?

Again, the answer here is no according to Facebook. They have stated many times that simply viewing someone’s profile does not signal to their algorithms that you want to connect with that person.

Some key points:

  • Merely viewing someone’s profile does not tell Facebook that you want to friend or connect with that person.
  • Facebook stated their software is not sophisticated enough to make friend recommendations based on profile views alone.
  • For someone to be suggested to you, more active engagement is needed beyond just viewing a profile.

So in summary, Facebook does not use your viewing of someone’s profile as a signal to recommend you to that person. More interactions beyond passive viewing are needed for Facebook’s algorithms to make suggestions.

How Are Facebook’s Suggestions Really Determined?

If profile views are not used, how does Facebook actually determine which connections to recommend to people? Here are some of the key factors:

  • Mutual Friends – Having friends in common with someone is a strong signal to suggest new connections.
  • Networks – Being in the same work, education or city networks makes people more likely to know each other.
  • Interests – Liking or being part of the same Pages and Groups indicates shared interests.
  • Interactions – When you actively engage with someone’s content or profile, you signal you want to connect.

So while passive viewing of profiles does not factor in, active interactions between people on Facebook are a strong signal for generating suggestions according to the company.

Can You Appear on Someone’s Suggestions by Viewing Them?

Based on Facebook’s statements, merely viewing someone’s profile should not make you appear on their People You May Know or discovery surfaces. However, some users still report this happening.

There are a few potential reasons for this:

  • You have interactions beyond just viewing a profile. Liking, commenting on or sharing posts from a profile means you are more likely to show up in suggestions.
  • You have mutual friends, networks or interests with the person. Facebook’s algorithms may be suggesting you based on these factors rather than profile views.
  • It is coincidental. With billions of users, some coincidental suggestions are bound to occur after profile views.

So while some anecdotal reports of profile views impacting suggestions exist, Facebook claims it should not be happening based directly on profile views alone.

Is There Any Way to See Who Views Your Profile on Facebook?

As covered earlier, there are no official Facebook tools to see who views your profile. However, there are some limited workarounds that may provide hints about who is looking at your profile.

Monitor Friend/Follower Changes

Watching your friend and follower counts over time can give clues about spikes in profile views:

  • Sudden jumps in followers/friends may indicate your profile is getting more views.
  • Pay attention after changing profile pictures or posting content to see if it draws more eyes to your profile.
  • Use Facebook’s Follower Count History under Followers on your profile to analyze trends.

While not foolproof, monitoring changes in followers/friends can provide hints at changes in how many people are viewing your profile.

Use Profile View Counter Apps

There are third party apps like Social Profile Counter that display profile view counters. However, Facebook does not authorize these apps to access or determine your actual view data. The numbers likely use algorithms to estimate views rather than real data, so they should be taken with a grain of salt.

Analyze Your Post Metrics

Facebook Pages show post metrics like reach and impressions. Analyzing the people reached and impressions on your recent posts can indicate how many people are active around your profile and potentially viewing it.

Again these are not perfect signals, but can give some rough sense of how many people are interacting with your profile posts. Higher numbers may suggest more profile views.


In summary, Facebook does not directly show who views your profile or use profile views to generate suggestions. While there are workarounds to gauge views, the only foolproof way is if Facebook were to add view tracking features, which seems unlikely due to privacy reasons. So for now, profile views remain anonymous on Facebook without any definitive way to reveal them.