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Does Facebook still have a quotes section?

Does Facebook still have a quotes section?

Facebook, the popular social media platform launched in 2004, was originally focused on connecting college students. In its early days, Facebook included a quotes section where users could share inspirational, funny, or thought-provoking quotes. This was a popular feature in Facebook’s first couple years of existence. However, as Facebook evolved into a platform used by people of all ages for sharing personal updates, photos, videos, and more, the quotes section was eventually removed.

When did Facebook have a quotes section?

The quotes section was available on Facebook profiles from 2005 up until around 2008. When users first created their profiles, they had the option to fill out a “Favorite Quotes” section where they could input textual quotes that would then appear on their profile. Friends could view the collected quotes on each other’s profiles.

In addition to the user-generated quotes, Facebook also had its own database of famous quotes that members could choose to add to their profiles. These included classic quotes from famous philosophers, authors, celebrities, and influential figures throughout history.

The quotes section gave early Facebook users a way to express their personalities and interests by sharing meaningful or funny snippets of text. Song lyrics were also commonly shared in the Facebook quotes section. However, this feature disappeared after a few years as the nature of Facebook evolved.

When and why was the quotes section removed?

Facebook began phasing out the quotes section around 2007 to 2008. There are a few factors that contributed to its removal:

  • Shift away from text-based profiles. As Facebook became more photo and video-centric, lengthy text sections like quotes became less prominent.
  • Concerns about copyrighted material being shared without attribution.
  • Desire for a more visually engaging, media-focused user experience.
  • Move toward profiles being used more for personal status updates than textual self-expression.

By 2010, the quotes section had been completely removed from Facebook profiles and was no longer an option for users to add to their pages. The shift toward more photo sharing and life updates made the quotes section obsolete.

What replaced the quotes section on Facebook profiles?

Today, Facebook profiles no longer have a dedicated quotes section. However, users can still share textual updates, including quotes if they choose, in the About section or in posts on their Timeline.

Some key aspects of profiles that can involve quotes or inspirational text include:

About section

This freeform section allows users to share some details about themselves. This could include favorite quotes.

Life Events

For milestone life events like marriages, births, graduations, etc., users can choose inspirational quotes to accompany the life event update.

Shared posts

Users can share text image posts containing quotes on their profile Timeline for friends to see.

Profile photo captions

The profile photo can have a caption with it, which sometimes includes a short quote from the user.

So in summary, while quotes are no longer a standalone profile section, they can still be incorporated into profiles in the About section, life event descriptions, shared image posts, and captions.

Can you still find any quotes on Facebook?

Here are some ways quotes can still be found and shared on Facebook today:

Shared quote images

Images containing inspirational, funny, or meaningful quotes are widely shared on Facebook. These images often go viral.

Shared articles/videos

Links shared on Facebook sometimes contain memorable quotes from public figures, celebrities, or influential people if it’s an interview or speech.

Group descriptions

Facebook Groups related to certain topics, interests or public figures may include relevant quotes in the group description.

Page bios

Facebook Pages for brands, public figures, artists, or non-profits sometimes include a quote in the Page bio section.


Facebook’s preset Reactions for reacting to posts include a “HaHa” reaction which features the quote “LOL”.


Users can send quote images, stickers or text messages containing quotes to friends over Facebook Messenger.


The Facebook Stories feature allows users to overlay text on photos/videos. This text can include short quote snippets.

So in summary, while quotes are no longer a profile feature, Facebook still has many avenues for sharing inspirational, funny or informational quotes through images, articles, messages, groups, and more. Quotes remain a popular form of expression on social media.

Can you add quotes back to your Facebook profile?

Unfortunately, there is no dedicated quotes section to add back to your Facebook profile anymore. The feature was permanently removed from profiles in 2008. However, there are a couple ways you can share quotes or inspirational text on your profile:

About Section

You can include a few of your favorite quotes in bullet point form within your About section. This allows you to share some personality and interests.

Life Events descriptions

When creating a Life Event like a marriage, graduation, new job, etc., you can include a short quote in the description/caption for that event.

Shared text images

Create or share inspirational image quotes and post them directly on your Timeline for friends to see.

Profile picture caption

You can add a quote caption alongside your profile picture so it appears when people click on your profile photo.

So in short – while you can no longer have a designated quotes section, you can get creative about integrating short quotes or inspirational text into your About section, life events, shares posts, and captions. But the days of having a standalone quotes area in your profile are over.

What are some examples of funny or inspirational quotes people used to share on Facebook profile pages?

Here are some examples of the types of quotes people commonly shared on their Facebook profiles back when the quotes section was active from 2005 to 2008:

Song Lyrics

  • “We’re up all night to get lucky” – Daft Punk
  • “This is the story of a girl…” – The Killers
  • “You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone” – Anna Kendrick
  • “I kissed a girl and I liked it” – Katy Perry

Funny Quotes

  • “I’m not clumsy, the floor just hates me.”
  • “Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.”
  • “I don’t have a beer belly, I have a protective covering for my rock hard abs.”
  • “My imaginary friend thinks you have serious issues.”

Inspirational Quotes

  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “Do what you feel in your heart to be right.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – Aristotle

Literary Quotes

  • “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” – Hamlet
  • “To thine own self be true.” – Hamlet
  • “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” – A Tale of Two Cities
  • “I can resist everything except temptation.” – Oscar Wilde

Philosophical Quotes

  • “The unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates
  • “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi
  • “No man is an island.” – John Donne
  • “To be is to do.” – Socrates

As these examples illustrate, early Facebook users enjoyed sharing funny, inspirational, philosophical, song, movie and literary quotes on their profiles. It provided a window into their personalities and interests during the text-based early years of Facebook.


In summary, Facebook did originally have a quotes section from 2005 to 2008 that allowed users to share and display textual quotes on their profiles. However, this was removed as Facebook evolved to focus more on photos, videos, and status updates. While you can no longer add a quotes section per se, you can still integrate short quotes or excerpts into your Facebook profile through your About section, life events descriptions, shared posts, and captions. Quotes remain popular to share on Facebook through images, articles, or messages. But the dedicated profile quotes section has been gone for well over a decade now with no option to bring it back.