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Does Facebook show if you screen record a story?

Does Facebook show if you screen record a story?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Many people enjoy viewing Stories from their friends and family, but may want to save certain Stories to look at later. A common question is whether Facebook notifies someone if you screen record their Story.

Does Facebook notify users of screen recordings?

The short answer is no, Facebook does not currently send any type of alert or notification if someone screen records your Story. This applies to both iOS and Android devices.

Facebook has not implemented any technology to detect or monitor screen recording of Stories. Therefore, if you screen record a Facebook Story, the person who posted it will not be notified in any way.

Why doesn’t Facebook detect screen recordings?

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not currently have the ability to detect screen recordings:

  • Technical limitations – On a technical level, Facebook’s apps do not have access to the system permissions necessary to monitor screen recording. Apps are sandboxed for privacy reasons.
  • User experience – Facebook prioritizes smooth, seamless user experiences. Constant monitoring of screen recordings in the background could negatively impact performance.
  • Expected user behavior – People expect that Stories disappear, so Facebook relies on social norms rather than technical enforcement.
  • Legal restrictions – Laws in some regions may restrict a platform’s ability to monitor user device behavior.

Essentially, the technical capabilities do not currently exist for Facebook to reliably detect and act upon screen recordings across the myriad devices and platforms that users access Stories from.

Are there any signs that someone screen recorded your Story?

Since Facebook provides no alert, the only way to know if someone screen recorded your Story is if they somehow share or post the recording afterward. However, most people keep their screen recordings private.

Some signs that could indicate a screen recording include:

  • You notice someone suddenly viewing your days-old Story again.
  • Someone makes a specific comment about a unique part of your Story long after it disappeared.
  • You find a screen recording of your Story posted somewhere online or leaked elsewhere.

However, these hints are circumstantial at best. The vast majority of screen recordings likely go unnoticed by the original poster.

Does Facebook plan to add screen recording detection?

Facebook has not announced any plans to add the ability to detect or notify users of screen recordings in the future. However, the company is always evolving its products and policies.

The following factors may influence Facebook’s stance on screen recording detection:

  • User feedback – If enough users request screen recording notifications, Facebook may prioritize developing a solution.
  • Competitive pressure – If other social platforms add screen recording detection, Facebook may follow suit.
  • Abuse prevention – Widespread harassment via screen recorded Stories may spur Facebook to reconsider.

On the other hand, Facebook may decide the costs of implementing screen recording notifications outweigh the benefits for users. Only time will tell how Facebook’s approach evolves.

How can you screen record a Facebook Story?

You have a few different options for screen recording Facebook Stories, depending on your device:


  • Open the Story you want to record.
  • Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the iPhone Control Center.
  • Tap the Screen Recording icon (it looks like a circle inside a square).
  • Tap ‘Start Recording.’ Your screen will begin recording with a timer at the top.
  • View the Story you want to record. When finished, tap the timer at the top and ‘Stop Recording.’
  • The screen recording will be saved to your Photos app.


Screen recording is built into many Android phones with Android 10 and above via the following steps:

  • Open the Facebook Story you want to record.
  • Swipe down from the top of your screen to reveal the Quick Settings.
  • Tap the ‘Screen Record’ icon (a circle with a dot inside).
  • Tap ‘Start Recording.’ Your screen will begin recording with a timer at the top.
  • View the Story you want to capture. When finished, tap ‘Stop.’
  • The screen recording will be saved to your Photos app.

On Android phones without built-in recording, you can download third-party recorder apps from the Google Play Store.


On Windows PCs and Macs, you can use pre-installed screen recording software:

  • Windows – Open Xbox Game Bar using Windows Key + G and start recording.
  • Mac – Use QuickTime Player to record your screen.

There are also free recorder tools you can download, like OBS Studio.

Best practices for screen recording

If you want to screen record a Facebook Story, keep in mind:

  • Respect privacy – Only record your own Stories or Stories from people who have given you permission.
  • Check settings – Some users limit Story visibility, so you may not have access to all Stories.
  • Don’t re-share – Ask before posting a screen recorded Story anywhere else.
  • Delete responsibly – Remove screen recordings that contain sensitive or private content.
  • Use discretion – Avoid recording Stories with illegal, dangerous or abusive material.

In summary, exercise good judgement and care when screen recording Facebook Stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Facebook detect any type of screen recording?

No, Facebook currently cannot detect or monitor any type of screen recording of Facebook Stories from iOS, Android, desktop computers, or any other devices or platforms. The technology does not yet exist across Facebook’s broad ecosystem.

What happens if you screen record a Facebook Story?

If you screen record a Facebook Story, absolutely nothing happens. The person who originally posted the Story will not be notified, alerted, or informed in any way that their Story was recorded. You can record any visible Story without the original poster knowing.

Is screen recording Stories illegal?

In most cases, there is nothing inherently illegal about screen recording a Facebook Story. However, there are some exceptions. For example, Stories with illegal, abusive, dangerous or highly private content could get you in legal trouble if recorded and shared. Use good judgement when deciding what to screen record.

Can you tell who viewed or screen recorded your Facebook Story?

No, there is no way for Facebook users to see exactly who has viewed their Story. The only information available is the total number of views. There is no data on specific people who watch or screen record a Story. Both views and recordings are anonymous.

What are the risks of screen recording a Story without someone knowing?

The main risk is violating someone’s privacy and boundaries by recording their Story without consent. Even if you do not share the recording elsewhere, making a permanent copy of something meant to be temporary could be considered unethical by some. Always use your best judgement.


Facebook currently provides users no notifications if their Stories are screen recorded. While Facebook may eventually add recording detection capabilities, for now all screen recordings are anonymous. If you want to keep a Facebook Story, you can record it without the original poster knowing in most cases. However, always consider privacy, permission, and respect before capturing Stories. Proceed thoughtfully.