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Does Facebook show if someone viewed your profile?

Does Facebook show if someone viewed your profile?

Facebook does not directly notify users when someone views their profile. There is no built-in feature that tracks profile views or shows who has visited your page. However, there are some indirect ways to get an idea of who may have been looking at your profile.

Can you see who views your Facebook profile?

No, Facebook does not have a direct way for users to see who views their profile. Facebook does not track profile views in a way that is visible to users. So there is no setting or feature that shows a list of people who have visited your page. Any third-party apps or services that claim to track Facebook profile views are likely unreliable or scams. Some apps may show generic lists of profiles, but these are not based on any real data from Facebook.

Does Facebook notify you when someone views your profile?

Facebook does not send notifications when someone views your profile. You will not get any kind of alert or message from Facebook telling you who has looked at your profile. The technology does not exist within Facebook’s platform to enable this kind of notification. So it’s impossible for Facebook to actively monitor all profile visitors and send details to users when it happens. Any message or email claiming to be from Facebook and notifying you of profile views is fake.

Can you pay to see who viewed your profile?

Some third-party services claim to show you who has viewed your Facebook profile, typically for a fee. However, this is misleading and these services do not actually have any capability to track profile views. Facebook does not provide any data to outside services about who views your profile. Paid services claiming to show this info are scams designed to get money from users, and they should be avoided.

Can Facebook admins or employees see who viewed your profile?

Facebook employees and admins are not able to see who has viewed your Facebook profile. The capability does not exist for Facebook to monitor all profile visitors across the platform. Normal Facebook employees do not have access to view analytics on who has visited your page. The only analytics visible to Facebook are overall traffic numbers, not data on specific visitors.

Indirect ways to see who might be viewing your profile

While Facebook does not provide any way to see who views your profile, there are some indirect signals that can indicate users who may have visited your page:

  • See who has liked or commented on your posts recently. Those users have likely visited your profile.
  • Check who has recently requested to follow or friend you. It’s possible they came across your profile.
  • Look for spikes in your follower count. Increased follows could indicate more visits.
  • Use Facebook’s “Audience” insights to see changes in age, gender, location of followers.

However, these signals are not definitive indicators of who exactly has viewed your profile. They only show users who have definitely interacted with your page in some way.

Why doesn’t Facebook show who views your profile?

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not track or show who views your profile:

  • Privacy – Facebook prioritizes user privacy and tracking profile views would infringe on that.
  • Resource intensive – The amount of data and server load to track visits for billions of users would be enormously complex and expensive for Facebook to implement.
  • Vulnerable to abuse – Profile view data could easily be misused by users to harass others or artificially inflate visits.
  • Not useful – Profile visits alone don’t give meaningful information without context, as many are accidental or not indicative of interest.

Overall, the downsides of showing profile view data outweigh the benefits for most Facebook users. The lack of visible view tracking is aimed at protecting privacy.

Third-party tools that claim to show who viewed your profile

Some third-party services and browser extensions claim they can show you who has viewed your Facebook profile, but these should be avoided. Examples include:

  • Who Viewed My Facebook Profile?
  • Profile Visitor
  • Profile View Tracker
  • Facebook Profile Tracker

These tools do not actually have access to your profile view data, since Facebook does not make that available outside of their platform. The visitor lists they show are fabricated and not based on any real analytics. Many are scams aimed at collecting user data or getting people to click ads or share the tools virally. It’s best to avoid any service advertising Facebook profile view tracking.

Should Facebook add profile view tracking?

There are arguments on both sides of whether Facebook should add the ability to see who views your profile:

Arguments For Profile View Tracking Arguments Against
– Lets you see who is interested in you or your content – Invades user privacy expectations
– Discourages lurking or passive stalking – Enables harassment if data is misused
– Helps identify fake or suspicious accounts – Technically challenging at Facebook’s scale
– Provides insight into your audience and followers – View counts can be artificially inflated
– Creates more transparency around privacy – Removes ambiguity that encourages exploration

Ultimately there are reasonable arguments on both sides. Facebook has so far chosen to keep profile views private due to the potential downsides. But they could revisit this choice if user desires change or the benefits are seen to outweigh privacy risks.


Facebook does not currently notify users when someone views their profile or provide any way to see who has visited your page. This is done intentionally by Facebook to protect user privacy. Any third-party apps or services claiming to show your Facebook profile visitors are unreliable. While you can’t definitively see who has viewed your profile, there are some indirect signals to gauge interest from other users. Understanding Facebook’s design decisions around profile view tracking can help manage expectations around privacy and visibility on the platform.