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Does Facebook send messages to email?

Does Facebook send messages to email?

Facebook provides users with the ability to send and receive messages within the Facebook platform. However, there are several ways that Facebook messages can also be accessed via email.

Connecting Facebook Messages to Email

The main way to connect Facebook messages to an email account is to enable email notifications for Facebook messages. This allows users to receive email notifications when they receive new Facebook messages.

To enable Facebook message email notifications:

  1. Go to the Facebook website and log into your account
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu
  3. On the left side of the page, click on “Notifications”
  4. Under the “How you get notifications” section, find “Email” and click “Edit”
  5. Turn on the toggle for “Messages” to enable email notifications

Once email notifications are enabled, you will receive an email to your connected email account whenever someone sends you a new Facebook message.

Replying to Facebook Messages via Email

In addition to receiving email notifications, some Facebook users can also reply directly to Facebook messages via email. This allows you to respond to Facebook messages without logging into the Facebook website or app.

To set up message replies via email:

  1. Go to the Facebook website and ensure you are logged in
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”
  3. On the left side, click on “Notifications”
  4. Under “How you get notifications” click on “Edit” next to Email
  5. Turn on the toggle for “Reply to messages” to enable

Once enabled, you will have the option to hit “Reply” on Facebook message emails ro respond directly from your email. The response will be sent as a Facebook message to the original sender.

Importing Facebook Messages into an Email Account

While the above options allow you to get Facebook messages via email, there is no native way to directly import your full Facebook message history into an email account.

However, there are some third-party services and workarounds that allow you to backup and import your Facebook message history into an email account:

  • Use the Facebook data download tool to download an archive of your Facebook data, including messages, and then use a third-party tool to convert the messages to email format.
  • Manually forward or copy/paste your Facebook conversations into emails to yourself or others to save them in your email account.
  • Use a third-party software tool or Chrome extension that connects to your Facebook account and imports your messages into another email service.

While somewhat tedious, these options allow you to create a full backup of your Facebook message history via email.

Emailing People on Facebook

If you want to email someone directly using their Facebook contact information, there are a couple of options:

  • Facebook allows users to add an email address to their profile. If the user has made this public, you can email them directly using that address.
  • You can use the Facebook integration with Gmail to email Facebook friends directly from Gmail. See this help article:

However, there is no way to see someone’s email address or automatically export it from Facebook unless they have specifically made it public on their profile.

Emails From Facebook

In addition to messages, there are a variety of notifications and alerts that Facebook may send to your connected email account:

  • Login notifications if an unrecognized login is detected
  • Notifications when you are tagged in a post or photo
  • Friend request and friend confirmation emails
  • Notifications when your posts are liked or commented on
  • Requests to join Facebook groups you manage

These types of notifications can be managed under the Email notifications settings on Facebook.

Limitations of Facebook-Email Integration

While you can connect Facebook messaging and notifications to your email, there are some limitations:

  • There is no full two-way messaging integration – you cannot initiate Facebook messages from an email account.
  • The full message history cannot be directly imported into email.
  • You cannot see email addresses of contacts unless they make it public.
  • Notifications and alerts are sent via email but must be managed in the Facebook interface.

So while Facebook provides some email integration, it is primarily intended as a notification system rather than a full messaging platform merger.


To summarize, there are a few ways to connect Facebook messaging to email:

  • Enable email notifications for new Facebook messages
  • Allow replying to Facebook messages via email
  • Manually forward Facebook messages to email
  • Use third-party tools to import Facebook messages into email
  • Email Facebook friends directly if they have made their email address public

However, limitations apply in terms of two-way integration. Overall, Facebook prioritizes its own messaging system over email integration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I import my Facebook messages into Gmail?

There is no direct way to import Facebook messages into Gmail. However, you can use Facebook’s data export tool to download an archive of your messages, then use a third-party app to convert the files to email format for importing into Gmail.

How do I set up Facebook to forward messages to my email?

Facebook does not have a feature to automatically forward messages to email. However, under Notification Settings, you can enable email notifications when you receive new Facebook messages.

Can someone email me if I haven’t given them my email address?

No, there is no way for someone to email you via Facebook if you have not made your email address public on your Facebook profile.

Do Facebook messages expire?

Facebook messages do not have an expiration date and will remain in your inbox unless you or the sender actively deletes them.

Can I download a copy of my Facebook messages?

Yes, you can use Facebook’s data download tool to request an archive your Facebook data, including your full message history.

Integration Type Details
Email Notifications Receive email alerts when you get new Facebook messages
Reply via Email Respond to Facebook messages directly from your email
Message Export Download your Facebook message history to import into email
Contact Email Email friends who have made their email address public


While Facebook provides options to connect messaging to email for notifications or limited replies, the platforms are not fully integrated. For full two-way communication and archiving, Facebook messaging is better suited within Facebook itself rather than relying on email.