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Does Facebook send message notifications to your email?

Does Facebook send message notifications to your email?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2022. On Facebook, users can send private messages to each other similar to email. A common question that arises is whether Facebook sends notifications of new messages to your email inbox.

Does Facebook send email notifications for messages by default?

The short answer is no, Facebook does not send email notifications for new messages by default. When you receive a new message on Facebook, you will get a notification in your Facebook account, but you will not get an email notification sent to your email inbox.

Facebook focuses on keeping notifications within their platform to encourage users to log in and engage frequently. Sending email notifications could make Facebook messaging somewhat redundant to regular email.

Can you enable Facebook to send message notifications to your email?

Yes, it is possible to enable Facebook to send you email notifications when you receive new messages, but it requires manually turning on this feature.

Here are the steps to enable email notifications for Facebook messages:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click on “Notifications” in the left sidebar
  3. Under “Email”, toggle “Messages” to ON

Once you toggle this to ON, you will start receiving email notifications whenever someone sends you a new message on Facebook. The email will contain a snippet of the message content and a link to view the full message in your Facebook account.

What options are there for Facebook message email notifications?

When you enable Facebook message email notifications, you have a couple options to customize how and when you receive the emails:

  • Notification Schedule – Choose if you want emails instantly, in 15 minutes, hourly, or daily.
  • Send Me a Single Email – Get one summary email of all notifications instead of separate emails.
  • Limit Notifications – Only get notifications from people on your Friends list or from groups you’ve joined.

These options allow you to fine tune email notifications to your preferences so you’re not getting spammed with unnecessary emails.

What do the Facebook message notification emails look like?

The Facebook message notification emails are very basic with minimal styling. They include the following key details:

  • Name of the sender
  • 1-2 line snippet of the message content
  • “View Message” button to open the message on Facebook
  • Facebook logo

The emails are designed to entice you to login to the Facebook app or website to view the full message and continue the conversation.

Should you enable Facebook message email notifications?

Here are some pros and cons to consider about enabling Facebook message email notifications:


  • Never miss an important message if you don’t login to Facebook frequently
  • Get reminders to respond to messages you may have forgotten about
  • Good for messages from close friends and family you want to be notified of


  • Email inbox can get cluttered, especially if you get a lot of messages
  • Duplicates notification you already get within Facebook
  • Encourages distraction and checking Facebook when you should be working

Overall, it comes down to personal preference. If you find yourself often forgetting to check Facebook messages, email notifications can be useful. But if you already check Facebook regularly, they may be unnecessary.

What about Facebook post and comment notifications?

Enabling email notifications for Facebook messages only applies to private messages. You do not get email notifications for posts, comments, reactions, friend requests, or any other Facebook activity by default.

You can optionally enable email notifications for some of these other Facebook activities too:

  • Comments on your posts
  • Being tagged in posts and photos
  • Friend requests and confirmations
  • Facebook group activity
  • Facebook events
  • Facebook payments

But email notifications do not cover every type of Facebook notification. Some types like reactions, shares, and live videos can only be notified for within the Facebook app itself.

Third-party tools for Facebook message notifications

If the native Facebook email notifications don’t meet your needs, there are also third-party tools you can use to get notifications:

  • IFTTT – Create applets to send Facebook message notifications to other channels like SMS, Telegram, Slack, etc.
  • Zapier – Build Zaps to forward Facebook messages to email, other social channels, a helpdesk system, etc.
  • Integromat – Automate workflows that can email, text, or push Facebook message details.

These tools give you more customization options compared to Facebook’s built-in notifications.

Troubleshooting Facebook message notifications

If you enabled Facebook message email notifications but aren’t receiving them, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your email Spam folder
  • Check your Facebook notification settings again
  • Facebook may throttle notifications if you get too many
  • Facebook’s servers may be down
  • Disconnect and reconnect your Facebook account from your email

You can also try toggling the notifications setting off and back on again to re-trigger it.


Facebook does not send email notifications for new messages by default, but you can enable this feature in your notification settings. Email notifications can be useful for staying on top of important messages, but can also clutter your inbox and create distraction. Configure notifications thoughtfully based on your personal communication preferences. Beyond Facebook’s built-in options, third-party tools can provide more customization too.