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Does Facebook send a notification when you view someone’s profile?

Does Facebook send a notification when you view someone’s profile?

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2022. With so many people using Facebook, questions often arise around the nuances of how the platform works, especially when it comes to privacy and notifications.

One common question that many Facebook users have wondered is: does Facebook send a notification when you view someone’s profile? The short answer is no, Facebook does not send a notification when you view someone else’s profile. However, there are a few caveats to be aware of.

When viewing profiles is “private”

In most cases, when you view someone’s Facebook profile, it is considered a “private” action that the person will not be notified about. This means you can browse and look through people’s profiles without them receiving any notification that you did so.

Some key points about private profile viewing:

  • You do not have to be friends with someone on Facebook to view their public profile. Profiles often display a person’s profile picture, cover photo, and “about” information without being friends.
  • The only notification the profile owner would get is if you send them a friend request. Simply viewing the profile does not trigger a notification.
  • You can browse and scroll through the person’s profile pictures and wall posts privately without the person knowing.
  • You could view that person’s profile many times and they would never know you looked, unless you did something to interact directly like liking or commenting on their posts.

So in most cases, you can consider profile viewing to be completely private and invisible to the profile owner, much like glancing at a stranger’s social media page.

Exceptions when profile viewing may notify

While Facebook profile viewing is designed to be private, there are a couple exceptions when the profile owner may be notified that you looked at their page. This includes:

  • Friends list settings: If you view a profile of someone who is not your Facebook friend, they may still get notified if they have enabled an expanded friends list setting. This optional setting allows people to get notifications when non-friends view their profile.
  • Page admins/moderators: If you view the personal profile of someone who is an admin or moderator for a Facebook Page you are both members of, they may get a notification about the profile view due to their elevated permissions.

In these cases, the profile owner would see that you viewed their profile in their Activity Log. But in most typical cases, viewing someone’s profile remains private.

Does the profile owner know if you screenshot or record?

Another common question around Facebook profile viewing is whether the profile owner is notified if you take a screenshot or screen recording while looking at their profile.

The answer is no. Similar to simply viewing a profile, taking screenshots or recordings is a private action the profile owner is not notified about. This means you can capture images from their profile without triggering any notification to that person.

Some key points on screenshots/recordings:

  • You can screenshot or record any part of their public profile that you can access and they will not know.
  • The only exception is if you were on a video call with the person within Facebook Messenger. They would then be notified that you captured the image or recording.
  • Beyond Messenger video calls, everything is fair game to screenshot/record without notifications.
  • Even if you screenshot or record something they later delete or update, they have no notification it was captured previously.

So feel free to screenshot or record to your heart’s content while browsing profiles, it all remains your own private activity not shared with the profile owner.

Can you view Facebook profiles anonymously?

While Facebook does not notify profile owners when you view their profiles, some people still wish to browse Facebook more anonymously and discreetly.

Here are a few tips for viewing Facebook profiles more anonymously:

  • Make sure you are logged out of your Facebook account so your activity is not linked to your account
  • Use private/incognito browsing mode on your web browser
  • Clear cookies and browsing history after searching for people
  • Avoid liking, commenting, or otherwise interacting with the profile
  • Use a VPN to mask your IP address location
  • Use an anonymous or fake Facebook account not tied to your identity

However, keep in mind Facebook’s terms require using your real identity when creating an account. Completely anonymous profile viewing technically goes against Facebook’s terms of use.

Downsides of viewing anonymously

While the methods above may help you view profiles more discreetly, some potential downsides include:

  • You miss out on customized recommendations and connections Facebook provides based on your activity.
  • It takes extra steps each time you want to search for people.
  • Your browsing and access to content is more limited.
  • It could appear suspicious if Facebook detects unusual activity under an anonymous account.

For most casual personal uses, you can comfortably view profiles logged into your own account without the profile owner ever knowing. But anonymous browsing is an option for those concerned about privacy.

Limitations on profile viewing

While most of the time you can freely view Facebook profiles, there are some limitations in certain cases:

  • Private profiles – If someone has set their profile to fully private, you won’t be able to see any of their info or posts unless you are friends.
  • Blocked users – If the profile owner has blocked you, it limits your ability to view their profile or search for them.
  • Age and privacy restrictions – Minors’ profiles are automatically set to private so only friends can see content.
  • Suspicious activity – Facebook may temporarily restrict profile views if it detects suspicious or abusive behavior from an account.

These limitations are mainly in place to give users, especially minors, more control over their privacy and online experience. But in general, public profiles remain viewable to anyone logged into an account in good standing.

Does Facebook tell you who viewed your profile?

Just as Facebook does not notify people when you view their profiles, you likewise cannot see who has viewed your Facebook profile.

Facebook previously tested out a “See Friendship” feature that let you see which of your friends viewed your profile. However, this was short-lived and discontinued years ago due to lack of user interest and privacy concerns.

Today, there is no way to tell who has viewed your profile on Facebook. It remains completely anonymous both ways. The only visibility users have is:

  • Page admins can see an anonymized summary of how many people viewed their Page over certain periods of time.
  • Some notifications if non-friends view your profile under special circumstances, like shared group membership.

Other than that, you have no specific visibility into who views your profile or how often. It’s designed to be invisible browsing activity.

Third-party tools that check views

Some third-party tools and browser extensions claim they can show you who viewed your Facebook profile. However, these tools do not actually have any special access to Facebook data.

They work by tracking the tool user’s own profile views or scanning for general activity patterns. But they cannot reveal individual users who viewed your profile across Facebook.

So be wary of any services that claim to show exactly who viewed your profile – it’s likely inflated promises that cannot be delivered due to Facebook’s privacy setup.

Pro tips for browsing Facebook profiles

Here are some expert tips for productively navigating and viewing Facebook profiles:

Use Facebook’s filters

Take advantage of Facebook’s filters to refine profile searches by location, workplace, school, relationship status, and more. This helps surface more relevant profiles matching your criteria.

Look beyond the profile pic

Don’t judge a profile just by its cover photo! Spend time scrolling through different sections to get a broader sense of the person’s interests and personality.

Pay attention to privacy icons

Look for small privacy icons (globe or lock) next to sections that indicate whether they are public or limited. This shapes what you can view.

Search for context

If you have a text name but no photo or details, search for the name plus location or company to turn up the right profile.

Browse in incognito mode

Use private browsing to have more discreet searches not tied to your account activity and recommendations.

Avoid going overboard

View profiles in moderation and respectfully. Excessive or inappropriate browsing could get your account flagged.


Facebook offers a nuanced and mostly private experience when viewing other users’ profiles. While you won’t trigger notifications in most cases, be aware of limitations in certain situations involving private profiles, banned accounts, minors, and suspicious behavior.

With the privacy balance allowing discreet browsing in both directions, you can comfortably research people on Facebook to make connections, learn about friends of friends, remember acquaintances, and more. Just be wise in how you use the invisible viewing power and get sleuthing!