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Does Facebook send a confirmation email?

Does Facebook send a confirmation email?

Facebook does send confirmation emails for certain actions taken on the platform, such as creating a new account, changing account settings, resetting a password, and more. These confirmation emails serve as a way for Facebook to verify user activity and accounts.

Account Creation

When someone creates a new Facebook account, Facebook will send a confirmation email to the email address provided during sign up. This verification email contains a confirmation code or link that needs to be clicked to complete the account creation process. Without confirming the email address, the new Facebook account will remain inactive.

The account confirmation email from Facebook will come from the address or [email protected]. The subject line will be something like “Confirm your Facebook account.” The body of the email will typically state “You recently created a Facebook account. To complete your registration, please confirm your account.” Then instructions are provided to click on a link or enter a 6-digit confirmation code.

This initial confirmation process is important for validating new accounts and ensuring real people are signing up for Facebook, rather than fake or bot accounts. It adds a layer of security and prevents abuse of the platform. Many websites and online services use similar confirmation emails when new user accounts are created.

Resending the Confirmation Email

If for some reason you do not receive the initial Facebook confirmation email upon signing up, you can have it resent to complete the account creation process. On the Facebook app or website, go to the screen asking you to enter the confirmation code or click the confirmation link. There will be an option to resend the confirmation email or get help confirming your account.

Facebook will only allow you to request for the confirmation email to be resent a certain number of times. This is another security measure to prevent abuse. If you have tried resending the confirmation multiple times and it still has not arrived, you may need to double check that you are using the correct email address. You can also try creating your Facebook account with a different email address instead.

Reseting Your Password

If you reset or change your Facebook password, Facebook will send an email confirming this action. As when creating a new account, this serves both to notify you of changes to your account as well as verify that it was you who intentionally reset the password.

The password reset confirmation email will come from either [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. The subject line will be something like “Reset Your Facebook Password.” The body of the email will tell you that the password for your Facebook account was changed.

The email will provide the time and date when the password reset occurred. It will also provide information on the device and location associated with the password change action. This allows you to identify any password resets that may have happened without your knowledge and taken appropriate action to secure your account.

Taking Action After Password Reset

If you received a Facebook password reset confirmation that was done without your authorization, some steps to take include:

  • Change your password again as soon as possible
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your account for extra security
  • Check the recent activity on your account to identify any unauthorized actions
  • Run an anti-virus scan on your devices in case of malware
  • Report unauthorized access to Facebook

Reviewing the details in the password reset confirmation email from Facebook can help you determine if further action is needed to protect your account.

Email Notification Settings

Beyond account creation and password resets, there are a number of other Facebook notifications that you can enable to receive confirmation emails when certain actions occur. These include:

  • Being tagged in a post or photo
  • Being added to a group
  • Receiving a new message
  • A friend request
  • A Page you manage being updated
  • Live stream updates
  • Facebook News Feed digests

To manage your Facebook email notification settings:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right of Facebook
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click on “Settings”
  4. Select “Notifications” on the left side
  5. Update email notification preferences

Enabling email notifications can help you stay up-to-date with activity on Facebook when you are not actively using the platform. The confirmation emails provide a record of interactions as well.

Notification Email Address

Keep in mind the email address you use for Facebook notifications will be the one listed on your profile. For privacy reasons, some people prefer to use a secondary email address just for Facebook notifications rather than their primary personal or work email.

You can add or change the email address for Facebook notifications within your account settings. Just click “Edit” next to the listed email address and update it to a different one. Make sure you can access the email inbox to confirm the new address.

Two-Factor Authentication

As an extra layer of security, Facebook has the option to enable two-factor authentication. This requires entering a special login code or confirming in an authentication app whenever you log into Facebook from a new device.

When turning two-factor login on, Facebook will send a confirmation email. The email is from Facebook and has the subject “Your Facebook security code.” Within the email body is a 6-digit security code needed to complete the two-factor authentication setup process.

You may also receive email alerts when logging into Facebook from new devices with two-factor authentication enabled. These also serve as confirmations of login activity.

Recovery Codes

With two-factor authentication enabled, Facebook provides you with ten single-use recovery codes. These can be used to get back into your account if you lose access to your regular two-factor login like your mobile device. When the recovery codes are generated, Facebook sends an email confirming these security codes with details on how to use them if locked out of your account.

Facebook Purchase and Payment Confirmations

When you make purchases directly on the Facebook platform, such as buying an Oculus device or making donations, Facebook will send confirmation emails. This serves as your receipt for any transactions.

The purchase confirmation emails come from Facebook Payments Inc. The subject line will include the order number. Within the email is listed payment details like the item purchased, quantity, payment method, shipping address, and total cost. For digital purchases, there will also be download links or redemption codes.

Saving purchase confirmation emails from Facebook is wise in case you ever need to reference transaction details or have issues with an order that requires contacting Facebook support.


If you sign up for a recurring subscription through Facebook, such as Facebook Pay or a software subscription, you will receive initial payment confirmation with subscription details. Facebook will then send additional confirmation emails each time you are charged for a subscription renewal payment.

The subject line of Facebook subscription payment emails state “Your Subscription Renewal Receipt from Facebook.” The body contains details like the subscription name, renewal date, amount charged, and payment method.

Facebook Business Tools

There are specialized confirmation emails that get sent when using certain Facebook business tools as well. For example:

  • Facebook Ads: Confirmation emails are sent for actions like creating ad accounts, making payments, and account ownership changes.
  • Facebook Analytics: Confirmation emails are sent when granted access to view analytics for Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts.
  • Facebook Live: Confirmations are sent when you schedule upcoming live streams on Facebook Pages and profiles.
  • Spark AR Studio: Confirmations for creating accounts and publishing augmented reality filters.

Notifications for business tools come from relevant domains like or rather than the typical But they serve the same function of confirming important account actions.

Page Notifications

As a Facebook Page admin, you can enable email notifications to receive alerts when certain actions are taken on your Page. Options include getting notifications when:

  • Someone posts on your Page
  • You receive new Page likes or followers
  • You get new reviews, recommendations or check-ins
  • Private messages are received

Enabling Page notifications means you don’t need to constantly check your Page to stay up-to-date. Confirmation emails go out in real time when activity happens.

Facebook Community Support

If you ever need to reach out to Facebook for support help, you may receive follow up emails from the Facebook Community Support team. For example, if you report an issue through the Help Center or submit an appeal, Facebook may email you for clarification or provide an update on the case resolution progress.

Reply emails will come from the address [email protected]. The subject line will include the case number. Within the email body, there will be details about the issue reported and steps taken by Facebook’s support team.

These types of emails serve to provide transparency into support issues raised and confirm that Facebook is looking into them. Having a record of support communications can be helpful for ongoing issues requiring troubleshooting.

Disputing Actions on Your Account

If action has been taken on your Facebook account, such as being temporarily blocked or having content removed, you may receive an email confirming this. The email will come from Facebook and explain the reason for the action taken. It will also provide information on how to appeal the decision if you believe it was taken in error.

If you do submit an appeal through the process outlined in the email, you may receive additional confirmation emails if the decision is overturned after review. For example, you may get notification that your account is restored. So disputing action emails can sometimes result in the actions against your account being reversed.

Legal Notifications

In certain legal situations, Facebook may send confirmation emails related to legal actions involving accounts. For example:

  • If law enforcement requests private user account data, Facebook will notify the affected users via email (unless prohibited for investigative reasons).
  • If a court grants Facebook permission to provide account data, confirmation is sent to the users involved.
  • When accounts are memorialized belonging to deceased users, next of kin may be notified by email.

These types of legal notice emails are rare but important confirmations when they occur. The notifications come from Facebook Legal Response and outline details of the situation as relevant legal permission allows.

Copyright Notifications

Facebook will send copyright notices to users if content posted is reported and confirmed to infringe copyrights. The emails come from Facebook Copyright and outline the content in question along with steps needed to avoid account penalties. This serves as a takedown notice and educational warning.

Account Deactivation and Deletion

If at any time you decide to deactivate or delete your Facebook account, Facebook will send a confirmation email.

With account deactivation, an email is sent immediately confirming your account is now deactivated with information on how to reactive it. The email comes from Facebook saying your account is now deactivated.

If deleting your Facebook account permanently, after submitting the delete request you will get an email asking you to confirm again that you want to delete your account. This helps prevent accidental deletions. After clicking to confirm deletion in that email, Facebook sends another email saying your account is now scheduled for deletion.

Due to the nature of account deletions taking time to fully process, you may continue getting some emails from Facebook after requesting deletion as data is removed. But the initial confirmation email serves as notice that your account is in the process of being permanently deleted based on your confirmed request.

Downloading Your Information

Related to account deletion, you also have the option to download a copy of the data associated with your Facebook account before deleting it. When you request to download your Facebook data, you will receive an email once the download file is ready to access. This email allows you to get a backup copy of your personal information for your records.


In summary, Facebook utilizes confirmation emails in a variety of situations when important account actions occur or changes are made. The notification emails act as verification of activity, provide transparency into actions taken, allow for necessary confirmations, and give users records of key events.

Knowing when Facebook confirmation emails are sent and what details they contain can help you keep up-to-date with your account status and security. Saving significant emails can give you a history to reference as needed for account support or records. Enabling notifications provides real-time alerts when relevant activity happens on your account or Page.

With confirmation emails and user notification settings, Facebook aims to strike a balance between keeping users informed while not bombarding them with excessive emails. Understanding the main types of confirmation emails can help you benefit from notifications while filtering out ones less relevant to you.