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Does Facebook randomly unfriend on you?

Does Facebook randomly unfriend on you?

Having Facebook friends randomly disappear from your friends list can be frustrating and confusing. There are a few potential reasons why this might happen on Facebook.

Has Facebook changed their algorithm?

One possibility is that Facebook has updated their news feed algorithm, which determines what content shows up in each user’s feed. Over the years, Facebook has tweaked this algorithm to prioritize content from close friends and family, and deprioritize content from pages and distant connections.

So if you haven’t interacted with a Facebook friend in a while, their posts may stop showing up in your news feed. And if you visit their profile less often as a result, Facebook may determine that you two are no longer close connections and unfriend you.

Facebook claims that two people need to go 90 days without interacting on the site before they are subject to being unfriended by the algorithm. So if you suddenly notice a bunch of friends missing, it may be because you haven’t liked, commented on, or otherwise engaged with their content in a while.

Did you or your friend change privacy settings?

Another reason Facebook may unfriend people is if you or your friend changed privacy settings. For example, if you adjust your settings to limit who can see your friends list, some of your connections may disappear from public view.

Or if your friend changes their account to private or limits who can send them friend requests, you may get unfriended in the process. Check your privacy settings and your friend’s settings to see if anything has changed recently.

Did you or your friend block each other?

It’s also possible that you or your missing friend intentionally blocked each other on Facebook. When you block someone, you also unfriend them. And when someone blocks you, you get unfriended and can no longer see their profile or contact them on Messenger.

Think back to if you’ve had any disagreements or falling outs with the missing friends recently. If so, they may have proactively blocked you on Facebook if things got heated. Or if you were annoyed with their constant posts, you may have blocked them without realizing it unfriends them too.

Was it an accidental unfriend?

Accidental unfriendings can also happen on Facebook by tapping buttons too quickly. For example, if you were scrolling through your friends list and rapidly tapping to view profiles, you may have accidentally confirmed a prompt to unfriend someone.

Or your friend could have done the same thing – hastily tapping through their own friends list and unintentionally unfriending you. These accidental unfriendings are usually one-off occurrences and not a pattern of losing multiple friends at once.

Did you get hacked?

A more malicious possibility is that your account was hacked and the hacker started unfriending people. If they gained access to your account, they could start removing friends rapidly, along with taking other damaging actions like posting spam.

So if you notice a lot of friends vanishing as well as unfamiliar posts on your timeline, your account may be compromised. Check for any suspicious login locations in your account security settings and reset your password immediately.

Could it be a technical glitch?

In some cases, it may just be a Facebook glitch causing friends to disappear from your list without any real unfriending taking place. App bugs and technical errors on Facebook’s end could make it look like you have less friends than you should.

Try refreshing the page and checking your friends list across devices to see if everyone reappears. If the issue persists, report the problem to Facebook so they can investigate and fix it.

How to get refriended on Facebook

If you determine the missing friends situation was just an accident, misunderstanding, or technical issue, here are some tips for getting refriended:

  • Search for the friend’s profile and resend them a friend request
  • Send the friend a message explaining that you noticed you got unfriended
  • Post publicly asking the friend to refriend you
  • Ask mutual friends to connect you with the missing friend
  • Check your other social accounts to contact the friend outside Facebook

With an accidental unfriending, the friend will likely be understanding and accept your new friend request. But if it was an intentional unfriending after a disagreement, reaching out first to clear the air could help.

How to prevent random unfriendings

To avoid losing Facebook friends in the future, keep these tips in mind:

  • Interact with friends regularly by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts
  • Check your privacy settings and review your blocked list
  • Be cautious when rapidly tapping or swiping through your friends list
  • Secure your account with strong login protections
  • Pay attention to any unusual account activity that could signal access by hackers

Staying engaged with your friends and keeping tabs on your account settings makes random unfriendings less likely to occur.


There are quite a few reasons why you may lose Facebook friends without your knowledge or consent. Algorithm changes, privacy updates, blocks, hacks, and plain old mistakes could be behind it. But in most cases, you can rebuild those connections by reaching out to refriend people.

Random unfriendings happen to the best of us. When in doubt, focus on strengthening real life friendships, not just social media connections. Those are the bonds that matter most!