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Does Facebook protect from hackers?

Does Facebook protect from hackers?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022. With so many users trusting Facebook with their personal information, an important question arises – does Facebook adequately protect user data from hackers and security breaches?

Facebook’s Security Measures

Facebook utilizes a variety of security measures aimed at protecting user data:

  • Encryption – Facebook encrypts data in transit using HTTPS encryption. User passwords are also encrypted using robust hashing algorithms.
  • Bug bounty program – Facebook runs a bug bounty program inviting security researchers to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities. Rewards of up to $50,000 are offered for critical issues.
  • Security tools – Facebook provides users with security tools like two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection.
  • AI monitoring – Facebook uses artificial intelligence to constantly monitor for suspicious activity and cyber threats.
  • Dedicated security team – Facebook employs a large team dedicated to security and privacy issues.

With these protections in place, Facebook claims that the platform itself has never been hacked. However, there have been several high-profile security incidents involving Facebook user data:

Major Facebook Security Incidents

Cambridge Analytica Scandal

In 2018 it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm, had harvested the personal data of up to 87 million Facebook users without their consent. This data was acquired via a personality quiz app and used to target political advertising.

This incident highlighted Facebook’s vulnerabilities in protecting user data from third parties. Although Facebook was not directly hacked, the company failed to detect and prevent the large-scale misuse of its user data.

View As Bug

In 2018 Facebook disclosed a security bug that impacted its View As feature. A flaw in Facebook’s code allowed hackers to steal security tokens and take over user accounts.

Around 50 million accounts were affected. Attackers could have full control of these accounts, including posting on behalf of users and accessing private messages.

Other Notable Incidents

  • 2013 – Palestinian hackers breached Lindsey Lohan’s Facebook page and posted fake messages.
  • 2014 – Hackers were able to post fake messages and delete posts from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s timeline.
  • 2017 – Ukrainian hackers gained access to over 120 million Facebook accounts by stealing user access tokens.

Facebook Hacking Statistics

Facebook hacking statistics can provide insight into how common hacking attempts are on the platform:

Statistic Figure
Facebook accounts compromised by hackers per day ~600,000
Facebook accounts currently for sale on dark web hacking sites Over 1 billion
Most common hacking techniques Phishing, malware, credential stuffing
Percentage of Facebook hacking related to compromised passwords 90%
Facebook hacking cases reported in 2023 alone ~5 million

These statistics indicate Facebook accounts are targeted frequently, often due to users having weak or compromised passwords. While Facebook’s security is robust, users remain vulnerable.

Steps Facebook Users Can Take

Although Facebook utilizes sophisticated security measures, users themselves play a crucial role in keeping their accounts safe. Here are steps all Facebook users should take to boost their security:

Use a Strong Unique Password

A strong, unique password that hasn’t been used on any other sites or services is one of the best defenses. Avoid common words, phrases, or personal information in passwords. Consider using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users enter a code from their phone when logging in. This prevents a hacker from accessing an account even if they have the password.

Be Wary of Phishing Attempts

Never click suspicious links or provide login credentials if asked via unsolicited emails, messages or texts. Phishing is a common tactic used to trick users into compromising their own accounts.

Limit App Permissions

Review Facebook app permissions and remove any that seem excessive or unnecessary. Hackers can potentially leverage app permissions to steal data.

Check Login Notifications

Facebook sends notifications when your account logs in from a new device or location. Review these notifications periodically for any unauthorized access.

Use Facebook’s Security Tools

Make use of all of Facebook’s available security tools including login approvals, privacy checkups and enhanced account security options.

The Risk of Facebook Account Hacking

Statistically speaking, the risk of any specific Facebook user having their account hacked is relatively low. With billions of accounts, only a tiny fraction is compromised by hackers.

However, the impact of a hacked account can be quite severe. Hackers may access private information, misappropriate identities, spread malware or post damaging content. As such, all users should ensure they follow best security practices.


Facebook utilizes advanced security protections to safeguard user accounts and data. However, Facebook hacking still occurs frequently often due to preventable user errors like poor password hygiene. While Facebook itself is reasonably well-protected, users themselves need to exercise caution and make use of Facebook’s security features to minimize hacking risks.

No system is completely impenetrable and risks can never be fully eliminated. But with proper precautions, Facebook users can enjoy the platform more safely and guard against the most common hacking threats.