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Does Facebook pixel work with WordPress?

Does Facebook pixel work with WordPress?

The Facebook pixel is a snippet of code that allows you to track visitor activity on your website. It helps you understand how people interact with your site and optimize your Facebook ads. Many WordPress users wonder if the Facebook pixel works with WordPress. The short answer is yes, you can easily install and configure the Facebook pixel on a WordPress site.

What is the Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook pixel is a small piece of code provided by Facebook that you can add to your website. It enables you to track visitor activity through Facebook analytics and remarket to website visitors through Facebook ads.

Some key things the Facebook pixel allows you to do:

  • Track conversions from your Facebook ads
  • Build targeted audiences for future ads
  • Remarket to people who have already visited your site
  • Optimize your ads through analysis of site traffic

When someone lands on a page of your site that has the pixel installed, the pixel fires and collects information such as the URL they visited and their IP address. This data is sent back to Facebook.

Facebook can then track that visit as a conversion if the person performs a desired action like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. The pixel lets Facebook know how your ads are performing and who to continue targeting with your campaigns.

How Does the Facebook Pixel Work on WordPress?

To install the Facebook pixel on a WordPress site, you need to add the pixel code provided by Facebook to the header section of your WordPress theme. This can be done through editing the theme code or by installing a plugin.

Here are the steps to manually install the Facebook pixel code in WordPress:

  1. Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account and find the pixel code.
  2. In your WordPress admin, go to Appearance > Editor to edit your theme files.
  3. Open your theme’s header.php file.
  4. Paste the Facebook pixel code right before the
  5. Save the changes to the header.php file.

This will install the Facebook pixel site-wide.

Alternatively, you can use a plugin like PixelYourSite to more easily implement the pixel. Plugins handle inserting the code for you and give you options like adding the pixel to specific pages.

Once the pixel is installed, you don’t need to do anything else. It will automatically start collecting data and communicating with Facebook.

Benefits of Using the Facebook Pixel on WordPress

There are a number of benefits to using the Facebook pixel on your WordPress site:

  • Track conversions from your Facebook ads and campaigns.
  • Use demographic data collected by the pixel to create custom audiences and lookalike audiences to target with future ads.
  • Remarket to visitors who did not convert on your site.
  • Optimize ads by analyzing on-site activity tracked by the pixel.
  • Use data to create automated bid strategies.
  • Integrate the pixel with other platforms like Shopify.

The data and insights provided by the Facebook pixel allow you to better attribute conversions to your Facebook campaigns. You can see which ads are driving the most valuable traffic and optimize your ad spend accordingly.

You can also create detailed target audiences. For example, you can target people who visited a certain page but did not complete a purchase.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing the Facebook Pixel in WordPress

Here is a step-by-step guide to installing and setting up the Facebook pixel using a WordPress plugin:

Step 1: Install the PixelYourSite plugin

From your WordPress dashboard:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for PixelYourSite.
  3. Install and activate the PixelYourSite plugin.

Step 2: Get your Facebook Pixel ID

To find your Facebook Pixel ID:

  1. In Facebook Ads Manager, go to the Pixels page.
  2. Click the name of the pixel you want to use.
  3. Copy the Pixel ID. This is a unique string of numbers.

Step 3: Configure the plugin settings

In your WordPress dashboard:

  1. Go to PixelYourSite > Settings
  2. Click “Connect Facebook Pixel”
  3. Enter your Facebook Pixel ID and click “Connect”.
  4. Choose which types of events you want to track.
  5. Click “Save Changes”.

The plugin will now insert the pixel code and begin tracking events.

Step 4: Test the Facebook Pixel

To make sure your Facebook pixel is working properly:

  1. Visit a page on your site that has the pixel installed.
  2. In Facebook Ads Manager, go to the Events Manager page.
  3. You should see your site page view logged as an event.

If you see the page view logged, the Facebook pixel is installed correctly!

Using the Facebook Pixel for Conversions and Retargeting

Two of the core benefits of the Facebook pixel are tracking conversions and enabling retargeting.

To track conversions like newsletter signups, purchases, and content downloads, you need to add extra pixel events using PixelYourSite.

Here’s how:

  1. In PixelYourSite settings, click “Events”.
  2. Click “Add Event”.
  3. Choose the type of event you want to track.
  4. Give the event a name like “Purchase”.
  5. Click the toggle to activate the event.
  6. Click “Save Changes”.

Now when someone triggers that event, such as completing a purchase, it will be logged in Facebook for your ads campaigns.

To enable retargeting, Facebook collects user data through the pixel and creates audiences like “Visited pricing page but didn’t purchase”.

You can create lookalike audiences from these groups and target them with ads focused on getting them to convert.

Retargeting is one of the most valuable applications of the Facebook pixel for WordPress sites. You can turn site visitors into conversions with customized ad campaigns aimed at their previous on-site behavior.

Using Facebook Pixel Data in WordPress

In addition to using the data in Facebook, you can also leverage Facebook pixel analytics within your WordPress dashboard.

The PixelYourSite plugin lets you view pixel events and audience demographics directly in your WordPress analytics dashboard.

You can see data on:

  • Total events tracked
  • Top pages generating events
  • Demographics like age, gender, interests

This gives you an overview of pixel performance without having to log in to Facebook Ads Manager.

You can also integrate the Facebook pixel data with Google Analytics to get a comprehensive view of your site analytics including traffic sources, conversions, ecommerce, and more.

Facebook Pixel Limitations

While the Facebook pixel provides powerful analytics and targeting, there are some limitations to consider:

  • It only works for traffic and conversions coming from Facebook ads.
  • Changes can take up to 48 hours to take effect due to Facebook cache.
  • Facebook may block some retargeting audiences for policy violations.
  • It doesn’t provide insights into on-site behavior of visitors not coming from Facebook.

You’ll need to supplement the pixel with additional analytics like Google Analytics to get a complete view of all your traffic and conversion sources.

The retargeting audiences built from pixel data also may not be as accurate as first-party data audiences you collect directly.

Facebook Pixel Alternatives

The Facebook pixel isn’t your only option for tracking conversions and custom audience building. Here are a few alternatives:

  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking – Track conversions from Google Ads.
  • Google Analytics Audiences – Build remarketing lists within Google Analytics.
  • Custom Audiences – Upload your first-party email lists to Facebook to target.
  • Zapier – Build audiences automatically by connecting your analytics and CRM platforms.

Evaluate your current tech stack and see which options make the most sense for implementing conversion tracking and audience building. You don’t necessarily need the Facebook pixel unless you’re running substantial Facebook ad campaigns.


The Facebook pixel is an important tool for any brand investing in Facebook advertising. Implementing the pixel in WordPress is simple either through code or a dedicated plugin.

Once installed, the pixel provides the data you need to track conversions from your Facebook campaigns and build targeted audiences to fuel your future marketing. Just be aware of some of the potential limitations with retargeting audiences and data accuracy.

Evaluate your specific goals and existing platforms to determine if installing the Facebook pixel is the right choice to improve your WordPress site’s conversion rates. But for most sites doing Facebook advertising, the pixel is an essential piece of the puzzle.