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Does Facebook pay you for your group?

Does Facebook pay you for your group?

Facebook groups have become an incredibly popular way for people to connect over shared interests, causes, hobbies, locations, and more. With tens of millions of active groups on the platform, many group admins put a significant amount of time and effort into managing their communities.

This leads to a common question – does Facebook provide any compensation to group admins for their work? The short answer is no, Facebook does not directly pay users for running groups on their platform. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t potential ways for motivated group admins to monetize their groups.

How Do Facebook Groups Work?

Before diving into the money-making potential of Facebook groups, it helps to understand exactly how groups function on the platform.

Facebook groups can be public or private. Private groups require approval to join and their content is only visible to members. Public groups are open for anyone to join and their posts can be viewed by non-members.

Groups may have multiple admins and moderators who help manage the community. Their responsibilities can include:

  • Approving and removing members
  • Creating rules and policies
  • Reviewing and approving posts/comments
  • Engaging with members and answering questions
  • Promoting the group and adding new members

The time required to run a group well can vary tremendously depending on the size and needs of the community. But many admins spend multiple hours per week managing their groups.

Does Facebook Pay Admins?

Facebook groups are free to create and operate for both group admins and members. Admins are volunteers who take on the responsibility of managing their communities.

Facebook does not provide direct payment or commissions to group admins. The company looks at groups as a free service that adds value to the platform by fostering connections and engagement.

However, Facebook has explored certain monetization options for group admins in the past. In 2017, the company tested allowing admins to charge a fee (up to $29.99) for approving members who request to join private groups. But they discontinued this pilot program shortly after launch.

Facebook also previously had an option for group admins to run classified ads within their groups as a way to earn revenue. But this was removed in 2019.

So in summary – no, Facebook does not directly pay or compensate admins for running groups as of 2023.

Can You Make Money from a Facebook Group?

While Facebook doesn’t pay for groups, that doesn’t mean there is no monetization potential through having a large, engaged group following. Savvy admins have found creative ways to leverage their groups for profit.

Some options include:

Selling Merchandise

You can design and sell customized t-shirts, mugs, stickers or other merchandise related to your group’s niche. Promote these products directly to your members.

Selling Digital Products

Offer digital products like online courses, ebooks, templates, graphics or videos that will appeal to your target group.

Consulting/Freelance Services

Group owners who have expertise in certain areas like marketing, design, technology, etc. may offer paid consulting or freelance services to group members.

Affiliate Marketing

If your group is related to a specific industry or niche, you can recommend helpful products or services and earn affiliate commissions on sales. Just make sure to follow FTC guidelines requiring disclosure of affiliate relationships.


You may be able to sell advertising spots within your group or work directly with brands relevant to your audience on sponsored posts and partnerships.

The key is choosing monetization strategies that provide real value rather than annoy your members with constant sales pitches. Focus on serving your group community first.

Examples of Profitable Facebook Groups

Here are some real-world examples of Facebook group founders turning their communities into successful businesses:

The Travel Boss – Ashlee Anderson

Ashlee started “The Travel Boss” group to connect female travelers and provide tips on booking affordable trips.

She eventually launched her own travel affiliate marketing business promoted to the 125,000+ group members. Ashlee now makes over $500,000/year.

Niche Website Builders – Adam Connell Banger

Adam’s group shares knowledge about building profitable niche websites. He sells online courses on the topic directly to group members and generates over $100,000/month.

Ultimate Freelancing Community – Lawson Blake

Lawson leveraged his large group of freelancers to launch a job board connecting clients with freelance professionals. The job board now earns $60,000/month.

As these examples demonstrate, it’s possible to turn the influence, reach and trust gained from running a large Facebook group into an income source.

Rules and Restrictions

While there are opportunities to make money from Facebook groups, there are also some rules and restrictions to keep in mind:

  • Groups focused solely on selling products/services violate Facebook’s terms and may be shut down.
  • Admins should disclose if they have a financial relationship with any brands/products promoted in the group.
  • Groups promoting illegal or harmful products or activities are not allowed.
  • Admins cannot collect recurring fees for group membership or charge entry fees.

Facebook provides full details on groups commerce policies admins should review. As long as you follow the rules, creatively monetizing a group is possible.

Building a Successful Money-Making Group

Growing an engaged community and extracting profits from it requires thoughtful planning and effort. Here are some tips:

Choose a Hot Niche

Select a group topic with passionately interested members and monetization potential. Some current examples are gardening, cryptocurrency, entrepreneurship, investing, health/fitness, and more.

Add Value

Don’t make it strictly about promotions. Share useful info, create discussions, build relationships with and between members.

Promote Outside the Group

Leverage other channels like your personal social media, paid ads, influencer partners etc. to drive members.

Partner with Relevant Brands

Arrange sponsored content partnerships with brands your audience will appreciate.

Convert Members into Customers

Softly pitch members on your products/services that align with group interests.

Abide by Facebook’s Rules

Carefully follow Facebook’s terms of service to avoid jeopardizing your group.

With careful planning and commitment, Facebook groups can morph into money-makers through member patronage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions people have about monetizing Facebook groups:

Can I charge a membership fee for my Facebook group?

No, Facebook does not allow group admins to charge recurring membership fees. You can request optional donations, but cannot require payment for participation.

Can I sell products directly through my Facebook group?

Yes, you are allowed to directly sell physical products by promoting them to your group members. However, the group itself should not solely focus on sales.

What % cut does Facebook take from my group profits?

Facebook does not take any percentage cut of profits you generate from monetizing your group. You retain 100% of any revenues, as Facebook does not directly monetize groups.

How much money can a Facebook group realistically make?

Income potential depends heavily on factors like your niche, group size and activity levels. Some profitable groups make thousands a month while extremely successful ones generate over $1 million. But results vary dramatically.

Can I run paid ads in my Facebook group?

No, Facebook does not allow paid ads from third parties to be run within groups. As the admin, you can promote your own products or services to members, however.


At this time, Facebook does not directly compensate group creators for building and running groups on their platform. Groups are seen as an informal community service benefitting users.

However, for entrepreneurial group admins, opportunities exist to profit from high-value groups by promoting related products and services to engaged members. Many have built sizable businesses this way.

With proper operating procedures and delivering real value above just sales pitches, astute group owners can successfully monetize their groups while adhering to Facebook’s policies.