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Does Facebook pay for profile reels?

Does Facebook pay for profile reels?

Facebook reels are a popular new video feature on the platform that allow users to create and share short-form video clips similar to TikTok or Instagram reels. Since their launch in 2021, reels have quickly become one of the main ways people consume content on Facebook. This has led many users to wonder – does Facebook pay creators for reels? Can you make money posting reels on Facebook like you can on other platforms?

The short answer is yes, Facebook does have monetization options for creators using reels. However, it is still early days for Facebook’s reels monetization program and it has some key differences from other platforms. Read on for a full overview of how reels can be monetized on Facebook currently.

Facebook Reels Play Bonus Program

In 2021, Facebook launched the Reels Play Bonus program, which pays eligible creators for the reach and engagement on their qualifying reels. This includes bonus earnings for creating original, high-quality reels content. Here are some key things to know about the Reels Play Bonus:

– It is only available in the US currently. Facebook plans to expand it globally in the future.

– To qualify, accounts must have at least 600,000 total minutes viewed from reels in the last 60 days. They must also have at least 5,000 followers and be able to monetize.

– The bonus payments are based on the views and engagement each reel receives in its first 7 days. The more views and engagement, the higher potential payout.

– Facebook pays out bonuses monthly. Earnings depend on how many views and engagement the reels received that month compared to other qualifying creators.

– Bonus payments are separate from ad revenue sharing, which some creators may also be eligible for.

So in summary, the Reels Play Bonus can provide an extra way for top reels creators to monetize their content. But it has high eligibility requirements and payouts will vary significantly based on views and competition from other creators.

In-Stream Ads

In 2022, Facebook introduced the ability for some creators to monetize their reels through in-stream ads. This is similar to how YouTube monetization works – ads play between reels, and creators earn a cut of the ad revenue.

Key things to know about in-stream ads for Facebook reels:

– Access is currently limited. Facebook says eligibility will expand in 2022.

– To qualify, accounts need at least 600,000 total minutes viewed in reels in the last 60 days and at least 5,000 followers.

– Creators earn 55% of the ad revenue generated from their reels.

– Ads can be inserted between reels automatically by Facebook. Creators can’t control ad placement or frequency.

– Earnings will depend on ad rates, views and other factors. Top performers may earn more than smaller creators.

So in-stream ads provide another monetization path on top of the Reels Play Bonus. But again, the eligibility requirements mean it is focused on larger, established creators for now.

Facebook Stars

Facebook Stars are virtual goods that allow fans to support creators during live videos. Fans can purchase Stars and use them to tip creators during live broadcasts. This provides another way for reels creators to monetize their audience on Facebook.

Here are some key points about Facebook Stars:

– 1 Star costs $0.01 USD, with bulk discounts available.

– Fans can send Stars during any live video. Creators earn $0.01 USD for each Star received.

– To be eligible, accounts need at least 1,000 followers and to pass other monetization criteria.

– Facebook takes no fees from Star earnings. Creators keep 100% of the value.

– Stars earnings will depend on the number of paying supporters and gifts sent during broadcasts.

So Facebook Stars give creators another monetization avenue beyond just reels. However, earning substantial revenue would require having a large, engaged follower base regularly gifting Stars.

Other Facebook Monetization Options

While the Reels Play Bonus, in-stream ads and Stars are the main ways to directly monetize reels, here are some other Facebook monetization options creators can leverage:

– Ad revenue sharing – Once accounts are eligible for in-stream ads on reels, they can also monetize video ads in non-reels content. This includes mid-roll ads in longer videos.

– Brand partnerships – Companies may offer creators promotional deals, sponsorships or ambassador roles to showcase products/services. Reels are a good way to attract partners.

– Facebook Subscriptions – Fans can pay a monthly fee for exclusive content and perks. Creators keep 100% of subscription revenue after fees.

– Facebook Shop – Creators can sell products directly through their Facebook page or posts.

– Leveraging reels for other monetization – Building an audience with reels can help creators earn money through other channels like YouTube, affiliate marketing, selling courses/ merchandise etc.

So while reels monetization on Facebook is still emerging, creators have options beyond just the Reels Play Bonus. A multifaceted monetization approach is recommended. As Facebook rolls out more monetization tools, the platform’s money-making potential for creators will continue improving.

Top Tips to Earn More Money from Facebook Reels

If you want to maximize earnings from your Facebook reels as a creator, here are some top tips:

– Consistently create high-quality, original reels – The algorithm rewards this with more views.

– Use relevant hashtags and sounds to make it easy to discover your reels. Popular sounds tend to perform better.

– Engage with your audience in comments and through live videos – Building relationships leads to more engagement.

– Go vertical – Vertical reels fit mobile screens better and tend to get more watch time.

– Experiment with trending formats like meme reels, point-of-view videos or using viral sounds/effects.

– Optimize reels for discoverability by using attention-grabbing text/graphics at the start.

– Cross-promote reels across Facebook, Instagram and other channels to maximize views.

– Analyze insights to see which reels perform best and double down on those formats and topics.

– Collaborate with other creators – Co-marketing helps reach each other’s audiences.

– Apply for monetization once eligible. Leverage all monetization tools available.

With a thoughtful strategy and persistence, creators can build an audience on Facebook and tap into the revenue potential of reels over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do top Facebook creators earn from reels?

Exact earnings vary significantly based on views, engagement, partnerships, and other factors. However, some top reels creators likely earn thousands of dollars per month from their Facebook content. The highest earners may earn over $100,000 annually if they have very strong view counts and monetization. But most creators will start earning much less until their audience grows.

Can you make money from Facebook reels without being in the Reels Play Bonus program?

Yes. While the Reels Play Bonus provides a good incentive, other monetization options exist. As long as creators meet the eligibility criteria for in-stream ads or Stars, they can earn from those programs. Brand partnerships are another avenue. However, the Bonus remains the easiest direct way to earn from reels for qualifying creators.

What are the requirements to make money from Facebook reels?

To access most money-making features, accounts need:

– 5,000+ Facebook followers
– 600,000+ Reels minutes viewed in past 60 days
– Content and community standards must be met
– No copyright or policy violations

So you need an established audience and good standing to monetize reels. Many creators will need months or longer building their following before unlocking monetization.

Can Facebook reels be monetized on Instagram?

Currently, reels created specifically for Facebook cannot be directly monetized on Instagram, and vice versa. However, creators can cross-post the same reels on both platforms to maximize views and indirect earning potential. Instagram also offers its own monetization tools like the Reels Bonus program.

Does Facebook pay more for longer reels?

No, Facebook does not directly pay more for longer reels – earnings from the Reels Play Bonus depend on views and engagement, not length. However, longer reels may help creators build bigger audiences which indirectly boosts monetization potential. There are also limits – reels currently must be between 15 seconds and 60 seconds.


While still in its early stages, Facebook reels monetization provides an opportunity for eligible creators to earn revenue from their short-form videos. The Reels Play Bonus incentive gives a starting point for earnings, while in-stream ads and Facebook Stars allow creators to generate income from views and supporter gifts over time.

Maximizing earnings from Facebook reels requires consistency, understanding best practices, expanding monetization options once qualified, and constantly growing your audience. For most creators it will take time, dedication and creativity to build reels into a income stream. But for those able to connect with viewers and consistently produce high-quality content, the potential is there.

Facebook Monetization Program Overview Payment Structure Requirements
Reels Play Bonus Bonus payments for views and engagement on qualifying reels Based on views, engagement and performance relative to other creators each month 600K Reels minutes viewed in 60 days and 5K+ followers
In-Stream Ads Ads play between reels, creators earn revenue share 55% revenue share per reel 600K Reels minutes viewed in 60 days and 5K+ followers
Facebook Stars Fans purchase virtual Stars to tip creators during live videos Creators earn $0.01USD per Star received 1K+ followers and other eligibility criteria
Ad Revenue Sharing Earn from video ads in non-Reels content 55% revenue share per video Same as in-stream Reels ads
Subscriptions Fans pay monthly fee for exclusive content Creators keep 100% after fees 10K+ followers and other requirements