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Does Facebook offer API?

Does Facebook offer API?

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2021. Given its massive userbase, Facebook offers various APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to allow third-party developers to integrate with the platform. Facebook APIs enable developers to leverage Facebook’s social data and platform capabilities to power their applications and services. Some key capabilities offered through Facebook’s APIs include:

  • Allowing apps to enable Facebook Login, so users can easily sign in with their Facebook account credentials.
  • Enabling apps to publish content to Facebook on behalf of users, such as sharing an article to your Timeline or posting a photo.
  • Allowing apps to access friends lists and relationships so they can enhance experiences based on social connections.
  • Providing analytic data about app usage, ads, Pages, and user demographics.

Facebook offers various API solutions depending on the use case and level of integration required. The main Facebook APIs include:

Facebook Login API

The Facebook Login API allows apps and websites to authenticate users with their Facebook login credentials. This saves users from creating yet another username and password combination.

Key features of the Facebook Login API:

  • User authentication – Verify the user identity.
  • Account information access – Retrieve basic profile information in accordance with user permissions.
  • Cross-device authorization – Connect a user’s account across multiple devices/platforms.

The Facebook Login API has gone through several versions:

Facebook Login API v1.0

The original version focused just on user authentication. Apps could get an access token after a user logged in that could be used to verify their identity and access basic profile info.

Facebook Login API v2.0

Added the ability to retrieve additional profile fields, page likes, friend lists, and more via the Graph API. Improved authorization flow and token handling.

Facebook Login API v2.3

Further enhanced the login flow, security, and stability. Improved compatibility across devices and platforms.

Over 50,000 websites and apps use the Facebook Login API to provide seamless sign-in with Facebook user credentials.

Facebook Graph API

The Graph API is Facebook’s primary API for accessing Facebook social data. It allows reading and writing access to the social graph, enabling apps to retrieve profile information, post content, manage ads, analyze metrics, and more.

Key capabilities of the Graph API:

  • Read access to wide range of social objects – profiles, pages, posts, photos, events, groups and more.
  • Ability to publish content like posts, comments and likes.
  • Access friends, followers/following lists, group memberships.
  • Manage ads and analyze advertising performance.

The Graph API uses a node/edge model for accessing objects and connections in the social graph. For example, to get a user’s profile data you query the /me/ node, to get their feed you query the /me/feed edge, and to get their friends you query the /me/friends edge.

Apps need an access token to make Graph API calls. Tokens can be obtained via Facebook Login, by having users authorize specific permissions like read_profile, manage_pages, etc. Access tokens have varying expiration times based on the app type and authorization method.

Key versions of the Graph API include:


Initial release focused on read access to social graph objects like profiles, friend lists, photos.


Added write access for publishing content. Introduced paginated results forconnections.


Added support for new social plugins like the Like button.


Improved read performance. Added insights API for analytics.


Improved pagination and photo uploading. Added ability to post Open Graph stories.


Added support for more ad management capabilities.


Better support for cross-platform authorization and batch requests.


Improved tooling and debugging capabilities.

v2.7 – v2.12

Incremental improvements focused on stability, performance, new social plugins, analytics, and ads capabilities.

The Graph API powers thousands of apps and developer projects across devices and platforms. It continues to evolve to provide more social capabilities.

Facebook Marketing API

The Marketing API provides programmatic access to Facebook’s paid marketing capabilities, enabling advertisers and agencies to manage ads and campaigns at scale.

Key features:

  • Manage Facebook Ads – create, update, monitor ad campaigns and ads.
  • Manage Facebook Pages – post content, monitor metrics and insights.
  • Manage Instagram accounts – post content and stories.
  • Audience insights – target audiences based on Facebook analytics and custom audiences.
  • Measurement – access campaign, ad-level and conversion metrics.

The Marketing API uses a similar node/edge model to the Graph API. Key nodes include ad accounts, campaigns, ads, and business manager accounts. Edges allow accessing ad sets, insights, targeting specs, and more.

Marketing API access requires authorization with an access token, which needs approved Facebook marketing partner status and permissions. Server-side implementation is required.

Key versions:


Initial release focused on basic Facebook ad management capabilities.


Added Instagram content publishing capabilities and Instagram account management.


Added support for more advanced Facebook ad capabilities like campaign budget optimization.


Further extended ads management and analytics capabilities.

The Marketing API powers advertising and marketing platforms that need to automate and optimize Facebook and Instagram campaigns.

Other Notable Facebook APIs

Some other Facebook APIs for specific use cases include:

Pages API

Enables apps to manage and update Facebook Pages on behalf of users. Can post content, reply to comments, retrieve insights and more. Requires page admin permissions.

Instagram Basic Display API

Provides programmatic Instagram content access. Allows apps to embed public Instagram content without needing user authorization.

Instagram Graph API

Allows apps to manage an Instagram business account. Can access user analytics, publish content and stories, and manage comments and followers.

Facebook Business SDKs

SDKs for iOS, Android, and Unity to integrate Facebook features into mobile apps. Provide capabilities like login, sharing, app events, and ads.

Account Kit

Tools for building custom branded user registration and authentication for apps. Alternative to Facebook Login.

App Events API

Lets apps track analytics events like searches, purchases, and page views that help measure engagement.


In summary:

  • Yes, Facebook offers various APIs and SDKs for developers.
  • The main APIs are Facebook Login, Graph API, and Marketing API.
  • These enable apps to leverage Facebook’s identity platform, social graph, and ads capabilities.
  • Additional APIs provide capabilities like Pages management, Instagram integration, app analytics, and more.
  • Facebook APIs follow a node/edge model and require authorization with an access token.
  • The APIs are robust and powerful tools for building apps that integrate with Facebook’s ecosystem.

Facebook’s developer platform has evolved significantly over the years, enabling rich integration and capabilities via its expanding suite of APIs. The availability of these APIs has contributed to Facebook’s dominance and allowed thousands of apps to leverage the reach of its social platform. Looking ahead, Facebook APIs will continue to provide core infrastructure for interoperating with their services.