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Does Facebook notify when you screenshot a picture?

Does Facebook notify when you screenshot a picture?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. People use Facebook to connect with friends and family, share life updates, post photos, and more. Naturally, users often wonder about the ins and outs of how Facebook works, including whether the platform notifies someone if you screenshot their pictures.

The Short Answer

No, Facebook does not currently send any kind of notification when someone takes a screenshot of your photos or any other content on the platform. You can freely screenshot other people’s pictures, posts, Stories, etc. without them being notified. The person whose content you screenshot will not get a message, notification badge, or any other alert informing them that you took a screenshot.

Screenshot Notification Settings on Facebook

Since Facebook does not have built-in screenshot notifications, there are no settings you need to enable or disable regarding getting notified about screenshots. Facebook does not provide users with any options related to controlling screenshots.

You may come across misleading articles or viral posts claiming you can enable screenshot notifications by toggling certain settings. However, these alleged settings do not actually exist on Facebook.

Misinformation About Screenshot Notifications

Here are some examples of misleading screenshot information you may encounter:

  • Enabling screenshot notifications in Facebook’s “Privacy Shortcuts” or “Privacy Checkup.” These settings control things like who can see your posts and profile information – not screenshots.
  • Turning on screenshot notifications in Facebook’s “Settings & Privacy” menu. There are no screenshot settings in this menu.
  • Using Facebook’s “Activity Log” to be notified of screenshots. The Activity Log shows your own Facebook activity, not others’ actions.
  • Receiving notifications when someone screenshots your Facebook Stories. Stories work the same as regular Facebook pictures and posts.

Essentially, any Facebook settings you come across related to screenshot notifications are inaccurate. Facebook confirms that no such screenshot notification features currently exist on their platform.

Why Facebook Doesn’t Notify About Screenshots

Facebook has provided some insight into why they don’t send screenshot notifications to users:

  • User expectation – People don’t expect to be notified when someone takes a screenshot. Enabling notifications would be inconsistent with how users already interact on the platform.
  • Misuse potential – Screenshot notifications could enable harassment or unwanted attention. For example, a bully could repeatedly screenshot someone’s content just to bombarded them with notifications.
  • Technical challenges – On iOS, apps do not have access to know when a user takes a screenshot due to privacy restrictions. An accurate notification system would be difficult to build cross-platform.

Essentially, Facebook has decided the potential downsides of implementing screenshot notifications outweigh the benefits for now. The status quo aligns better with user expectations.

Does Facebook Notify About Other Actions?

While Facebook doesn’t notify about screenshots, the platform does send notifications about some other types of activity:

  • When someone tags you in a post or comment
  • When someone likes or comments on your posts
  • When someone accepts your friend request
  • When you’re invited to events or groups
  • When someone messages you

So Facebook does provide notifications about important actions that happen directly on your content or profile. However, passive consumption via screenshotting does not trigger any alerts.

Do Other Social Media Platforms Notify About Screenshots?

Here is a quick rundown of screenshot notification policies on other major social networks:


Like Facebook, Instagram also does not send any notifications when someone screenshots your photos, Stories, or other content.


Snapchat notifies users when someone screenshots a photo or video in a personal Snapchat conversation. However, you can screenshot Stories anonymously without the poster being notified.


Twitter never notifies users about screenshots. You can screenshot tweets without the poster finding out.


TikTok does not have screenshot notification capabilities. You can take screenshots anonymously.

In summary, the majority of social networks take the same approach as Facebook when it comes to screenshot notifications. Snapchat is one of the only platforms that provides some builtin screenshot detection for personal conversations.

Third-Party Screenshot Notification Apps

While built-in screenshot notifications don’t exist on Facebook, some third-party apps claim they can detect when someone screenshots your content:

  • Notifier for Facebook – Browser extension that purportedly generates notifications when someone screenshots your Facebook pictures or videos.
  • Story Save for Instagram – Claims to notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your Instagram Stories.
  • Screenshot Alert – Android app that allegedly notifies you about screenshots on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and more.

However, many users report these third-party tools don’t work as advertised. It’s unlikely they have any special access to screenshot data from within Facebook or other apps.

In general, be wary of third-party apps that claim to enhance social media screenshot notifications. They often overpromise and underdeliver.

Can You Tell Who Screenshot Your Content?

Since Facebook doesn’t provide screenshot notifications, is there any way to figure out who is screenshotting your pictures or posts?

Unfortunately, without notifications, there is no way to conclusively detect who is taking screenshots of your Facebook content. Some users claim you can figure it out based on clues like:

  • Seeing someone active on your profile around the time of the screenshot
  • Noticing someone repeatedly viewing certain photos
  • Finding the screenshot reposted somewhere else

However, these signals are circumstantial at best. The only surefire way to know who screenshotted something is if they admit it themselves.

Can Facebook IT Detect Screenshots?

What about Facebook’s internal IT department? In theory, they may have technical capabilities to view screenshot metadata and usage patterns.

However, this information would likely only be accessible for troubleshooting bugs or internal analytics. Regular Facebook employees do not have permissions to check random users’ screenshot activity. And Facebook maintains they have no plans to provide users with internal screenshot data for privacy reasons.

So in summary – you can’t definitively find out who is taking screenshots of your Facebook content, even if you ask Facebook IT.

Should Facebook Add Screenshot Notifications?

The topic of Facebook adding some form of screenshot notification system is controversial. Some arguments on both sides include:

Pros of Adding Screenshot Notifications

  • Lets you know if someone may be repurposing your content without permission
  • Increases transparency around how your pictures and posts are being used
  • Aligns with user expectations on platforms like Snapchat
  • Gives more control over your content

Cons of Adding Screenshot Notifications

  • Could enable harassment or bullying through repeated unwanted notifications
  • Contradicts the expectation that public content can be viewed and shared
  • Technically challenging to implement accurately across devices and platforms
  • Reduces casual sharing of posts and memes

There are good-faith arguments on both sides of this issue. Ultimately, Facebook will have to decide whether the benefits outweigh the potential for abuse.

Best Practices Without Notifications

Given that screenshot notifications do not currently exist, what are some best practices to keep in mind?

  • Be selective about what you share publicly. Assume anything can be screenshotted.
  • Watermark important photos you want to share only in their original context.
  • If you see your content reposted without permission, you can request takedowns under copyright law.
  • Remember that “calling out” screenshotters may enable trolls. Don’t feed bad actors.
  • Screenshot politely yourself. Avoid targeting marginalized groups.

While notifications could be helpful, the lack of them does not have to prevent sharing your life. Just be mindful in how you conduct yourself online.

The Bottom Line

Facebook currently does not notify users when someone takes a screenshot of photos, posts, Stories, or other content. There are no built-in settings to enable screenshot notifications.

You can freely take screenshots on Facebook without the person being alerted. This policy aligns with user expectations and helps prevent potential harassment.

While some third-party apps claim they can detect Facebook screenshots, these capabilities are unverified. Ultimately, it is not currently possible to conclusively identify who screenshotted your content.

The discussion around whether Facebook should implement some form of screenshot notifications is complex. There are reasonable arguments on both sides of the debate. For now, it does not appear screenshot notifications are on the horizon.

So be mindful of what you post publicly, watermark special photos, and focus on sharing positively. With basic precautions, the lack of screenshot notifications does not have to limit your Facebook experience.