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Does Facebook Messenger use XMPP?

Does Facebook Messenger use XMPP?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users. It allows users to send messages, photos, videos and more to friends and family.

Facebook Messenger was originally built on top of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), an open standard communication protocol for message-oriented middleware. However, in 2014 Facebook announced they were dropping support for XMPP and developing a new proprietary messaging protocol.

So does Facebook Messenger still use XMPP today? Let’s take a closer look.

The History of Facebook Messenger and XMPP

Facebook Messenger first launched in 2011 as an integrated messaging system within the Facebook app on mobile. It allowed users to send private messages to friends and family.

Under the hood, it was powered by XMPP. Facebook had supported XMPP since 2008, allowing their users to connect with users on other XMPP-based services like Google Talk.

XMPP provided an open standard for real-time communication. It enabled Facebook Messenger to interoperate with other IM networks. Users could add their existing XMPP accounts to Facebook and seamlessly communicate with Facebook friends and external contacts.

However, over time Facebook found limitations with XMPP. They wanted more control over features and user experience on their own platform.

In April 2014, Facebook announced they were dropping support for XMPP and developing a new proprietary protocol for Facebook Messenger.

The proprietary protocol gave them more flexibility to enhance messaging and add new features on their own terms. But it meant sacrificing interoperability with the wider XMPP network.

Facebook’s Shift to a Proprietary Protocol

There were a few key reasons Facebook decided to move away from XMPP:

– **Scaling issues:** XMPP servers had challenges scaling to the demands of Facebook’s huge user base sending billions of messages per day. Their proprietary protocol allowed more control over optimization and scaling.

– **Feature development:** XMPP limited what features Facebook could build. They wanted to innovate faster without relying on a standards body.

– **Consistency:** XMPP didn’t provide the consistency Facebook wanted across mobile and desktop experiences. A proprietary protocol allowed more unified messaging.

– **Business priorities:** Facebook was focused on growth and monetization. A proprietary system fit their business interests better than an open protocol like XMPP.

The transition was gradual. In early 2014 Facebook began requiring Messenger users to install a standalone Messenger app on mobile. Over the course of that year, they slowly migrated all Messenger accounts to their new proprietary system.

By May 15, 2015 Facebook had completed the migration and fully discontinued support for XMPP. Messenger became a fully proprietary platform optimized for Facebook’s needs.

Does Facebook Messenger Use XMPP Today?

So what does this history mean for the current state of Facebook Messenger? **The short answer is no, Facebook Messenger does not currently use XMPP.**

After the migration was complete in 2015, Facebook Messenger became a fully proprietary messaging network. All underlying infrastructure, protocols and APIs are privately developed and controlled by Facebook.

Interoperability with other XMPP networks is no longer possible. Facebook Messenger only works with other Facebook-owned messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram.

Facebook has continued innovating Messenger with features like:

– Messenger Apps
– Chatbots
– Payments
– Messenger Rooms
– Messenger Kids

These simply wouldn’t be feasible over old XMPP architecture. The flexibility of a proprietary system allows Facebook to optimize the experience specifically for their platform.

So in summary:

– Facebook Messenger originally used XMPP from 2011-2014
– In 2014 Facebook began migrating to their own proprietary protocol
– As of May 2015, Messenger was fully migrated off of XMPP
– Facebook Messenger today uses an proprietary infrastructure controlled by Facebook
– There is no more interoperability with other XMPP networks

While the loss of an open protocol is disappointing to some technologists, the benefits of a proprietary system are clear for Facebook’s business. Messenger continues to thrive as a leading messaging app globally.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Proprietary vs Open Protocols

Facebook’s shift away from XMPP highlights some key differences between open and proprietary protocols:

**Proprietary Protocols**


– Tighter control over optimization and scaling
– Can innovate and add features faster
– Consistent user experience across platforms
– Aligns with business interests


– Lack of interoperability between networks
– Requires users to join specific platform to communicate
– Risk of “lock-in” effect

**Open Protocols**


– Interoperability between networks
– Easier switching between services
– Decentralized innovation on top of protocol


– Slower pace of innovation
– Difficulty optimizing for specific use cases
– Poor user experience unless all networks adopt updates

Proprietary Protocols Enable Tighter Control and Optimization

For large networks like Facebook, proprietary protocols allow tighter control over performance optimization and scaling to massive user bases. Broadcast messaging to hundreds of millions of users requires tailored infrastructure.

Open protocols involve a standards process with multiple stakeholders, which can slow iteration cycles. Proprietary development enables faster optimization.

Open Protocols Promote Decentralization and Interoperability

However, open protocols like XMPP facilitate interoperability between networks. Rather than siloed platforms, users on different services can communicate seamlessly.

This interconnection enables vibrant ecosystems of decentralized innovation. Developers can create add-on apps and services that interact with multiple networks.

Proprietary platforms put the control with a single private company. Open standards distribute that control across stakeholders.

The Tradeoffs Between Proprietary and Open Systems

The debate between open vs proprietary protocols involves clear tradeoffs:

For companies like Facebook, proprietary systems make sense for their specific business goals. They allow tighter control over user experience and product development.

But open standards provide value to the broader technology ecosystem. Interoperability and decentralization introduce competitive dynamics and more diverse innovation.

Both models have their merits. But the two approaches are largely incompatible – companies must choose one or the other. Facebook clearly chose the proprietary path.

The loss of XMPP support was controversial among technologists who prefer open standards. But most average users are unaffected – Facebook Messenger continues thriving as one of the world’s most popular messaging apps.


Facebook Messenger originally leveraged XMPP to provide interoperable messaging across networks. But in 2014 Facebook migrated to a proprietary protocol optimized for their unique needs.

This gave them more control over features and user experience, but sacrificed broad interoperability. Facebook Messenger today no longer uses XMPP or any open messaging standard.

The split highlights the different philosophies underlying open vs. proprietary technical architectures. There are reasonable arguments on both sides. Facebook’s choice worked well for their business, even if some technologists lament the loss of openness.

So in the end, whether you see Facebook’s proprietary Messenger platform as a step forward or backward depends on your views on the tradeoffs between centralized and decentralized networks. But regardless of those debates, Facebook Messenger itself definitively no longer uses open standard XMPP.