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Does Facebook make a lot of money?

Does Facebook make a lot of money?

Facebook is one of the biggest and most widely used social media platforms in the world. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022, Facebook has an enormous userbase. This raises the question – with such a large userbase, does Facebook make a lot of money? The short answer is yes, Facebook generates massive revenues and profits from its various services.

Facebook’s Revenue Sources

Facebook makes money primarily through advertising. It provides advertisers with the ability to display ads to its large userbase across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and its other services. Other revenue sources include payments and other services offered on its platforms. Here is a breakdown of Facebook’s major revenue sources:


– Display ads – ads shown on the side/top of Facebook website and mobile app
– News feed ads – ads shown within the Facebook news feed
– Instagram ads – ads on Instagram photo and video feed, stories and reels
– Audience network ads – ads shown on third party apps/websites in the Facebook audience network
– Messenger ads – ads on the Facebook Messenger app


– Takes a cut from purchases made inside third party apps/games connected to Facebook login
– Transaction fees from payments on Messenger and Facebook

Other Revenue

– Oculus virtual reality headset sales
– Portal video calling device sales
– Content creator/subscription services
– Data licensing

In 2021, advertising accounted for $115.2 billion or approximately 97.5% of Facebook’s total revenue of $118.9 billion. This shows how hugely important advertising is to Facebook’s money-making model.

Facebook’s Profits

In addition to generating enormous revenues, Facebook also makes massive profits. This is due to its high-margin business model – advertising on digital platforms like Facebook has much higher profit margins than traditional media platforms.

Here are Facebook’s profits for the last 5 years:

Year Revenue Net Income
2021 $118.9 billion $39.4 billion
2020 $85.9 billion $29.1 billion
2019 $70.7 billion $18.5 billion
2018 $55.8 billion $22.1 billion
2017 $40.7 billion $15.9 billion

As seen above, Facebook’s net profits in the last 5 years have ranged from $15.9 billion to $39.4 billion. That’s massive profitability.

For 2021, Facebook’s profit margin was approximately 33% ($39.4 billion profit on $118.9 billion revenue). This shows the ability of Facebook’s ad-driven platform to generate enormous profits.

Advertiser Spending on Facebook

What allows Facebook to make so much money is the huge amount that businesses spend to advertise on its platform. With over 2.9 billion monthly users, Facebook offers unparalleled reach to advertisers.

Some key stats on advertiser spending on Facebook:

– In 2021, Facebook reported over 12.2 million active advertisers worldwide. This was up 20% from 10.2 million in 2020.

– Facebook ad spending in the US totaled nearly $58 billion in 2021. This was the highest ad spend on any media/platform.

– Globally, ad spend on Facebook was estimated at $189 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow to $335 billion by 2025 according to Statista.

– Top categories spending on Facebook ads include retail, entertainment, consumer packaged goods, financial services, technology.

Clearly, businesses across geographies and categories are allocating ever larger portions of their ad budgets to Facebook given its vast reach and targeting capabilities. Higher advertiser spend directly translates to greater revenues and profits for Facebook.

Factors Driving Facebook’s Money-Making Abilities

What explains Facebook’s staggering ability to generate billions in profits? There are several key factors:

1. Massive User Base

As mentioned earlier, Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users globally across its family of apps including Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp. This makes it the biggest social media platform giving it unrivaled reach for advertisers. More users equals more ad impressions and clicks.

2. Ad Targeting Capabilities

Facebook has highly sophisticated ad targeting capabilities. Advertisers can target users by location, interests, demographics, behaviors and so on. This level of targeting provides more value to advertisers.

3. Ad Formats and Placement

Facebook offers advertisers a wide variety of ad formats including photos, videos, carousels, stories, messenger ads etc. Placement options are also vast including news feed, Instagram feed, stories, search results etc. Higher relevance keeps users engaged.

4. Powerful Advertising Tools

Facebook provides in-depth analytics on ad performance and powerful optimization tools. Advertisers can track metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions etc. and adjust campaigns for better results. This improves ROI.

5. High User Engagement

Users spend a lot of time daily scrolling Facebook and Instagram feeds. This provides lots of ad exposure opportunity. Facebook reported that its family of apps accounted for 3.59 billion monthly active people in Q3 2022.

Controversies Around Facebook’s Business

While Facebook has proven immensely successful commercially, it has also faced its share of controversies around its business practices:

Privacy Issues

Facebook has been plagued by privacy issues like the Cambridge Analytica scandal where data of millions of users was improperly accessed. This has led to questions around how user data is collected, shared and monetized.

Spread of Misinformation

Critics have blamed Facebook’s algorithm and policies for enabling the spread of misinformation, especially around important events like elections. This misinformation is seen as a threat to democracy.

Unethical Experiments on Users

Facebook has admitted to running experiments by manipulating news feeds of users without consent to study emotional impact. This raises ethical concerns.

Anti-Competitive Practices

Facebook has been accused of anti-competitive behavior and face antitrust lawsuits. This includes acquiring competitors like Instagram and copying features from rivals.

Negative Effects on Society

Experts have highlighted negative effects of Facebook like poor mental health, especially among teens. Critics say the app is engineered to be addictive.

While Facebook claims it is making progress on these issues, they remain a cloud over its tremendous financial success story. Stronger regulation also appears likely.


In summary, Facebook clearly makes staggering amounts of money driven by its ad-based business model. It generated over $118 billion in revenue and $39 billion in profit in 2021. Massive user base, precise ad targeting capabilities and high user engagement allow Facebook to charge advertisers vast sums of money for ad placements. This coupled with strong revenue growth and high profit margins make Facebook a money minting machine. However, the platform faces criticism over its effects on society and business practices. Stronger regulation of social media now appears likely which could impact Facebook’s monetization abilities going forward.