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Does Facebook look at your phone contacts?

Does Facebook look at your phone contacts?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion monthly active users as of 2022. Given its widespread use and data collection practices, many users wonder – does Facebook access your phone’s contacts list? The short answer is yes, Facebook does access your contacts if you give it permission to do so.

When you first create a Facebook account and try to find friends, one of the prompts asks if you want to “Find Friends” by allowing Facebook access to your contact list. If you click “Okay” or “Allow”, Facebook will import your phone contacts to help you connect with friends already on Facebook. This is why you may suddenly see friend recommendations of people you know but have not yet friended on Facebook.

Some key points on Facebook and your contacts:

  • Facebook asks for your permission to access contacts. It does not access them without your consent.
  • Syncing contacts can help you find friends already on Facebook.
  • Facebook may store synced contacts on its servers for future use.
  • You can revoke Facebook’s access to your contacts at any time.

In this article, we’ll explore in more detail how Facebook uses your phone contacts, how to manage settings related to contact access, and steps you can take if you’re concerned about Facebook having your contact data.

Why Does Facebook Ask for Your Contacts?

When you first join Facebook, one of the prompts during the sign-up process will ask if you want to “Find Friends.” One of the options is to allow Facebook access to your contact list from services like your phone, email, or address book.

If you allow access, Facebook will import your personal contacts and match them against existing Facebook users to recommend friends for you to add. This can help you quickly find people you already know on Facebook and expand your friend network.

Some key reasons why Facebook asks to access your contacts:

  • To help match you with existing Facebook friends by comparing contacts.
  • To improve friend recommendations by understanding your social connections.
  • To grow Facebook’s user base by finding contacts not yet on Facebook to suggest signing up.

Essentially, contact access allows Facebook to leverage your real-world social network to help build your Facebook social graph and customize your experience.

What Contacts Can Facebook Access?

If you allow it, Facebook can access contacts from sources like:

  • Your phone’s contacts list
  • Your email contacts
  • Your address book

Facebook may import details like full names, phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses to match against user profiles on Facebook. However, Facebook states it does not import other info from your contacts.

Once imported, Facebook may store your contacts on its servers to help generate recommendations even if you later revoke contact access. However, Facebook states it will delete synced contacts if you delete your Facebook account.

Can You Selectively Allow Contact Access?

Unfortunately, Facebook’s contact access permission is an all-or-nothing setting. You cannot selectively choose which individual contacts Facebook can access or only import certain contact details like name and email.

The options on Facebook are:

  • Allow full access to all contacts
  • Block all contact access

So if you only want to allow Facebook to see certain contacts, your only option is to not sync your contacts at all. You can still find and invite friends manually one by one without giving Facebook full access.

Does Facebook Share Your Contacts?

According to Facebook’s Data Policy, they do not sell, share, or transfer your contacts to third parties like other companies or advertisers without your consent. The contact data imported into Facebook is mainly used to improve your Facebook experience and build your social graph.

However, Facebook may share contact data in limited cases such as:

  • With service partners that work on Facebook’s behalf
  • If required for legal reasons or security purposes
  • As part of corporate transactions if Facebook were to merge with or be acquired by another company

So while Facebook states they do not share your contact info in most cases, they legally reserve the right to disclose data in certain situations.

How to Manage Facebook Contact Access

You can manage or revoke Facebook’s access to your contacts through your account settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click “Apps and Websites” in the left menu
  3. Locate the “Contacts” entry and click “Edit”
  4. Remove checkmark from “Apps, Websites and Games can request access to your contacts”

This will prevent Facebook from accessing your phone, email, or address book contacts going forward. However, Facebook may still retain contacts previously imported into their system.

You can also control contact access during initial Facebook signup by declining when prompted to find friends using your contact lists. But once contact permission is enabled, you need to access your account settings to disable it.

Should You Allow Facebook Contact Access?

Here are some key considerations on whether to allow Facebook to access your contacts:

  • Pros: Easily find existing friends, expand your Facebook network, enjoy customized recommendations
  • Cons: Privacy concerns, sharing info of your connections, contacts stored by Facebook

For many users, the benefits of finding friends and enhancing their Facebook experience outweigh privacy concerns over contact data. But other users may not feel comfortable providing access.

In summary:

  • Allowing access provides benefits but raises some privacy risks
  • You can revoke permission later if you change your mind
  • Manually adding friends takes more work but keeps your contacts private

What Happens If You Decline Access?

If you decline allowing Facebook to access your contacts, here is what will happen:

  • You will have to manually find and add friends on Facebook
  • It may take longer to build up your Facebook friends list
  • You won’t get friend recommendations based on contact connections
  • Your contacts remain private and are not imported by Facebook

Declining contact access means you’ll have to put in more work to find friends on Facebook. But for some users, maintaining contact privacy outweighs the convenience of automatically finding Facebook friends.

You can still invite friends to Facebook manually by searching names, sending invites, or sharing your profile link. It just won’t be the streamlined process that contact syncing provides.

Can You Delete Imported Contacts?

If you previously allowed Facebook to access your contacts but now want them deleted, here are some options:

  • Turn off contact syncing in your Facebook settings – This prevents new contact imports but does not delete existing synced contacts from Facebook’s system.
  • Delete your Facebook account – This will delete all data Facebook has on you, including imported contacts.
  • Submit a request – You can submit a privacy request to Facebook asking them to delete specific data like your imported contacts. However, there is no guarantee Facebook will comply with deletion requests.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to selectively delete imported contacts while keeping your Facebook account. Turning off contact sync prevents new imports, but Facebook may keep contacts already synced to their systems to maintain recommendations.

Protecting Your Contacts on Facebook

If you want to safeguard contact data on Facebook, here are some suggestions:

  • Be selective about allowing contact access – Only enable it if you’re comfortable with Facebook importing your connections.
  • Review your settings periodically – Disable contact access if you granted permission in the past but have since reconsidered.
  • Be mindful of recommended friends – Assume that anyone Facebook recommends probably came from your contacts.
  • Use privacy settings – Customize options like restricting profile visibility to limit exposure.

While Facebook’s contact access can be useful, always think carefully before agreeing to share data from your phone and accounts. Protect your contacts by being selective about access and regularly reviewing settings.

Can You Export Your Facebook Contacts?

If you previously synced contacts with Facebook and now want a copy of your imported contacts, is there way to export them? Unfortunately there is no built-in tool to download your synced Facebook contacts.

Some options to try:

  • Use a contacts management app – Some apps can sync across platforms and may retain imported contacts even if deleted from Facebook.
  • Try a cloud backup – If you previously backed up contacts to a cloud service like iCloud, you may be able to retrieve deleted contact data.
  • Check contact history – Emails, texts, call logs may contain partial contact data you can export from mobile carriers or email providers.
  • Submit a GDPR request – You can request a report of your Facebook data under GDPR privacy regulations, which may include imported contacts.

But there is no guarantee you can recover a full list of contacts imported by Facebook through these methods. Unfortunately once you’ve shared contact data with Facebook, retrieving a complete export is difficult if you did not back up your contacts elsewhere.

In Summary

To recap Facebook’s use of your phone and account contacts:

  • Facebook asks for permission to access your contacts to help match you with friends
  • Allowing access provides benefits but involves sharing your connections
  • You can disable contact syncing, but Facebook may retain previously imported data
  • There is no easy way to selectively allow contacts or export contacts once synced
  • Review privacy settings and be selective about what access you allow apps

While contact access can be useful on Facebook, always consider the privacy trade-offs. Make informed choices about syncing contacts from your devices and accounts.


Facebook accessing your phone contacts allows it to leverage your real-world connections to enhance your social graph and friend recommendations on Facebook. However, it also means sharing potentially sensitive contact data from your phone, email, and address book.

Consider the pros and cons before allowing Facebook to access your contacts. Enable access cautiously, review settings periodically, and consider alternatives like manually adding friends if you have privacy concerns. Once contact data is synced with Facebook, it can be difficult to delete or retrieve a full export.

Overall, be thoughtful about the permissions you grant apps and services to access your personal information. Make privacy a priority and only share data like contacts when you’re comfortable with how it will be used.