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Does Facebook Lite allow calls?

Does Facebook Lite allow calls?

Facebook Lite is a stripped down version of the Facebook app designed for areas with limited internet connectivity. With a smaller app size and data usage, Facebook Lite provides the core Facebook experience while using less data and running on slower networks. But does the stripped down Facebook Lite support calling features like the main Facebook app? Let’s take a closer look at what Facebook Lite does and does not allow.

Overview of Facebook Lite

Facebook Lite was launched in 2015 and is aimed at emerging markets where mobile data is expensive and internet connections are slower. The app is less than 1MB compared to the main Facebook app which is over 100MB. This makes Facebook Lite much more accessible for people with limited data plans or older smartphones with less storage.

Some key differences between Facebook Lite and the main Facebook app:

  • Smaller app size – under 1MB vs 100MB+ for main app
  • Made for slower internet connections and cheaper devices
  • Stripped down experience – core features only
  • Uses less data than main Facebook app
  • Launched in 2015, aimed at emerging markets

Facebook Lite still provides access to core Facebook features like News Feed, status updates, friend requests, events, photos and more. But with the focus on smaller size and data usage, some features are not included in Facebook Lite.

Calling Features in Facebook Lite

One key feature that Facebook Lite does not support is calling through the app. Facebook Lite does not have options for audio or video calling like you would find in the main Facebook app and Messenger.

Here are some details on the lack of calling support in Facebook Lite:

  • No audio calling – cannot place voice calls to friends directly in Facebook Lite
  • No video calling – video chat is not available in the app
  • No Messenger integration – you cannot access Messenger for calls from Facebook Lite
  • No VoIP support – the app does not enable VoIP calling features

Calls, along with some other non-essential features, were left out of Facebook Lite in order to reduce the app size and data usage. While you can conduct text chats within Facebook Lite, any voice or video calling requires using the main Facebook app or Messenger.

Alternatives for Calling on Facebook Lite

If you want to be able to make calls using Facebook’s services on a device running Facebook Lite, you have a couple options:

  • Use Messenger for calls – Download the Messenger app which supports VoIP calling features. You can then message friends and place voice and video calls through Messenger.
  • Use the main Facebook app – If your device has the storage space and internet connectivity, you can install the full version of the Facebook app which includes integrated calling features.
  • Use a separate calling/messaging app – There are many third party apps like WhatsApp, Skype, Viber etc. that allow VoIP calls over data connections. Install one of these apps to make calls separate from Facebook’s ecosystem.

So in summary, while Facebook Lite does not directly support calling, you can use Messenger or the main Facebook app to enable calling features if your device allows it. The focus of Facebook Lite is providing a stripped down experience optimized for limited data and slower networks.

The Future of Calling in Facebook Lite

Facebook has not announced any plans to bring calling features directly into Facebook Lite. The company’s focus remains on serving emerging markets where data costs and connectivity issues make calling impractical for many users.

However, as networks improve globally and video calling becomes more ubiquitous, Facebook may eventually add calling capabilities to Facebook Lite. For now though, video and voice calling remain constrained to Messenger and the main Facebook app.

A few factors that could lead to Facebook adding calling to Lite in the future:

  • Improved cellular networks globally, making calling more accessible
  • Video calling becomes standard across messaging/social apps
  • User demand grows in Lite’s target markets for integrated calling
  • Advances allow calling features with minimal data usage

But even if calling comes someday, the focus will remain on optimizing the experience for slower connections and cheaper devices. Don’t expect calling on Lite to match the full capabilities of Messenger or Facebook’s main app anytime soon.


In summary:

  • Facebook Lite does not currently support voice or video calling within the app.
  • Calling capabilities were excluded from Lite to reduce app size and data usage.
  • Alternatives like Messenger or Facebook’s main app can enable calling on devices running Lite.
  • Calling may eventually come to Facebook Lite if networks and user demand evolve, but likely in a limited capacity.
  • For now, Lite focuses on providing a streamlined Facebook experience optimized for limited connectivity.

So while you can’t make calls directly within Facebook Lite today, you have a few options to enable calling through Messenger or Facebook’s main app. And calling could potentially come to Lite down the road as connectivity improves globally. But the core aim of reduced data usage means calling capabilities in Facebook Lite will remain limited compared to Facebook’s fuller-featured apps.