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Does Facebook let you sell tickets?

Does Facebook let you sell tickets?

Facebook offers several options for users to sell tickets on the platform. The main ways to sell tickets on Facebook include Facebook Marketplace, Facebook Events, and Facebook Groups. Each option has its own benefits and downsides depending on the situation.

Using Facebook Marketplace to Sell Tickets

Facebook Marketplace allows users to list items for sale directly through their Facebook account. This makes it quick and easy to post ticket sales without needing to build a separate website or ecommerce store.

To sell tickets on Facebook Marketplace:

  • Click “Marketplace” in the left menu on desktop or tap the “Marketplace” tab on mobile
  • Click “Sell Something” and select “Tickets” as the category
  • Add details about the event, number of tickets available, ticket price, delivery method, etc.
  • Upload a photo of the tickets or event artwork to make the listing visually appealing
  • Review the listing details and click “Post” to make it live on Marketplace

Marketplace has the advantage of broad exposure to all Facebook users in your area. Fans don’t have to be connected to you or actively following your page to see your ticket listings in Marketplace. The Marketplace feed also incorporates AI to bump listings it predicts will be most relevant to each viewer.

Downsides of Marketplace include:

  • Listings may get buried if you have lots of competing ticket sellers in your area
  • Less ability to customize the buying/selling experience compared to other options
  • Facebook takes a 5% selling fee when tickets are purchased
  • Less seller protection as transactions occur directly between buyers and sellers

Overall, Facebook Marketplace can be a quick, convenient way to sell tickets, but lacks some of the customization and seller protections of other options.

Selling Tickets Through Facebook Events

Facebook Events allows users to create pages dedicated to specific events. Sellers can then use the Facebook Events platform to manage ticket sales for their events.

To sell tickets through Facebook Events:

  • From your Page, click “Events” and then “Create Event”
  • Fill in key details like event name, location, date/time, description, etc.
  • Click “Sell Tickets” and choose setting like price, inventory tracking, delivery method
  • Customize ticket listing with images, description, attendees list, discussion board, etc.
  • Post event page and share to promote ticket sales to your target audience

Facebook Events provides more customization over the ticket buying experience compared to Marketplace. You can add graphics, descriptions, FAQs, and more to your event page to upsell the tickets.

Drawbacks of Facebook Events include:

  • Need to build out full event page even just to sell tickets
  • Mostly reaches people already connected to your Page
  • Event discovery relies on users browsing for local happenings
  • Facebook takes a 5% selling fee when tickets are purchased

Facebook Events works best for sellers who already have an established audience and want to integrate ticket sales directly into the event management process.

Selling Through Facebook Groups

Many event organizers and performers use Facebook Groups to connect with their most dedicated fans. Groups provide a way to sell tickets directly to your existing community.

To leverage Facebook Groups for ticket sales:

  • Join relevant Facebook Groups related to your event topic or location
  • Engage frequently with group members by posting content and commenting
  • Once established, share post announcing ticket sales for your event
  • Direct interested buyers to purchase through your website or preferred ticketing platform

Facebook Groups allow sellers to tap into specific, targeted audiences who are most likely to buy tickets. You can build relationships and trust before ever mentioning tickets are on sale.

Potential cons of using Groups for tickets include:

  • Need active engagement over time to gain group access and trust
  • Harder to track and manage larger ticket inventories and sales
  • No built-in ticket selling features like Events and Marketplace offer
  • Groups have anti-spam rules limiting sales promotion

Facebook Groups take more effort but allow forming a connection with your ideal ticket buyers. Works best for niche events or smaller ticket inventories.

Comparing Facebook Ticket Selling Options

Option Audience Reach Seller Customization Seller Protections Facebook Fees
Marketplace Broad reach to all local Facebook users Minimal customization of listing Less protection – direct buyer/seller transactions 5% selling fee
Events Fans and followers of your Page Full customization of event page and ticket listing Some protection via Facebook’s policies and dispute resolution 5% selling fee
Groups Members of relevant niche interest Groups Post content and engagement only No special protections from Facebook No fee unless transaction occurs off Facebook

As the table shows, each ticketing method has tradeoffs in terms of audience reach, ability to customize the sales experience, seller protections, and fees paid to Facebook.

Other Facebook Ticket Selling Options

In addition to Marketplace, Events, and Groups, sellers can also leverage other Facebook features to promote ticket sales:

  • Facebook Ads – Run targeted ads promoting your event page or external ticketing platform to boost visibility
  • Facebook Live – Stream video to hype upcoming shows and give ticket purchase reminders
  • Facebook Stories – Use Stories to announce flash ticket sales or last minute availability
  • Share button – Add a Share button next to ticket listings to spread the word

Creative use of Facebook’s various features can help event organizers and performers reach wider audiences to sell their tickets. But the core options of Marketplace, Events, and Groups offer the main ways to conduct transactions and engage fans directly on Facebook.

Requirements and Restrictions

Facebook does impose some requirements and restrictions around ticket sales on their platform to comply with state regulations and prevent spam/abuse.

Key Facebook ticket selling rules include:

  • Must have valid order information like business name, contact info, and cancellation policy
  • No misleading or deceptive pricing and advertisements
  • Must deliver tickets as promised and described in listing
  • Follow all applicable state ticket resale laws like price caps on markups
  • No selling fake, fraudulent, or duplicated tickets

Breaking Facebook’s rules could result in listings being removed or full account suspension. Sellers should educate themselves on all state ticket resale laws as well.

Facebook also has limits in their system around automated ticket selling. Bots and automated tools can’t scrape event data or mass list tickets. Facebook’s systems are designed for peer-to-peer community selling.

Tips for Selling Tickets on Facebook

Here are some top tips for successfully selling tickets on Facebook platforms:

  • Include engaging visuals like photos, videos, and graphics to promote listings
  • Craft detailed listing descriptions highlighting the event experience
  • Respond promptly to interested buyer questions and inquiries
  • Offer special discounts or bundles exclusive to Facebook fans
  • Leverage Facebook Ad targeting to find your ideal potential ticket buyers
  • Retarget past event attendees to promote upcoming ticket sales

Optimizing your listings and promotion strategy can help you sell more tickets directly through Facebook engagement with your target audience.

Alternatives to Selling Tickets on Facebook

While Facebook provides some useful options for selling event tickets, there are also many alternatives that sellers should consider:

Ticket Marketplace Platforms

Websites like StubHub, Vivid Seats, and Ticketmaster provide purpose-built marketplaces for ticket resales. These sites offer features like:

  • Large buyer audiences searching for tickets
  • Robust ticket management and inventory tracking
  • Greater seller protections via buyer guarantees and holding payment
  • Less competition from non-established sellers

Dedicated Ticketing Systems

Services like Eventbrite, Ticketspice, Eventbee, and more allow creating a full customized online box office. Benefits include:

  • Complete control over branding and buyer experience
  • Advanced ticket types, bundles, promos, and upsells
  • CRM and marketing automation features
  • Data and analytics on sales, demographics, behavior

Website Checkout Buttons

Add ticket checkout buttons from services like Eventbrite and TicketSpice directly on your website. This allows selling tickets directly from your own site.

Pros of website ticketing include:

  • Keep fans onsite to drive engagement and sales
  • Fully customized checkout experience
  • Avoid marketplace competition and fees
  • Leverage web traffic you already attract organically

Each ticketing method has advantages depending on your goals, audience, and resources as a ticket seller. Evaluating the options can help determine the best strategy.


Facebook provides a few main options for selling tickets directly on its platform, including Marketplace, Events, and Groups. Each has pros and cons in terms of audience reach, seller customization, built-in protections, and potential fees.

Creative use of Facebook features like Ads, Live, and Stories can further promote ticket sales. However, dedicated ticketing platforms and checkout integrations often provide greater customization, exposure, and seller protections.

Knowing Facebook’s ticketing options and rules is key. But thoroughly evaluating alternative sales channels as well is recommended to determine the best platform based on your specific goals, target customers, and resources as a ticket seller.