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Does Facebook keep deleted videos?

Does Facebook keep deleted videos?

When a user deletes a video from Facebook, it is not immediately erased from Facebook’s servers. Instead, Facebook retains the video for a period of time before permanently deleting it.

Why does Facebook retain deleted videos?

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not instantly delete videos when a user removes them:

  • Backup and recovery – Facebook keeps deleted videos for a window of time in case the user wants to restore their video. This provides a safety net in case they delete something by accident.
  • Legal obligations – Facebook may be required to retain deleted content to comply with legal requests or regulations.
  • Performance – Immediately deleting videos requires additional resources. By having a delay, Facebook can delete content in batches which is more efficient.

How long does Facebook keep deleted videos?

Facebook does not provide exact details on how long they retain deleted videos. However, according to their data policy, they state:

When you delete IP content that you posted, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).

Based on this, it is estimated that Facebook keeps deleted videos for approximately 90 days. However, they may keep them longer if required by law or for technical reasons.

Can you permanently delete a video right away?

There is no way for users to permanently erase a video from Facebook immediately after deleting it. The platform needs time to fully remove it from their servers and backup systems.

If you want a video gone from Facebook as quickly as possible, here are some tips:

  • Delete the original video post
  • Delete any shares or reposts of that video
  • Make sure it is removed from your videos list
  • Don’t upload the video again

While Facebook will retain the video for some time, taking these steps prevents it from continuing to spread on their platform. The sooner you delete all instances, the less chance there is of someone else seeing, downloading or sharing it.

What happens when Facebook permanently deletes a video?

Once the retention period expires, here’s what Facebook does to permanently remove a video:

  • Deletes the video file from its servers
  • Removes the video from all backup systems
  • Unlinks the video from the post in their database
  • Scrubs all cached and transcoded copies of the video

Essentially, they aim to eliminate all traces of the video from their internal systems and storage. Of course, if someone has downloaded or reposted the video externally, those copies would still exist even after Facebook’s version is deleted.

Could a deleted video still exist somewhere on Facebook?

In most cases, a video will be completely erased once the retention period ends and Facebook performs the permanent deletion steps.

However, there are some edge cases where a deleted video could potentially still exist in some form on Facebook:

  • If it was reposted or shared by other users who have not also deleted it, those instances may remain.
  • If someone downloaded the video and reuploaded it, a copy could exist.
  • Fragments could remain in Facebook’s caches or content delivery networks that are difficult to fully scrub.
  • Copies could exist in unauthorized third-party archives or databases.

So while Facebook aims to fully delete videos, they can’t control what happens outside their platforms. If multiple copies exist, one deleted copy does not guarantee it is gone everywhere.

How can you tell if your deleted video is still on Facebook?

It’s tricky to monitor if all traces of your deleted video are truly gone from Facebook. Some ways to check if copies potentially still exist:

  • Search for unique keywords or video titles on Facebook to see if any matching posts come up.
  • Use Google search to look for matches on sites like Facebook or Instagram.
  • Check other platforms like YouTube to see if someone has reuploaded it.
  • Use Google’s reverse image search to see if any frames from your video still exist online.

If you find any exact copies or snippets of your video still circulating, you can request their removal by submitting copyright takedown requests to the platform hosting them.

What happens when you delete an account with videos?

When a Facebook account with existing videos is deleted, here is what happens to those videos:

  • The videos are removed from public view and your Profile immediately.
  • The videos remain on Facebook’s servers for the retention period.
  • After the period expires, the videos are permanently deleted.

So deleting your account essentially starts the countdown timer for Facebook to fully erase your videos. Even if your account is gone, the videos can still exist behind the scenes for some time.

Can Facebook recover deleted videos?

It is possible for Facebook to recover a deleted video within the retention window if requested. For example, if a user deletes a video and then realizes they want it back, Facebook may be able to restore it for them if it is still in their backups and not permanently scrubbed.

However, once the retention period expires and the video is fully deleted, Facebook likely cannot recover or restore it. The ability to recover deleted content depends on:

  • How recently it was deleted
  • If backups containing it still exist
  • The cost and effort required to restore it

So while technically possible in some cases, counting on Facebook to bring back deleted videos is not recommended. The most reliable approach is to download and back up your videos before removing them if you may want the option to restore them later.

Does Facebook use deleted videos for data mining?

Facebook has faced scrutiny in the past around how they use customer data. However, when it comes to deleted content like videos, Facebook claims they do not use them for data mining or analytics once removed.

According to their Data Policy:

We remove data when your account is deleted, unless we need to keep it for legitimate business purposes or legal requirements.

And their terms state:

When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer.

So Facebook asserts they remove deleted videos from their systems entirely rather than continuing to analyze or learn from them. Of course, it is impossible to verify this fully given the opacity of their algorithms.

Should you be concerned about deleted Facebook videos?

Here are some key takeaways on how Facebook handles deleted videos:

  • Videos are retained initially before permanent deletion
  • Full deletion occurs after an estimated 90 days
  • Backups and copies may still exist externally
  • Recovering permanently deleted videos is difficult
  • Facebook claims deleted data is not used for analytics

Based on their policies, Facebook aims to completely remove deleted videos in a reasonable timeframe. However, since copies could exist off their platform, critical or sensitive videos are best not uploaded in the first place.

How can you permanently delete videos from the internet?

Once a video has been posted online somewhere public, it is virtually impossible to remove it from the internet permanently. Even if you delete it from the original source, copies and backups may continue to exist. Some tips to minimize a video’s online presence include:

  • Delete it from all platforms immediately rather than just one
  • Remove any shares, embeds or reposts
  • Submit takedown requests to get copies removed
  • Avoid reuploading it again after deletion
  • Use legal action if unwanted copies continue to spread

While you cannot guarantee permanent deletion across the entire internet, taking quick and thorough action to remove a video can help minimize its diffusion and any associated risks or harms.


Facebook gives users the option to delete videos they have shared, but still retains them for approximately 90 days before permanent removal. Copies of deleted videos could still exist on users’ devices or other sites. Therefore, it is prudent to think carefully before uploading sensitive videos, as their full deletion cannot be guaranteed once posted publicly on the internet.