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Does Facebook have recently deleted messages?

Does Facebook have recently deleted messages?

Facebook Messenger allows users to delete messages after they have been sent. However, in April 2018, TechCrunch reported that deleted Facebook messages weren’t actually being deleted from Facebook’s servers. Instead, the messages were simply being removed from the sender’s and recipient’s inboxes. This meant that, while users couldn’t see the deleted messages anymore, Facebook still had access to them.

Does Facebook store deleted messages?

Yes, Facebook does store deleted messages on its servers for an undisclosed amount of time. When a user deletes a message, it is removed from their inbox and the recipient’s inbox. However, it is not immediately deleted from Facebook’s servers.

This allows Facebook to retain data about user communications and interactions. It is unclear exactly how long deleted messages are stored for before being permanently erased from Facebook’s servers.

Why does Facebook store deleted messages?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook continues to store deleted messages:

  • Data collection – By preserving deleted messages, Facebook can continue analyzing user communications and connections to inform ad targeting and algorithmic recommendations.
  • Legal obligations – Facebook may be required to store certain data for a period of time to comply with laws and regulations.
  • Product functionality – Keeping deleted messages on file allows features like message unsend to work.
  • Security and policy enforcement – Storing deleted content allows Facebook to identify policy violations, criminal behavior, abuse, etc.

Ultimately, holding on to deleted data gives Facebook ongoing access to user information that can be monetized, analyzed, and used to improve the platform. However, it also raises significant privacy concerns.

Can you recover deleted Facebook messages?

In most cases, users cannot recover deleted Facebook messages themselves. Once a message is deleted, it is removed from the sender’s and recipient’s inboxes immediately. Users cannot retrieve or view deleted messages through Facebook’s interface.

However, since the messages continue to be stored on Facebook’s servers, it is theoretically possible for Facebook to recover them. Facebook has not stated whether it would ever provide deleted message data to users who request it. It is unlikely that Facebook would recover messages for users on a routine basis given its incentives to keep data private.

There are a few exceptional cases where deleted Facebook messages could be recovered:

  • If the message content was backed up by a user’s email provider or another app before deletion.
  • If the message is recovered during a legal investigation and obtained via subpoena.
  • If the recipient took a screenshot of the message before it was deleted.

But in general, users should assume that any message deleted on Facebook Messenger cannot be retrieved through ordinary means.

How long does Facebook store deleted messages?

Facebook has not provided any specific timeframe for how long it retains deleted messages on its servers. The duration likely depends on the type of data and Facebook’s business interests.

Based on limited information from leaked documents, it seems Facebook may store deleted messages for up to 90 days. However, this has not been officially confirmed by Facebook.

It’s also possible that certain types of deleted data like messages connected to legal investigations, security issues, or harmful conduct could be retained for significantly longer periods.

Facebook has indicated that it stores data until it is no longer needed for “business purposes.” But what constitutes a business purpose is vaguely defined and flexible.

Ultimately, users should not expect deleted Facebook messages to be immediately and permanently erased. The data likely persists for weeks or months before final removal.

Can Facebook employees see deleted messages?

Yes, Facebook employees likely have the technical capability to access and view deleted message content stored on Facebook’s servers.

Facebook has not expressly stated whether internal employees view deleted messages as part of their regular duties. But given that the data is available to Facebook, some employee access is probable.

Reasons Facebook staff may access deleted messages include:

  • Conducting internal research and analytics.
  • Assisting legal and security teams investigating issues.
  • Performing software testing and maintenance.
  • Monitoring for objectionable content that violates policies.

While accessing user information is supposed to require authorization at Facebook, incidents of improper employee data access have occurred before.

Overall, when users delete Facebook messages, they should not assume the content is totally inaccessible within the company.

Does Facebook read deleted messages?

Facebook may utilize automated systems to analyze deleted message data for certain purposes, but does not directly have humans reading users’ deleted messages.

Specifically, Facebook has acknowledged using machine learning and AI tools to evaluate all content on its platform for risks like self-harm, abuse, terrorism, misinformation, and more. This content analysis likely extends to deleted messages stored on Facebook’s servers.

So users’ deleted messages may be processed by algorithms designed to detect policy violations or illegal activity. But there is no evidence that Facebook employees are manually reading ordinary users’ deleted messages.

Facebook states that automation and “extensive contractual and technical controls” safeguard people’s information from unauthorized access. But total privacy from automated analysis is nearly impossible for a platform like Facebook.

Should you worry about Facebook storing deleted messages?

The news that Facebook retains deleted messages is understandable unsettling for many users. However, there are valid arguments on both sides of the issue.

Reasons users may be concerned include:

  • Privacy violations – Users expect deleted content to be fully erased.
  • Data misuse – Stored messages could be exploited in ways users don’t intend.
  • Lack of control – Users have no say in how long messages are retained.
  • Security risks – Retained data could be exposed in a breach.

However, there are also perspectives that downplay the risks:

  • Standard practice – Many online services store deleted data temporarily.
  • Legal necessity – Facebook may need to store data to comply with laws.
  • No evidence of abuse – There are no known cases of Facebook misusing retained messages.
  • Automated analysis – Manual human review of messages is unlikely.

Overall, the policy is concerning but typical for the tech industry. Users uncomfortable with it can avoid sending sensitive messages on Facebook or delete their account entirely. Though no online platform offers perfect privacy.

How can you increase privacy of Facebook messages?

If you are concerned about Facebook storing your deleted messages, there are some things you can do to increase message privacy:

  • Avoid sending overly personal or sensitive information in Facebook messages.
  • Frequently delete old threads and messages you no longer need.
  • Enable disappearing messages which automatically delete after a set time.
  • Use end-to-end encrypted messaging platforms like Signal or WhatsApp.
  • Delete your Facebook account if you want messages fully removed.
  • Ask recipients to delete your messages after reading them.
  • Turn off chat history backup to external services like Google.

However, understand that no messaging platform is 100% private. The only way to fully ensure privacy is to not share the information digitally at all. With Facebook, users ultimately have to weigh convenience against privacy.

Does Facebook have plans to change its message deletion policies?

Facebook has not announced any specific plans to change how it handles deleted messages in the future. The company views storing deleted data as standard practice across the tech industry.

It’s unlikely Facebook will voluntarily implement a policy where messages are immediately and permanently erased upon deletion. This would deprive Facebook of potentially valuable user data and make it technically challenging to operate product features that rely on message history.

It’s possible that government regulation could eventually impose stricter requirements around data deletion practices. But so far, technology companies have successfully lobbied against most proposed consumer privacy regulations in the US.

Overall, users should not expect deleted Facebook messages to actually disappear from Facebook’s servers anytime soon. The limited visibility into Facebook’s internal practices means users have little choice but to trust Facebook’s security and responsible data use assurances.


In summary, when an Facebook user deletes a message, it is removed from view but still stored on Facebook’s servers for an undisclosed amount of time. The retained data can be accessed internally by Facebook for analysis purposes but is not available for ordinary users to retrieve.

Storing deleted messages allows Facebook to preserve information about user connections and activities which informs the platform’s algorithms and ad targeting. However, it also raises understandable privacy concerns for users who expect deleted content to vanish entirely.

Facebook maintains that storing deleted data is standard practice across the industry and that appropriate controls are in place to safeguard user privacy. But transparency is lacking around Facebook’s data retention policies and procedures.

Ultimately, users concerned about deleted Facebook messages have limited options beyond avoiding sending sensitive content or deleting their account. And even account deletion may not guarantee message data is erased from Facebook’s internal archives.